Prosperity from youth and in own city. Its the story that the kid who everyone in the ethnic community ostracized goes on to do bigger and better things than all the rest of them and becomes a representative of the ethnic minority. Sun in Nadir throws light on ones internal dynamics and feelings rather than seeking approval and attention from others. Sirius people know what happened in the past, even if they dont know it. I find this aspect has been very hard to deal with and runs counter to my native Taurean desire for stability, so much so I find theres little about me that resembles a Taurus anymore, other than qualities involving Tauruss ruler, Venus. PRETTY COOL, HUH? Thank you for answering!!! At this time, we could metaphorically do this, by not being able to hold our tongue and temper. [1]. A caring and loyal family. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. I recognize the look people have at you. }. In response, you may have a lot of anger in you, or can get frustrated easily. Could Rising mean positioned at the beginning of the orb, and Culminating mean towards the end of the orb, sort of like a cusp at the beginning and end of the orb? Jupiter in hard aspect to Sirius is the easiest type of Sirius placement to deal with, since Jupiter is exalted in the Moons sign. I mean what would Sirius conjunct North Node mean? eight Its image is a hound or a little virgin. Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. That is quite true. Both are in 11th in Virgo. These persons are usually misdiagnosed as having heart trouble and are put on restrictive diets so as to avoid cholesterol buildup and so forth. Make you free chart here and see if there is anything within a few degrees of 14 Cancer. Jupiter in the 4th house is a great placement as the person generally has a positive outlook. Since I heard the word sirius for the first time I felt I need to know more about this. When is the heliacal rising of Sirius? Moon conjunct Sirius:Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business. I do have Pluto at 1232 in Scorpio actually, dont know if thats strong enough. Performing these roles makes Venus-Sirius people feel like theyre alienated from themselves. Ha! [3] I have been attempting to study Venus quintile Neptune and started noticing the cardinal points again in my chart. But then Saturn is in a tight trine with my Sun conjunct Mercury H5. MC @ 11 cancer Mercury-Sirius people often experience marginalization through labor. The rest of my chart are 1st house Sun, 5th house Mars, 7th house Pluto, 10th house Jupiter, 12th house Saturn. Just a thought take it or leave it. However, Ive found that the ideals of intersectionality, that its going to create positive channels of communication between different power relations so that those of us who are othered in more ways than one can position ourselves, dont really do anything for Sirius people. . If you have moon in double aspect to your ascendant, it shows that safety and security play an important role in how you view life. However with the hard aspect, (square and oppositions), the person needs to make it work, there is a challenge, external or internal that needs to be worked out. Its likely early family moved a lot. Although Sun is exalted in Aries in its home in the 1st house but to be honest, Im nothing like those lively, energetic, outgoing, confident fiery people who love to be the center of attention. Wow, when good transits go bad, christ. Tank you for your job, i apreciate. At first, Sirius was just something I noticed. Uranus is also in a 1 degree sextile to my AC & a 1 degree trine to my DC. Chiron is at 1312 cancer. If someone has Saturn in 6th conjunct Descendant, the person will still attract people who embody the Saturn characteristics wise, authoritarian, wise, mature, etc.. but Saturns energy will also play out in the 6th house of work, health, which means they may meet Saturn kind of people in their workplace (not just in personal relationships). When you have many planets around an angular houses or conjunct an angle, then there is an emphasis on a angular disposition, which means you have a strong need to express the energy of the planets that are conjunct the angles. Hi Jamie This New Moon placement is a powerful one-it's a time to reinvent yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. And the hottest part of the year we still call the dog days, though, through the variation as observed in different latitudes, and the precession of the equinoxes, its rising has long ceased to have any relation to those days. I am an older starseeda or old-soul starseed and have been incarnating on . Maybe some tragedy affecting a whole generation. The Sun in hard aspect to Sirius is about soft power. Ascendant conjunct Sirius and born in the day: Capable of commanding, valiant, energetic, active, fearless, submissive, greedy, hard and haughty, a military leader, tyrannical, glorious. I cant figure out its meaning or find any info anywhere! Then got extremely anxious in my youth and now as a adolescent the feeling returns. Also, sometimes Saturn pluto is about delay, or a rocky difficult climb to get where you want to go that takes time and resources. 2.5K views 11 months ago Having conjunctions with the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of the more common types of synastry aspects I see in deeply bonded. [7]. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Thank you! I am sure your access will be in this field and will come. I have Sirius in 4. Nadir is the northern most (lowest) point in the chart and is opposite to the MC. Thanks for this too Lisa. Since Saturn is a social planet, Saturn-Sirius people dont experience Sirius-related issues as a personal issue but one that affects everyone from the homeland. Uranus (10th house) and Neptune (9th house) conjunct my MC, opposite Moon (3rd house) conjunct IC. sirius conjunct ascendant In the natal chart, the Sun shows how much energy you have. Perhaps well bred or born into a wealthy or successful family. Possibly, the rise in station is made possible by protection from people of influence. Just found your site! Saturn is in detriment in Cancer and Saturn-Sirius issues are difficult since they result from geopolitical problems. If the conjunction is really tight, the person could be a poster child for the planet, and they project the energy of the conjunct planet in a very direct manner. My venus is in 4th house in Gemini (Mercur, I have a perfect yod with Neptune in Libra, Pluto in Leo and the North Node, Hi. With Neptune, itd make you a wanderer, a lost child within a vast world, and I have this strong urge to give all of my earnings to unlucky people. With Mars conjunct MC is an indication of physical component in ones career. I feel a bit confused about what I really want and want for my life I feel like something is going to change but I dont know where it will come from , (I clarify that Venus also has a separative quinquncio (150 ) with Uranus and applicative with Neptune , I appreciate your sharing your point of view . I love Independence, but what worries me is that this Uranus is opposite my DC, which means men I attract are quite uranian and unstable. It is as if they are born with a special understanding of this energy. AC aries. Home / Fixed Stars / Canis Major Constellation / Sirius Star. She spoke 9 languages, and was very much a part of the intellectual life of Alexandria. Animated generally people who have planets near the angles have more intensity (internally or externally). My mercury/uranus/neptune conjunction on the IC are exactly opposite to the Sirius/MC. Especially when Sirius hard aspects the Moon, it creates a sense of cultural alienation. She was the one who makes money after our dad passed away. Likely there was a lot of moving around. Which is the Dutch TV journal. The eclipse would be the start of her reign, more or less. This aspect indicates a very strong attraction between you. 41 people love it! Sirius shows up in the charts of my clients way more than any other fixed star. It was not part of the subject and i didnt respond but on my way home it felt very weird xD. Saturn is about exodus and genealogy. Jamie, what about opposition to Sirius? The Descendant is an overlooked angle. I am prone to forceful outbursts. I am libra. I am eventually going to add celebrities to these pages for each planet and AC, MC. I have Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn at 22 degrees and 21 degrees and both conjunct my ascendant at 18 degrees and opposite my Moon at 21 Cancer and square Mercury and I always feel either very calm or extremely nervous and high strung its such a weird combination, Gavin,,, you are right you need to watch out for nervous energy due to anxiety. Hi, I have Neptune 5 degrees from my ascendant in Scorpio (in the 12th house), Uranus 8 degrees from my MC and Pluto 8 degrees and 19 minutes, (does that count?) If you want a reading on career path, chart compatibity, prediction, etc., click here for more details. Histories are revealed in the science fiction novels, in the fantasy series, and in the animes. Susan Boyles Mars is at 13 Cancer, it makes sense her success was delayed because she also has Venus square Saturn. This will put three of them squaring my Ascendant. Venus and Mars are about the normal and the abnormal. ?thank you. With the Nodes, you can combine the interpretations of the Sun and the Moon conjunct Sirius. The only astrologer using this method is Bernadette Brady and I believe she sold her idea to them. Sun-Sirius people are able to attract people to them who identify with the role of the misfit or the rule breaker. It is not about being practical. I mean humans and spiritual living entities are on a road to self mastery and perfection. How is that? I mean, the ruler of my 7th should be Mars, isnt it? I've heard that if you have a planet or star conjunct your Ascendant , then you have the traits of that planet or star. [1], This is not extremely difficult. It is about simulated memories. Silvano, I have Uranus in my Ascendant square Moon conjunct my MC, and I have similar experience but related to my career lot of changes. So you see the struggle ..because you do value being secure but at same time there is a need to be in a career that is not just based on practicality? I wish I knew! eclipse. Hello Nicole Your grand trine between Mars Pluto and Sun can be powerful if you use it right. Any advice to get over this Uranus opp DC?? If linked to Pluto then even a genetic disorder. I have similar kind of configuration involving my ascendant and yes it can be intense but it is also a configuration which is helpful to manifest things. Favorable for hunting, besieging towns, and the revenge of princes, destroys harvests and fruits, and hinders the operation of the physician. Well maybe see you later at a UN conference or something haha :), Hi i have serius conjunct my lilith in the end of tenth house, what does this mean, My natals: Born July 6, 1982 I know a guy who has Chiron -2 degrees away for angle- and Mars -7 degrees away- in the 1st conj Asc plus Pluto in the 6th house -4 degrees away- and Uranus in 7th house -7 degrees again- in the 7th. In the ancient Akkadian it is called Kasista, which means the Leader and Prince of the heavenly host. The history of keeping dogs evolved alongside settler colonialism. What about chiron conjunct sirius? Thanks very much, Hello Ambrose, it shows that although you may have opportunities to shine in you career, your career path could be transformational and challenging. Planets in the ICare expressed better when theperson accepts this energy in their life. Maybe there is no family issues but instead in your latter years you get involved with some kind of healing field of work in which you have an opportunity to be well known for either among your family or community, or status. I have my IC weirdly enough exactly at 1405 Cancer. Only conjunctions are used in fixed stars astrology. Mercury-Sirius people are always trying to make sense of their histories and want to formulate or strategize a way out of their histories of oppression. = Isolationism is something that haunts Sirius people, whether it manifests in exceptionalism or marginalization or both. Consider that my neptune is conjunct to my vertex. Anyone want to chime in ? Hello Charot, with Neptune in MC first of all. All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Im drawing bad energy from others like its my job. I was the smart one everywhere I go, which makes me really uncomfortable. Think of roots of a tree or plant; they are buried beneath. Mars opposes Jupiter and Saturn (the Saturn aspect is tighter). Ok! This interpretation of Uranus in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Intensity? According to tradition, Sirius will give a famous death with honors beyond the grave, if positioned in the 8th house. The promise that the USA holdsthat its a place where dark sheeps from all walks of life come togetheris a Sirius narrative. i have a post about moon conjunct mars. I would say that that the orb decreases the power goes down, but either side of the angles should be counted. But now that neptune is about to reach my saturn in pisces im kind of exploding like a volcano lots of energy that i am trying to channel in very important projects (saturn) but also many daylight dreams. Its obvious in the unusual relationships i have, & that people have always seen me as different. People with lot of planets in angular houses feel like they are on a mission to do something important in this life and people can sense this fire. what does this mean? The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.46. Thank you for your wonderful site and if you get opportunity to answer. Moon conjunct the MC (yes, a full moon baby on top of it all) and had a parent who died young and many difficulties finding career stability as everything I love to do is the creative realm and not financially viable so have always had jobs while trying to carve out time to do what I really am drawn to. If rising or culminating, kingly preferment. Pluto conjunct the ASC is very different from any of the above. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. skechers go walk joy - simple voyage; does pallas have a moon. It could also mean that you partnerships, intimate and business, are very successful. Can you tell me about Jupiter in the fourth house conjunct ic, Can you also tell me about Jupiter opp Midheaven, Cori, usually Jupiter conjunct IC is fortunate as it shows some support from family and home life. Although I am not sure I quite grasped how the energy of the planets conjunct IC is like, when you mean they are more internalised? 194-211. yeah, Saturn can offer resistance to the Uranus Pluto energy but the What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? I have always been searching for angular planets info though sadly there isnt much out there and most of it I dont resonate with. I have lived in many places. It signifies ones emotional quality, ones family, root, home and land. Also Sirius is a very hot star & its energy provided must find an outlet or it burns. If so, what would be your interpretation of Sirius rising? All of the clients who have hard personal aspects with Sirius have some kind of relationship with some kind of lone wolf complex, which its something that they see shape their own lives or whether its shaped the personality of someone close to them. [7]. impact, travel to an area where Sun and Venus on MC. I only knew about Chiron there before. They usually have many health checkups from the fear that they may be having heart problems but they are just wasting their time and money. URANUS IN ASTROLOGY Shows Where and How You Bring Fire! If you are a Virgo rising, you see the world as something to be fixed. It sees itself as a shelter for those who have been estranged from the rest of the world. The DC can also be seen as you inner man (for a woman) or inner woman (for a man), or what you ideally want in a partner, if not exactly what you get in a partner. Which house is Saturn located and what house does it rule- where you experience restriction may depend on this. It can be a person who awakens your own kinesthetic ability, or who can help you take it to a new level. Dogs are for the John Wicksfor the cowboys. My natal Cancer Uranus is 15 (9th); my Cancer MC is 18 (10th) The Uranus conjuncture with Sirius rings totally true for me all of it. Posts: 695 From: Cypress Registered: Mar 2014: posted June 25, 2014 07:36 PM I'm not entirely sure what anything conjunct descendant means actually, so I'd like some info on it please. They can often feel as though the marginalized identity that they perform is not authentic to them but that it is a learned behavior. who desires Deaneira, the wife of Heracles, and kidnaps her. And indeed, things usually work out in your favor. I have a Sirius conjunct Descendant/ opposite Ascendant exact (orb 0 04). Do any of the main hopefuls have strong fixed star placements in their charts? Rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. This is more true for those who have retrograde Uranus wherein it is more difficult to express your uniqueness through action. to see the whole picture, Hi! Wow, good question Lawrence. I have a ascendant in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter in 1st house and Pluto in 12th house 0 (both in retrograde) and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. They feel that they dont fit into narratives around what foreignness means. While Venus-Sirius people feel alienated from themselves, Mars-Sirius people feel alienated from other people. I have experienced the same issues. Luckily the turbulence has blown over now, but it was very difficult to deal with at the time. This is because Sirius is about 16 south of the ecliptic. He or she was fanatical or obsessed. guess the soccer player unblocked. [1], This point develops large family ties for these individuals. Mercury and Jupiter are about labor. [], Part of Fortune conjunct Sirius: RuPaul 236, Sun conjunct Sirius: Success in business, occupation connected with metals or other martial affairs, domestic harmony. If you have a Chiron connection in synastry with someone else, you may find yourself with the ability to touch and feel them on that level, and they you. I dont have a strong family bond. Conjunct the ASC is very much stronger and so they struggle to feel solid. Hello, AstroManda! Thanksfully theyve settled down with their own husbands. I was almost the eighth [of January]. [5], Jupiter conjunct Sirius: Business success, journeys, help from relatives, ecclesiastical preferment. But if a transiting planet were on Sirius, it would affect how you experience that square to your Moon. It is positioned in the neck of Canis Major, the Greater Dog. I hope you remember to come back with an update when your potential is realized. Poor Uranus and mars are a bit left out. Hi David. you need a job that is right from your heart but also which is flexible and has independence. Since the conjunction is on your Descendant, your rewards and honors won't come until you are in a solid partnership/relationship. Interesting article- I have Pluto conjunct the Ascendant and have always been drawn to extreme depth and intensity in music, art and psychology. I have Venus tight conjunct (1degree) my IC. Would you please give an example about how a Leo ascendant person would see the world? With Uranus exactly on your angle (Ascendant), your actions and behavior are very independent and different from the crowd. Again, it is important to remember that Sirius wants you to realign yourself with people. Is it about a partner whos known? with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter & Mars My ascendant is at 15 degrees Libra, Moon is at 16, Jupiter at 18, and Mars at 23(all conjunct from first house). They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. Its a good thing to have passion. Fantastic article!! I have Mercury and Mars in a conjunction with MC, opposite Neptune conjunct IC. Nice to have the asc and nadir rather than mc and desc I find, personal thing I guess. Its interesting to say the least. What does this mean? Would love to hear your thoughts? I want to know if career is supposed to be hard or easy and is that a self destructive placement The whole Paran 45 degree aspect has my brain in a actual uproar. Often great personalities were heavily influenced by the fixed stars. From COURIC: In the night. (Its a glass half empty, or half full? type of chart, and Im trying to figure out how to make positive use of it. Always wanted to be in some sort of service field. Thats why it creates alienationbecause alienation is an anachronism where fictional experiences become real. It is just that they see the power in you. Here are some observations and delineations of the personal planets and Jupiter in aspect to Sirius. Searching I found your page! The fixed stars used to mark the moon mansions all sit along the ecliptic (path of the Sun), or Moon in this case. They may find themselves attracting people who are conservative, older folks (or those who behave older), authority figures, people who push them into following rules, and this may also lead to conflicts since it opposes the ascendant. Also when my progressed Moon was conjunct MC/Sirius earlier this year, I received a lot of praise and attention for an extra-curricular project I did at work. David Beckham 018, Drew Barrymore 127, Mary Shelley 143. Moon conjunct MC may be expressed asa need to mother everyone and may choose a career where this can be consciously expressed. (Aquarius, actually.) Add one degree per 72 years to correct for. From what I have gathered a Star Paran a planet 45 degree angle is powerful or is the Aspect only powerful when on the actual angles of the horoscope ? However, Sirius doesnt deal with real memory but fabricated memory. Algol is the beta, or second brightest, star in the constellation of Perseus. I also have Jupiter at 16 of Capricorn in my 10th house, conjunct to my MC within 2 orbs. For the Nodes with the fixed stars, you can combine the interpretation for Sun and Moon. a- ceres conj moon, sun conj ceres. I was born with a 6 planet stellium libra in 9th house. I think I am done with that and I hope my next job will be in entertainment industry, meaning I am done with delays. Marginalization is experienced as a direct result of losing the homeland. May I ask Jamie, how about professed Sun @ 13 degrees Cancer about to conjunct Sirius over next few years in Natal 11th House? I have researched the matter a bit because I see it in other interpretations as well. The naming of the fixed star Sirius, the Dog-star, derives from the Greek Seirios (Sparking, Scorching). ive been searching for answers a long time. It's intense! He's caught up in this, obviously. The popular dog breedsAustralian shepherds, German shepherd, French bulldog, Newfoundlandare nationalisms and fantasies of settler colonialism. They all square my Sun/Mercury conduction in Sag. Rather, Sirius simply likes to orbit itself because it is an anachronistic star. Fixed stars only work in conjunction so your MC is not affected by Sirius, but the fixed star Vega. Nadja, with Neptune aspecting your MC, the challenge is find something that is right for you irrespective of practical consideration, and I understand it is easier said than done. AppLeo Well-known member Aug 12, 2017 #8 katydid said: Since the conjunction is on your Descendant, your rewards and honors won't come until you are in a solid partnership/relationship. These planets I hold my heart for whats about to come.. Venus square Saturn can hinder success if it leads to depression. I was wrapping my head about the possible meanings of that. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. Consumption of oranges helps to balance the energy and oranges should be an important part of the diet. The goal is to diminish the ego. Person is his own counter culture. I have Pluto Rx conjunct ascendant H1 in Scorpio. Im wondering how does it work the combination of Pluto/Uranus wanting intensity/freedom and what is the role of Chiron here. I also have a 12th house Neptune in Sag tightly square this Moon / M.C conjunction. SIGN UP for real time webinars on basic to advanced classes. Ascendant-Vertex: When someone's Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant, your Vertex is conjunct their Ascendant. Saturn-Sirius issues can be around actual exodus or migrancy. Probably Canopus? Thanks for this great article. Venus-Mars delineations for all Scorpio Venus and Mars combos. And to be honest for my whole life I felt I have a world destiny. I could use some insight on that if youre willing. Nor, do I have a lot of financial success ( No planets in the 10th except for Juno).. With Jupiter in the 4th, I have worked for a real estate agent, have had Spiritual gatherings in my home, Done home health care and cleaned houses, (self employed). the more planets conjunct an angle, there is more chance for prominence. This is why the Sun is about the familiar while the Moon is about the foreign. As in youth, I am distrustful of authority and will not take well to it. But I like to spend a lot of time at home and work at home in a home office. I have zero planets in water signs (if you exclude south node, anti-vertex and ceres that is), but Im nothing like the description astrologers always put of someone lacking water signs. Also while I have you here and might as well pick your brain would a transiting moon paran ones natal Jupiter be good for gambling ? [1] The manufacture of weapons for hunting and the raising of hunting dogs. But there is also very little information about the orb of the fixed stars, and from what I have gathered in my research, a 240 degree orb for the brightest star in the sky (Sirius) is radically underestimating its astrological influence. She was the queen of the gods, and also, Yods in AstrologyYod is an astrological aspect that has 2 quincunx (150 degrees) and 1 sextile (60, Thefirst Ebola case diagnosed on US soil, a Liberian man, died on the same day as the, An opposition aspect in astrology is when two natal bodies are separated by 180 degrees in the, Midpoints are halfway points between any stellar bodies in the natal chart and incorporate the energies of, (This study was submitted to NCGR for Level IV research and also presented in NCGR Research Symposium, In Vedic Astrology, Kalasarpa Yoga occurs when all the planets except for outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and, A plane with 150 people crashed on March 24, 2015, at the French Alps near Digne, France, Ingress Charts are extremely useful in Mundane Astrology and it shows the potential energy in a chart. Ascendant degree changes to next degree every four minutes therefore time of birth requires complete reliability Venus is the disciplinary power of norm setting and Mars is the perceived threat of the cultural outsider. hits your Saturn, there may be some chaos in the area that Saturn is located. I have always been searching the meaning for that aspect and I had a hard time acknowledging my Venus, it was only a few years ago that I started to allow this side of me emerge, and now I realised its a very important part of me! This however does not indicate your single starseed origin, when in fact, we are from everywhere. It keeps them tied to the family circle, including all the relatives. The USA is built on anachronistic histories and fabricated memories. A great website you made.