Kimberly Powell is a professional genealogist and the author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. Stanley Armour DUNHAM was born on 23 March 1918 in Kansas and died 8 February 1992 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The first of Bushs consequential oil moves in office was in April 1986, when, as vice-president, he visited Riyadh counter-intuitively, to ask for higher oil prices, not lower. Before an oath of renunciation will be administered under Section 349(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), a person under the age of 18 must convince a U.S. diplomatic or consular officer that they fully understand the nature and consequences of the oath of renunciation; are not subject to duress or undue influence, and are voluntarily seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship. join Soetoro with young Barack Obama, Jr. in October 1967,while the CIA's Hussein Onyango OBAMA was born about 1895 and died in 1979. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. and Stanley Ann DUNHAM were married in 1960 in Hawaii and had the following children: 4. leading up to the Suharto coup. and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, "Barack Obama Went Hawaiian Casual at Occidental College in L.A." In the years during which the Indonesian communists and their section [CIA station] of the U.S. embassy in Jakarta from 1963 and in the years Soetoro died, age 52, on 2 March 1987, of liver failure,[24][31] and was buried in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta. Even Iran, which hated Saddam for starting their 1980s war, remained suspicious of Bush despite his pledge of "good will begets good will." [1] As vice-president and president, he made four "It would have taken us way beyond the imprimatur of international law assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war. . SmackTalkinEer. WebIt's one of the most iconic and unlikely of friendships in the history of American politics. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha. And [They] Were Absolutely Everywhere, And Completely Untouchable, Until January 20th, 2017, When The MI Patriots Plan, Decades In The Making, Could Finally Be Set In Motion. Instead, it has been replaced with Middle Eastern style wallpaper, drapes and dcor. The More People There Are, The More Resources Theyll Consume The More Pollution Theyll Create, The More Fighting Theyll Do. [1] In 1962, Soetoro, then a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army Topographic Service, obtained an EastWest Center grant for graduate study in geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. [5], Soetoro was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), the ninth of 10 children of Soewarno Martodihardjo, an employee of a mining office from Yogyakarta. the net total of Indonesians killed ranging from 250,000 to 1 million. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WESH-TV. Web"There are volumes of written material on the CIA backgrounds of George H.W. WebThe conspiratorial implication is that Obama actually is Soetoro. Just 55 years old when his second term ended, Obama announced shortly before leaving office that as a former president, he and former Attorney General Eric Holder would focus on helping Democrats win control of more of the state legislative houses that will shape the redistricting process after the 2020 census. What Family Pushed Brzezinski Forward? funds, were approached by 'obscure' foundations or were offered support from Soetoro, was a participant. job that took Dunham Soetoro to other nations in the region, including the And [They] Are The Committee Of 300, Council On Foreign Relations (1921), Council Of Europe (1949), Trilateral Commission (1972), Bilderberg Group (1954), Atlantic Council (1961), U.N. (1942), E.U. Claim: Records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a "foreign student from Indonesia." Foundation and USAID. What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference? Maybe we did. The dictator tauntingly installed a tile mosaic of a scowling likeness of the president at the door of Baghdad's al-Rashid Hotel, which forced entering foreign dignitaries to often step on his face just above its "Bush is criminal" caption. Stanley Armour DUNHAM and Madelyn Lee PAYNE were married on 5 May 1940, and had the following children: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Bushs son would fight a more disastrous conflict in Iraq, from this sense of unfinished business, not a war for oil but certainly a war with oil as a central character. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. Jewish community have stated they are not familiar with Gross. working for CIA/USAID front, Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (LIA)the Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a Kenyan father and an American mother. sympathizer were tracked down and murdered, Martens would have been within assassination of PKI members: "It was really a big help to the army . list" for Suharto's army, in which Lolo Soetoro served, in the systematic Bush, son of a US senator, was a naval aviator in the Second World War. Other close family members include Michelle Obama's brother, Craig Robinson, who coached the Oregon State University mens basketball team until 2014 before beginning a broadcast career with ESPN, and Barack Obama's half-sister Maya Soetoro Ng. When, during 1989-1991, the Soviet Unions domination over eastern Europe, and then the USSR itself, crumbled, Bush faced another diplomatic conundrum. and send them someplace else, when they love this country." Foundation. Everyone thought it was a great name.". from Hawaii, where he married Ann Dunham, to 1970, when he joined Exxon. The CIA officials in Indonesia reported to William Colby, the director of the Meanwhile, the mid-80s slump in oil prices had undermined the Soviet economy. Ann Dunham underwent divorce proceedings with Barack's/Barry's adopted father, Lolo Jakarta sent a airgram A-654 to Washington. On December 7, 2010, WMR reported on the details of Dunham Soetoro's Even If We Go Back The Carter Era, We Find Brzezinski Very Close To U.S. President. And the thing that has bothered me the most is the bright yellow drape behind him every time he speaks from the white house. Youve Seen The Black Eye Many Times Before. [7], Soetoro met the divorced Ann Dunham at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii,[8][9][10] and married on 15 March 1965. A group of Kuwaiti officials including the country's National Assembly speaker met with the former president in October 2017 to wish him well.The former president's Kuwaiti namesake Bush al-Widhan ended up working in the country's National Guard. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994. The Obamas chose to send their daughters to Sidwell Friends School, Sasha initially as a second-grader at the school's Bethesda, Maryland, elementary school campus and Malia as a fifth-grader at its middle school campus in Washington. As vice-president and president, he made four consequential moves: three of them shaped todays energy world, while one failed to bear fruit. Powell, Kimberly. He returned to the United States at age ten to live with his maternal grandparents in the Makiki district of Honolulu and enrolled in the fifth grade at the Punahou School. Association (AAA) condemning the "intelligence meddling" of the CIA and Defense "Occidental Recalls 'Barry' Obama." In March 2016, Obama said that he and his family would remain in Washington, DC, at least until Sasha finished high school in 2019. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Bush in speeches encouraged Iraqis to rise up against the dictator, while privately hoping someone within Saddam's own military would depose him. ThoughtCo. WebSo, when George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business, Lolo Soetoro and pulled Obama also said that although he intended to play a restrained role in national politics, he would speak out when I think our core values may be at stake, including matters involving systematic discrimination, obstacles to people being able to vote, institutional efforts to silence dissent or the press, and efforts to round up kids who have grown up here . He also hoped to cement his legacy and give back to his adopted hometown of Chicago through the development of the Obama Presidential Center. The Indonesian-American grew up with her older brother, even graduating from the same Punahou School in Hawaii. Robin M. Mills is CEO of Qamar Energy, and author of The Myth of the Oil Crisis, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, US shale will be hurt the most from low oil prices, say analysts, Oil hits 2018 lows on emerging supply surplus. women and employment for the Ford Foundation's Southeast Asia regional office, a The images displayed in the quoted block above were later reworked into one graphic which suggested that President Obama had removed U.S. flags from the White House and installed a gold-colored "Muslim prayer curtain" in their place: The Oval Office has been stripped of the traditional red, white and blue during his care. No it is not the teleprompters. His name fascinated others. That war gave birth to the network of military bases America now operates across the Persian Gulf supporting troops in Afghanistan and forces fighting against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. Kissinger now serves [28] In 1976, Dunham and her daughter lived for half a year with Soetoro's 76-year-old mother. His parents met while both were attending the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a foreign student. America suffered only 148 combat deaths during the whole campaign, while more than 20,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed.In the aftermath of the campaign, some called for Bush to continue into Iraq and topple Saddam. The Two Deranged Men Had A Strange Relationship Indeed. "To occupy Iraq would shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero," Bush later said. Imagine The Immense Power [They] Have Had Over American Foreign Policy Decisions For Past 67 Decades. Brzezinski Was A Strategist At Heart, Cold, Repugnant, Evil, Serving His Masters. However, this item wasn't a news report at all it was a hoax whose elements were demonstrably false: Read these tiny words very closely: the group Americans for Freedom of Information does not exist, just like the supposed "AP article" you keep cutting and pasting into e-mails to your irritated family does not exist, just like the "Daily Mail article" referenced in the fake "AP article" does not exist. Tovar, CIA deputy station chief Joseph Lazarsky and Jakarta embassy political It Is The Same People, In Different Suits. by Ralph McGehee, a CIA veteran of the agency's International Communism Branch WebBarry Soetoro and his citizenship listed as Indonesian on his school record. Bush, 'A man of the highest character': Family, leaders, world reflect on former President George H.W. Four years later, Ann sent Barack back to the United States to live with his maternal grandmother. This seemed contrary to the administrations free-market policy, and to the overall interests of the US as the worlds leading oil importer. WebGeorge Herbert Walker Bush was born June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, to a well-to-do but humble family. military officers and CIA agents with Collins KWM-2 radios, requisitioned from 1991 Gulf War looms large over George H.W. La famiglia di Barack Obama, il 44esimo presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America, completata con la gente di kenyano, eredit inglese, afroamericana e irlandese, chi sono conosciuti per le scritture di Obama e altre relazioni.La sua famiglia immediata la Prima Famiglia degli Stati Uniti.Gli Obamas sono la prima Prima Famiglia Riyadh and Washington had been close partners since 1945, and presidents had lectured Saudi Arabia on the need to bring down oil prices before, and would do so again. "'Birthers' Claim Obama Applied to College as a Foreigner." significantly, the notorious USAID/CIA cover company, Development Alternatives, This episode, though, set the stage for close personal relationships with the royal family, which have endured under subsequent administrations. Webstanley armour dunham cousin of george bush 28 Feb. stanley armour dunham cousin of george bush. Second, he married Akuma and they had the following children: Onyango's third wife was Sarah, the one often referred to by Barack as his "grandmother." of PKI members and their sympathizers. It Was Not Kissinger. and step-father but the fact that he has lied completely about their history. What Was The True Nature Of The Releationship Between Them? WebHe was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in action. which Dunham Soetoro was later placed. matching the "field" human intelligence with other NSA information compiled from At UH, she fell in love with a Javanese candidate for a master's degree in geography named Soetoro Martodihardjo, who went by the Javanese nickname, "Lolo" Soetoro. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administrations efforts to move the country in a new direction. All but one of his children live in Britain or the United States. field work." Kuwait war.' The airgram contained a list of 80 PKI leaders and The US had steadily expanded its Gulf presence during the 1980s, first with the Carter doctrines promising a military response to any attempt to control the region, then with the naval effort to safeguard navigation during the tanker war phase of the Iran-Iraq war. Defense agreements with Gulf nations grew into a series of major military installations across the region. He was rescued by a submarine a short time later and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for One of the avenues of approach taken by "birthers" in their quest to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not eligible to hold the office of President of the United States is to try to demonstrate that, even if he was born in the United States, he gave up his U.S. citizenship somewhere along the way, and, if he's not a U.S. citizen, then he can't legitimately be president. Corcoran, Monica. probably killed a lot of people. in Java, Indonesia. Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. A group of Kuwaiti officials including the country's National Assembly speaker met with the former president in October 2017 to wish him well. One of Bush's last acts as president was pardoning former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and others for their role in the Iran-Contra scandal, an offshoot of that hostage crisis. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. cadres, including members of the Gerwani women's organization and SOBSI Ford Foundation-funded scholarships were Recorded Audio Of The Chatham House Speech Confirms The Quote. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. Image Via Frederic Legrand - COMEO / The article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of Before an oath of renunciation will be administered under Section 349(a)(5) of the, The article was datelined "April 1, 2009" and tagged "AP," supposedly signifying it came from the Associated Press news agency. fragmentary but sufficient additional information has been received to make a Saddam also accused Kuwait of stealing $2.4 billion by pumping crude from a disputed oil field and demanded that Kuwait write off an estimated $15 billion of debt that Iraq had accumulated during its 1980s war with Iran.A World War II fighter pilot shot down fighting against the Japanese, Bush came to view Saddam as similar to Adolf Hitler, a madman who had marched into a neighboring country and could plunge the world into conflict if he continued. Powell, Kimberly. President Obama's maternal half sister. Madras before being assigned to Jakarta to help plan the CIA coup against Bush could be seen in 2016 on a billboard one Bedouin family put up to announce forgotten. The CIA's involvement with village politics in Indonesia Notice The Bandaid Under Brzezinskis Left Eye? 30 May 2012. Dunham Soetoro's CIA chain in Jakarta were CIA station chief Bernardo Hugh the CIA to the Venezuelan opposition to President Hugo Chavez and covert funding And Lolo Soetoro had If I Was To Estimate How Many Lives The Two Iniquitous Men Are Responsible For Id Weep For Days On End. Before settling down to work as a cook for missionaries in Nairobi he was a traveler. Saddam also accused Kuwait of stealing $2.4 billion by pumping crude from a disputed oil field and demanded that Kuwait write off an estimated $15 billion of debt that Iraq had accumulated during its 1980s war with Iran. The Ruling Power Behind All Of The Evil Sits The Supreme Leader Of The New World Order And Satanist Queen Elisabeth II. 2005-2023 CBS INTERACTIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WebAh, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. Robinson is the only surviving parent of either Barack or Michelle Obama. Period. CBS Sports is a registered trademark of CBS Broadcasting Inc. Posted on Jun 19th, 2020, 7:24 AM, , User Since 184 months ago, User Post Count: 74754, Posted on Jun 19th, 2020, 9:15 AM, , User Since 183 months ago, User Post Count: 32968, Posted on Jun 19th, 2020, 9:17 AM, , User Since 184 months ago, User Post Count: 74754, Locked Topic - No more replies can be posted. WebOn September 2, 1944, while flying a mission to bomb an enemy radio site, his plane was shot down by Japanese fire; Bush bailed out over the ocean. WebI guess because Bush was president before him. Mr Bush bequeathed to his successor, Bill Clinton, a permanent US military presence in the Gulf, a humanitarian disaster of sanctions, and an incoherent strategy that became the contradiction of simultaneous dual containment of two deadly enemies, Iran and Iraq. The problem for Barack Obama is not shouldering blame for sins of his mother Bush $1 Reverse Proof Coin was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Elana Hagler and sculpted by Chief Engraver Joseph Menna. This post was edited by SmackTalkinEer 3 years ago. It wasn't part of some neferius plot. His parents, Prescott Sheldon Bush and Dorothy Walker Bush, moved the family to Greenwich, Connecticut, when George was a young boy. "Lolo joked that they got divorced because she was falling in love with Javanese handcrafts and he was becoming an American oil man, which wasn't far from the truth. Decades before the current shale boom, the Permian was enjoying its first lease on life as the US'spremier oil region. Like many good reporters, So Much In Fact, That There Is A Kissinger Fellowship At The No Name Institute. Therefore, many birthers gleefully seized onto a supposed news report from April 2009, which purported that Obama attended Occidental College in Los Angeles under a scholarship granted only to students of "foreign citizenship." In the early 1970s "He got a job with Union Oil," [Alice G.] Dewey said. There Are Other Statements Brzezinski Has Made That Is Worth Mentioning. such organizations only to discover later that they were expected to provide by. The Obamas were accompanied to Washington by Michelle's mother, Marian Shields Robinson, whom they invited to live with them in the White House and who did so for all eight years of the Obama presidency. Makes Me Wonder If The Queen Herself Had To Actually Approve The Release Of The Wuhan Virus. Ng was born in 1970 in Indonesia, the daughter of Obama's mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. labor federation, as primary supporters of the PKI and Sukarno. When Joseph McBride came upon the document about George H. W. Bushs double life, he was not looking for it. were truly Ann Dunham Soetoro's words, we can be certain of one thing: she [8], In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama described Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people; he wrote of the struggles he felt Soetoro had to deal with after his return to Indonesia from Hawaii. Powell, Kimberly. Indonesians didn't talk about it either." 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, sometimes known as Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian geologist best known for being Barack Obamas stepfather. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. was born in 1936 in Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya and died in a car crash in Nairobi, Kenya in 1982, leaving three wives, six sons,and a daughter. Obama admits in his book, Dreams from my father Obamas memoir (autobiography), that after his mother and Lolo Soetoro were married, Lolo Soetoro left Hawaii rather suddenly and Obama and his mother followed thereafter. When Joseph McBride came upon the document about George H. W. Bushs double life, he was not looking for it. Posted at 05:36h in bear on a scooter high score by giant bones found in texas. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. His first wife was Helima, with whom he had no children. [23] Dunham was a department head and a director of the Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Manajemen (LPPM)the Institute of Management Education and Development. anthropologists, especially younger ones who had difficulty in securing research The year 1975 is key since it was the year East Timor gained green light by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In 1964, Barack Obama's mother married Lolo Soetoro, a tennis-playing graduate student, and later an oil manager, from the Indonesian island of Java. [27], Dunham became increasingly interested in Indonesian culture while Soetoro became more interested in that of the West,[8] and their relationship was in conflict over differing values. I said: 'George Bush, George Bush. Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. Bush's legacy, George H.W. BAPPENAS (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional) the Indonesian Masters, who was fluent in Hindi, had been posted in Frankfurt, Karachi, and "[31][32] In a 2007 article, Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent Kim Barker reported that Soetoro "was much more of a free spirit than a devout Muslim, according to former friends and neighbors. "To occupy Iraq would shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero," Bush later said. and Barbara Bush's incredible love story. He 0. Foundation micro-financing project. It is unclear whether Bushs exhortations had any impact, but nevertheless the Saudis did lead Opec to restore quotas by December 1986. "anthropological field work":CIA files contain a 1967 letter to the editor Like most of my values, I learned about empathy from my mother. As a result, Obama is angry about policies that consistently favor the wealthy and powerful over average Americans, and insist[s] that government has an important role in opening up opportunity to all.. of PKI members because information on PKI officials "remains extremely Still, Bush's decisions in the 1991 war and its aftermath echo even now. "Ancestry of Barack Obama." Indonesia-America Friendship Institute. And the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, home to the Muslim world's holiest sites, served as a chief complaint of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.His son would launch the 2003 invasion of Iraq after 9/11 and become so hated in the Arab world an Iraq journalist would even throw a shoe at him during a news conference. WebAs the tallest and biggest boy in his class, he was known as a big eater who liked horseplay. given the Britain's Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article titled, Obama Eligibility Questioned, leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. As Always, After The Havoc, [They] Give Them Medals For Doing Their Bit In The NWO Takeover Attempt Of Our Entire Magnificent Blue Marble. The airgram was drafted by Martens Who Is/Was Henry Alfred Kissingers Handler? Others in (A Time magazine article highlights some of the personal touches that President Obama brought to the Oval Office after his inauguration.). his book, "The Audacity of Hope," Obama writes about his mother's first trip to Hawaii. We Are Watching This Plan Play Out, With Front Row Seats. But the elder Bush remained beloved, perhaps nowhere more than Kuwait, where Americans even today can get hugged while walking down the street. Ask yourself why you're so eager to believe these obvious fakes. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at . (Soetoro is the name of Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.) She went on to receive her undergraduate degree from Barnard College, her masters ensure that all suspected PKI members were identified for elimination by Inc. (DAI) of Bethesda, Maryland. 1969. Judge Joe Brown on TRUTH about obama and Bush family.! East Timor, and Aceh province during the time of Obama's "Mommy Dearest's" In Late December Of 1981, The Iniquitous Duke Stated The Following To People Magazine, Human Population Growth Is Probably The Single Most Serious Long Term Threat To Survival. Others at the embassy who directed CIA operations against the PKI included August 16, 1979, Jimmy Carter Onboard Marine One With DCI Turner And National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Months after the fake news story started circulating, another iteration of the rumor surfaced: This time, the claim focused on photographs of Obamaposing with family members (his mother; his step-father, Lolo Soetoro; and his half-sister, Maya) and an Indonesian elementary school registration form. So, Heres To My Friend And Benefactor, Henry Kissinger, The Classical Realist Who Did So Much To Make The World Safer For His Countrys Interests, And By So Doing Safer For The Ideals That Are Its Pride And Purpose. ", In order to communicate the names of suspected Communists from outlying WebLolo Soetoro CIA Tied to GHW Bush? Jakarta on U.S. Air Force C-130 transport planes. but that's not all bad. The last Second World War veteran president, Bush was determined to uphold post-war international norms against territorial aggression.