Outline and briefly explain two criticisms of the 'The Functionalist Perspective' on the family (10) Outline three ways in which the family might perform ideological functions (6) Using one example, explain what is meant the phrase 'the family is a unit of consumption' (4) Define the term Patriarchy (2) Outline and . Outline & Explain two functionalist perspectives on Education (10 marks) 8-10 Very good . 1. . ways an individual's social experiences may be shaped by disability . Exam technique - 'Outline and explain two advantages of using official statistics in sociological research (10 marks). When a system of social inequality is based on a hierarchy of groups, sociologists refer to it as stratification. so this video might be a better starting point than all of the material above. Is there really a structure that exists independently of individuals? This is probably overkill to get you the 10 marks. The concept of age identity is challenged by people who feel it has become a negative label, used to stigmatise the elderly. 10 Mark - No Item Outline and explain TWO It is extremely important as part of your study to plan out exam style questions. Durkheim views education as a miniature society and prepares children for the adult world, whereas Marxists would take the view that education creates conflict, children learn their obedience to capitalism. talcott parsons (1961), an american functionalist which expanded upon durkheim's writings in the 1950's and 1960's, expressed his view on the education system can be related to contemporary britain as being useful to provide a trained labour force as, this is useful to contemporary britain due to it being a advanced industrial economy, which Development - To make sociology appear more scientific in modern society. By arguing that certain institutions are necessary such as the family, religion and stratification systems they are actually justifying the existence of the social order as it is, also by focussing on the positive functions. Productive unit 4. ; The Functionalist Perspective: A broad social . This is quite an obvious idea really all Durkheim believed is that greater levels of human happiness and progress could be achieved if people cooperated together rather than competing like animals in a war of all against all over scarce resources. This is why it has been much more influential than taxonomies of nationalism or nations. Remote Esl Tutor Jobs Near Illinois, (Recorded with https://scr. Topic 1 - Functionalism, Strain and Subcultural Theory . There is no point writing out a full answer and spending hours on it if you are unsure of what the question is asking or if you are heading in a tangent to what is required. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 30. Parsons believed that societies had certain functional prerequisites. Generally speaking, people have shared experiences of the same village, the same activities and the same people all there lives. In Class Assessment Outline and explain the functionalist perspective of crime (6 marks) Literacy S04 SO7 . The source material has been used to The integration and regulation of individuals is a good thing. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Durkehim argued that, given the decline of religion, labour organisations and education would provide society with the necessary moral regulation in advanced industrial societies. Outline and explain two ways in which . Thus she argued that all societies needed mechanisms to ensure that these things did not happen. Outline and explain two ways in which the research design of a study could be made more scientific. In the 10 markers without an item questions, you are required to write TWO clear paragraphs which answer the question. 7.Outline and explain : two: criticisms that may be made of the functionalist view of the role of the education system. 01 Outline two problems of using laboratory experiments in sociological research. Finally, statistics still reveal some interesting correlations between someones position in the social structure and their chances of something happening to them. Too much freedom is bad for both the individual and society. Societies somehow have to ensure that individuals naturally selfish tendencies are restrained and in order to do this societies need to create a sense of social solidarity which is making individuals feel as if they part of something bigger and teaching them the standards of acceptable behaviour a process Durkheim called Moral regulation. 1. (This is actually quite Darwinian human beings thrive more than monkeys because they are more able to adapt their environment to suit them advanced industrial societies thrive because they are more able to adapt their environment compared to hunter- gatherer societies.). ALL: Define the key concepts, and explain the relevance to the individualMOST: Apply the ideas of 3 functionalist sociologists to an analysis of the benefits of education to society.SOME: Evaluate the functionalist ideas (positive and negative) . Outline two ways in which the concept of masculinity can be used to explain why males commit more crime than females. The System being organisms such as the human body, and society which fit . march of progress, criticise - ethnocentric - only really white wc who there's been positive changes for, Outline and explain two arguments against the view that sociology is a science (10), outline and explain two criticisms of functionalist perspectives in sociology (10 marks, feminism - nf isn't the best, patriarchy is oppressive, all the things they think are great actually reproduce patriarchy, marxism - isas! Remember, however, that this question is not marked as 5 + 5 but in bands. Explore a 10 mark outline and explain. This is supported by feminist sociologist, Oakley (1974). Outline and explain any two mechanisms of social control. Marxists argue that the ruling class, the bourgeoise, hold the means of production and exploit the proletariat. Outline and explain two ways in which . A, Av. One question 'Applying material from Item C and your knowledge, evaluate . (10 marks) Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. This means that there are a 3 of things that you must do in order to reach the top band marks: There are two types of 10 mark question that you will be asked in your exam. Mi cuenta; Carrito; Finalizar compra; Contacto; outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks . I would begin by highlighting the command (outline and explain), then continue by highlighting the concept in question (functionalism). Define the concept of identity. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 markshouses for rent in riverside, ca under $1,000. In Primitive society, for Example: Feudal Britain, before industrialisation were small scale and locally based, with people living in the same area all their lives. The Functionalist Theory of Society for A Level Sociology - Revision Notes. Outline and explain two reasons why experiments are often associated with positivist approach in . Introduction pictures of criminals/headlines. 2 paragraphs worth 5 marks each . 3.Functionalism exaggerates the extent of Value consensus and Social Order Parsons is criticised for assuming value consensus exists rather than actually proving it. Durkheim views education as a miniature society and prepares children for the adult world, whereas Marxists would take the view that education creates conflict, children learn their obedience to capitalism. Identify and explain two ways families influence gender-related behaviour. (10 marks) Outline and explain two reasons why some people argue that sociology cannot be a science. Societies are complex systems of interrelated and interdependent parts, and each part of a society significantly influences the others. https://www.tutor2u.net/sociologyAlso *New to 2019 set up a website to share with you any paper documents or hand-outs that accompany the videos please check them out! Outline and explain two problems of using the functionalist perspective to study todays society. Sociologists today employ three primary theoretical perspectives: the symbolic interactionist perspective, the functionalist perspective, and the conflict perspective. The strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. Examine key functionalist concepts. Take a CLICK here and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VpoZj33Df_rNb8KymCczw?sub_confirmation=1So what about me? Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. This act also divided the schools into what is the norm today, primary education and secondary education. Functionalism is based on consensus whereas Marxism is based on the notion of conflict. The domestic division of labour refers to the roles that men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work.1. Functionalists thus concluded that at the very least societies need some form of family and some form of stratification system in order to survive. Functionalism is a macro theory which means it looks at a wider sociological view. Durkheim believed that the social structure consisted of social facts phenomena which were external to the individual and constrained their ways of acting. A competent if quite basic description of the functionalist position is given, which is linked to the question at the end . (30 marks) Theory and Methods. The two writers should be separated out into 2 different paragraphs and this should be the structure of your 10 marker, and you should do this twice:P Point out what the theory is and what the role of the family hasT The theory relates to which writer says whatE Explain the point a bit further by including statistics or facts and figuresL- Link back to the original question as well as the point you made. Exam technique - look at how this could be developed for an 'Applying material from Item C and your knowledge, evaluate' question relating to official statistics (20 marks). This is because they argue that the economy is the sole cause for social change and inequality within society. 2. A01 - 4 out of 4 marks A02 - 7 out of 8 marks Total = 11 out of 12 marks Commentary This answer shows excellent knowledge of global culture, and a sociologist's name has been given as evidence. Point: One explanation for the gender division of labour is the cultural explanation. 10 Marks Level Descriptors 810 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and understanding of two . Writing in the 1940s and 1950s Talcott Parsons built on Durkheims work and developed Functionalism further. ways individuals may be socialised into a . Small, few children, male breadwinner 6. Mas. The Functionalist Perspective on The Family, The Functionalist Perspective on Education, Modernisation Theory (kind of Functionalism applied to Global Development), This History Learning Site post has a very basic overview of Functionalism, This video from the School of Life provides a useful non-A Level version of Durkheims thought A level Sociology really oversimplifies Durkheim to the point of mis-teaching him (sorry folks!) This question requires TWO clear paragraphs, which answer the question . Question Type 2: Applying material from Item A outline and . Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. Review key ideas about functionalism and their views on crime. Analyse . 29.Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. Durkheim highlights religion acts as a collective conscience (shared set of norms and values that make social cooperation and social integration possible). of the lower marks at this level. Answered by Sarita P. Outline two cultural factors . HMWK 'Outline and explain two ways in which the growth of sects and New Age movements may be related to secularisation . two . talcott parsons (1961), an american functionalist which expanded upon durkheim's writings in the 1950's and 1960's, expressed his view on the education system can be related to contemporary britain as being useful to provide a trained labour force as, this is useful to contemporary britain due to it being a advanced industrial economy, which Explain and Evaluate Functionalist, Marxist and Interactionist theories of Society. Functionalism views society like a biological organism. Optimum Emergency Wifi, 33 marks - 25 minutes. To score 11 or 12 marks, there should either Define the concept of status and illustrate with examples. . outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Outline and explain two functions of religion ( 10 marks) For functionalists society is based on value consensus, religion is a subsystem which contributes to social integration. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Sharp Alarm Clock Model Spc 019 Manual, (6 marks) Applying material from Item A, analyse two..(10 marks) . 30.Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. Outline and explain two ways in which a sociologist's values can affect their choice of research method. Topic 1 - Functionalism, Strain and Subcultural Theory . In order to understand Durkheims work you need to understand the historical context in which he was writing. 01 Outline two problems of using laboratory experiments in sociological research. Definition. He wanted to ensure that modern societies were harmonious and orderly, He wanted to create a science of society so that we could generate clear knowledge about how to bring about social order. Outline and Assess Interactionist explanations of Crime and Deviance (50 marks) Crime is defined as behaviour that goes against the laws of the land and deviance is behaviour that goes against the norms and values of a society. 6. In the 10 markers without an item questions, you are required to write TWO clear paragraphs which answer the question. [10 marks] STUDENT RESPONSE One advantage of questionnaires is that they provide a range of detailed quantitative data which are regarded as objective social facts by positivists and are therefore useful in quantitative analysis. One question 'Applying material from Item C and your knowledge, evaluate . This means that you can achieve up to 7 marks for an excellent single paragraph. This means that there are a 3 of things that you must do in order to reach the top band marks: 89% of the incidences are committed by men against their wives. Fred Ward Son Walking Dead, However, there are two assumptions I would question. A family is a kinship - people related by blood or marriage. (7192/3). have clear social functions, which ensure there is a broad . Postmodernists would be especially critical of the idea that society shapes the individual a postmodern, consumer age, your background and socialisation matter less consumer society and globalisation allow much more opportunity for individuals to shape their own identities in an active way. Both perspectives of Marx and Durkheim, aspired for a Utopian society. Question 3 is worth 10 marks and requires you to outline and explain two reasons; ideas; theories or problems. Durkheim argued that when people share the same reality and the same goals, and are closely reliant on one another, moral regulation and social solidarity are easily achieved. Marxism offered a radical alternative to the functionalism perspective and was developed in the 1970s. dua to make someone love you like crazy. Focussing on education, Durkheim argued that what education does is simultaneously teach us the diverse skills required for an advanced division of labour and provide us with shared norms and values through the teaching of subjects such as history and with there being shared assemblies. This is extremely difficult to do because it is impossible to isolate the effects of an institution on other things. Outline and explain twoways in which education socialises children. One-to-one online tuition can be a great way to brush up on your Sociology knowledge. b. Want to see a perfect 10? This social structure consists of norms values passed on through institutions which shape the individual. Here is 10/10 student answer from Q6 Outline and explain two problems of the functionalist perspective to study society today. [10 marks] 8.Using material from : . All crime is deviance but not all deviance is crime. Learn how your comment data is processed. Functionalism refers to a theory that states mental states including desires and beliefs constitute behavioral outputs, sensory inputs and other mental states. Durkheim is one of the founding fathers of Sociology. or 10 Item A Functionalist sociologists view the family as being an integral part of . (10 marks) 20-Ma rkers Theory & Method Questions If there is anything that is discussed on this channel that is not for public please contact me. For more help with the A-level sociology exams please see my Exams, Essays and Short Answer Questions page. 33 marks - 25 minutes. Those parts form a whole . Parsons argued that parts of society should be understood in terms of what they contribute to the maintenance of the whole.The bodyInstitutionsEach Organ has a unique functionInstitutions have a unique functionAll the bits essentially work together harmoniouslyAll institutions work together harmoniouslyOrgans are interdependentOrgans are interdependentHas an identifiable boundaryHas an identifiable boundary e.g nations.The sum is greater than its partsThe system is greater than its institutions .Normal: healthyNormal: low rates of social problemsThe Organic Analogy, Following the organic analogy, Parsons sought to understand institutions by analysing the positive functions they played in the maintenance of social order. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. should animals perform in circuses balanced argument Navigation. An outline of the reasons why marriage may appear to be less important in modern industrial societies while more important in traditional ones, such as the economic importance of arranged marriage in some societies, may gain up to 10 marks, but this will be undeveloped. They also ignore the really dark side of family life domestic violence. Socialisation is the process whereby individuals learn the norms and values of a society. 8 study hacks, 3 revision templates, 6 revision techniques, 10 exam and self-care tips. However, he realized that as societies evolved, so people became more individualistic more free and so maintaining social order became more of a problem for society. Fantastic venue (Vue Cinema) seeing the presentation on the big-screen and co-presenting with Duncan was fantastic. In this essay I will be covering Marxist, Interactionist and Functionalist theories of society. Durkheim believed that peoples behaviour was shaped by the system of norms and values that they were born into. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. They are of the opinion that change disrupts the orderly functioning of the system. The primary concepts within Functionalism are collective conscience, value consensus, social order, education, family, crime and deviance and the media. Functionalism is one of the key sociological perspectives and is known as a consensus theory as it is characterised by the idea that society requires shared norms and values in order for it function properly. Two marks for a satisfactory explanation and/or definition of 'culture', such as: shared norms and/or values. (10 marks) (30 marks) Theory and Methods. Outline and briefly explain two criticisms of the 'The Functionalist Perspective' on the family (10) Outline three ways in which the family might perform ideological functions (6) Using one example, explain what is meant the phrase 'the family is a unit of consumption' (4) Define the term Patriarchy (2) Outline and . First, it is a society made up of interrelated parts. Functionalist View of the Family Functionalist View of the Family 4 Look at the following list of functions ascribe them either to the nuclear family (functionalist) or the extended family of the past. [10 marks] Read Item B below and answer the question that follows. 5.Functionalism is a deterministic theory Human behaviour is portrayed as being shaped by the social system, as if individuals are programmed b social institutions. Introduction pictures of criminals/headlines. Religion helps to create social order and maintains the value consensus. Now reflecting back to Parsons analysis of the family and education, we can see that the reason he stresses the importance of these is because they are keeping together the most advanced society the best if the family etc. Outline And Explain the view that youth subcultures are a form of resistance to capitalism (33 Marks) A youth subculture is a youth-based subculture with distinct styles, behaviours, and interests. Evaluate the contribution of functionalist views to our understanding of the family. It follows that social stability is more likely if the people at the bottom of society the majority are tuned out. 10 Marks Level Descriptors 8 - 10 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and understanding of two . marx believed what ultimately shaped society and in . ways an individual's social experiences may be shaped by disability . Some of the positive functions Parsons identified include those below. First, it is a society made up of interrelated parts.
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