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In 2013, The Washington Post asked Michael S. Rodman, executive director of the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, how the NBO fit into Kentucky law. This gets back to the whole idea, does money have to be exchangeable for something to be of value?. Detailed Analysis of the Relationship Between Insurance Coverage and Paid Medical Malpractice Claims This research was supported by Swiss Re and also in part by pooled contributions to the RAND Institute for Civil Justice, a program of RAND Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment. /N 1 Today he practices in the Phoenix area. is a biology degree. While this is not illegal, it's certainly unusual. 0000048108 00000 n Pediatrics - 5%. Patent Infringement. [ M^qcojV&Ap*\$>U7]DQ5@E{R\I0R(h9dE{@GPHuWP5}_6o}`Vwpo}P0+WKZ l\`Lgx'=#{ImQY{ 4 8-\uq;>)_{7H5h`|q>pP7%we6]oaNb}uV$c%kODWt:s$S 5jr>3>WH;%E!ub2oY1z:% JF%@ydSa;{C~fA5B?&q7iG1@[)yZ7". Why do you assume this is not how the market was intended to function? S.635 - A bill to protect children from medical malpractice in the form of gender transition procedures. In 1987, I had a book listing every college in the country with numbers of students, incoming GPA, etc and Baylor University had the worst SAT in the entire book (under 600 M/V combined, IIRC). /E 51041 /Length 140 RAND Topics >Medical Malpractice Medical Malpractice Professional negligence by a health care provider has implications for both the health and legal professions: Preventable medical injuries increase the overall cost of treatment, while malpractice lawsuits have been blamed for further increasing the cost of health care in the United States. How the hell he get into Duke Medical School? Senator Rand Paul was a plaintiff in a civil injury case stemming from an incident where he was assaulted by a neighbor at his home. He just accredited his own university to give him one! << Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) warned that mandating the COVID injection for children could lead to massive unintended consequences due to the health risks of the vaccine in that age group. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was awarded more than $580,000 in damages and medical expenses on Wednesday in his lawsuit against the neighbor who tackled him and broke several of his ribs in a dispute. A medical student who fails their medical boards causes embarassment to any medical school. The Becker's Hospital Review website uses cookies to display relevant ads and to enhance your browsing experience. I would consider the GED more positive proof of high school level competence. Toby Cosgrove on healthcare, the Cleveland Clinic under the PPACA. 0000028434 00000 n He fell in that group, found the decision to be discriminatory, and took it upon himself to set up the National Board of Ophthalmologists (NBO). RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Psychiatry - 8%. /TrimBox [0.0000 0.0000 612.0000 792.0000] So I could imagine a kind of coin that was exchangeable. I know for damn sure that none of my fellow MDs were also getting degrees in English. Medical licensure sets the minimum competency requirements to diagnose and treat patients and is not specialty specific. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/08/05/rand_paul_runs_as_dreamer_confronts_rep_steve_king.html. Republican Sen. Rand Paul, MD, of Kentucky officially announced Tuesday his presidential bid, becoming the second candidate for Republican nomination after Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. That is why so many newly licensed physicians have such massive debt loads. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. We reached out to Paul's office to get their response on the above reports and will update this piece if we receive more information. The U.S. malpractice system is widely regarded as inefficient, in part because of how long cases take to resolve. I have a biology degree, okay? He does not appear to demonstrate a wide knowledge and expertise, and in fact, arrogantly demon. 5 W Fellows & Blake LLC are plaintiff attorneys who seek justice for the severely injured and wrongful death victims of gross negligence. Specialties that had fewer than 30 payments (i.e., oncology and nephrology) are not listed. Even having your father as junior congressman would help a lot. The claim that Paul's medical license was revoked is FALSE, based on our research. America is full of b.s. Any Texan will tell you that Baylor was not viewed as a good school at the time. /Pages 4 0 R Malpractice reform has been advocated by many experts as a key to reining in health care costs. The Reagan tax cuts powered the Clinton economic boom? I recruit from there so I see the results. Paul was board-certified for around 10 years by the ABO until letting it lapse in 2005. Last week, Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky used part of his allotted time during the Senate confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, President Joe Biden's pick for assistant secretary. Speaking of which, my son and I have the perfect fix: Jon Stewart to Nightly News, Brian Williams to Daily Show. Laws limiting malpractice payments may lower state health care expenditures by between 3-4%. I have a real problem with rating lies. Dog bites man. Thank you for supporting our journalism. Data are lacking, by medical specialty, on the share of physicians who face malpractice claims and the size of payments and cumulative incidence of such claims. He does too have a biology degree! Cardiology - 6%. Thats Dr. Grumpy Realist to you. After YouTube suspended Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., for violating its policies against coronavirus misinformation,some social media users claimed Paul would suffer more permanent consequences for his comments. Yes, trivial. The competition is much tougher. /O 9 My friend was the surgeon who removed it. 5. Records from the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure show Paul is authorized to practice ophthalmology in Kentucky and has been licensed since 1993. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Joe Biden lying his ass off about his academic credentials, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/08/05/rand_paul_runs_as_dreamer_confronts_rep_steve_king.html. This is a teeny-tiny thing that makes me want to applaud Rand Paul, mainly because I did something similar. Fact check: Rand Paul's office confirms he did not call for a judge to subpoena antifa. - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in remarks at the Lincoln Labs "Reboot Congress" conference, Feb. 12, 2015 We first spotted a version of this quote in a Bloomberg columnby David Weigel, and then. Yes, Id think Ron Pauls status as an alum more influential than being a junior Congressman. Its not a good school. 0000032556 00000 n If this were someone other than Rand Paul, the current bete noire of the Left, no one would care. First, in an exchange with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Paul said: Arrington: Lets talk about economics because maybe you can actually explain this to me. I could have finished my undergrad studies in Economics, too but I didnt. Records from the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensureshow Paul is authorized to practice ophthalmology in Kentuckyand has been licensed since 1993. More: YouTube suspends Sen. Rand Paul over COVID-19 video disputing cloth masks. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said on Fox & Friends Wednesday that the Omicron variant of Covid-19 was "nature's vaccine" and claimed it was "malpractice" and "not good science" to vaccinate . In 2010, reports emerged that Paul was not certified by a board for his specialty, at least. An undergraduate can be given a pointless degree with pencil-whipped grades and no one will find out (See UNC and the Africa-American studies department). All Rights Reserved. The impact of medical malpractice reforms, especially caps on noneconomic damages, is of special interest to policymakers and physicians. programs offered at an independent public policy research organizationthe RAND Corporation. It was and is a good school. Which, frankly, so do Iand I say that as a non-fan of either of the Pauls.. If you look at the US New rankings of top national universities, Baylor is around 70. Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND, and Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND, by Anupam B. Jena, Seth A. Seabury, Darius N. Lakdawalla, Amitabh Chandra. As more Americans become newly covered under the Affordable Care Act, the cost of providing automobile insurance, workers compensation, and homeowners insurance may decline. Subscribe to the weekly Policy Currents newsletter to receive updates on the issues that matter most. "Like all of (Hall's)pieces, it links to a page called 'Is This Satire?' Dr. Paul, 52, practiced ophthalmology for 18 years before becoming a senator in 2010. Also, note that he said his is in biology and english. 8. If Paul had responded to Arringtons I have an econ degree with Im a medical doctor, it could have come across as high-handed, whereas I have a biology degree is jocular and allows the conversation to flow more naturally. It may merit a bit more attention than usual as he is a libertarian and an advocate of markets, yet here he is demonstrating how easily markets are perverted. But Im still not sure just exactly what it is he learned in all those years, as his vacillating on vaccinating shows a certain lack of biological knowledge. SOURCE: Massachusetts Medical Society. Funny, I recall Joe Biden lying his ass off about his academic credentials, and that wasnt a big deal. 7 0 obj Which, frankly, so do Iand I say that as a non-fan of either of the Pauls. His brain has shortened it too, I studied- I graduated.. How do you get a M.D. The made-up article says the AMA revoked Paul's license because "Senator Rand Paul has chosen politics over science-based medicine" with his opposition to mask mandates. Dr. Paul was a member of the first class of MDs that would have to re certify every 10 years. Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, accessed Aug. 12. Medical school is not like graduate school. The claim originated on Laughing in Disbelief,a satire website, but it was later shared in a way that presented it as fact. We learned that in general they were, with some complicated elements. << Meanwhile, an increase in the number of people using the health care system may trigger a corresponding increase in the number of medical malpractice claims. They say it's the exchange of bodily of fluids. Three years of college was enough and most medical schools they applied to didnt require a bachelors degree. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. Washington slept around, Jefferson owned slaves, Lincolns wife was nuts, Grant drank, FDR concealed his polio and slept around, Clinton banged an intern, who cares? Dr. Paul believes medical marijuana is a state's rights issue, not a federal one. The grant money matters a lot. "I believe it's medical malpractice to force vaccines on children, particularly adolescent males," Paul said on "The Ingraham Angle" on Friday. Paul is a liar, a confederate apologist, and a conspiracy theorist. As U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky continued to defend unsubstantiated claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential elections, and often appeared mask-less during the COVID-19 pandemic, a meme spread about his past qualifications as an ophthalmologist. Upon completion of his training in 1993, Dr. Paul and Kelley moved to Bowling Green to start their family and begin his ophthalmology practice. Rand Paul's case is interesting. There are a lot of us waltzing around with weird backgrounds and it is always infuriating when we have to try to explain ourselves to a dumb HR person when looking for jobs. I guess having a Congressman as a father helps a lot. All Rights Reserved. Here are 10 things to know about the libertarian conservative's medical career and healthcare views. The Instagram posts are an example of "stolen satire," where storieswritten as satire are reposted in a way that makes them appear to be legitimate claims. This study uses data from North Carolina to examine how caps implemented in noncrisis periods affect malpractice premiums. >> It makes sense. In a 2010 statement to Politico, Paul described how his certification saga was his battle against a hypocritical power play that I despise. Paul basically protested against the ABO's decision to require recertifications of medical licenses every 10 years for anyone who was board-certified after 1992. This project is part of ALI's ongoing revision of the Restatement Second of Torts. But with Bitcoin my concern always was whether or not something has real value. No, for example, wheat, corn, or rice have inherent value irregardless of whether moneysay for example, the currency of Zimbabweis exchangeable or not, but I suspect that what he said is not what he meant. The data included at least 200 physicians in each of 24 specialties, allowing analysis of malpractice risk, by specialty. Sorry. Public records showPaul has an active license to practice ophthalmology in Kentucky. A medical degree, sometimes. The AMA cant revoke licenses because it doesnt issue them in the first place. He was the president, his wife, Kelley Paul, was vice president and director, and Hilton Ashby, his father-in-law, was secretary. 2. Thats the heart of libertarianism right there the ability to trade on your privilege without interference from the busybodies like you. No dice. I think they're a good thing. Biology? Rand Paul on vaccines is infinitely more telling than all this other crap. Specialties most likely to face indemnity claims were not always those with the highest average payments. At the graduate level, almost nobody is actually paying the sticker price for their education. /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/reports, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/blogPosts, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/multimedia, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/caseStudies, How China Understands and Assesses Military Balance, Russian Military Operations in Ukraine in 2022 and the Year Ahead, Remembering Slain LA Bishop David O'Connell and His Tireless Community Work, A Look Back at the War in Afghanistan, National Secuirty Risks, Hospice Care: RAND Weekly Recap, RAND Experts Discuss the First Year of the Russia-Ukraine War, Helping Coastal Communities Plan for Climate Change, Measuring Wellbeing to Help Communities Thrive, Assessing and Articulating the Wider Benefits of Research, Do Noneconomic Damage Caps Reduce Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums? And I say that as someone who has a PhD in Chemistry but never graduated high school. He founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic in 1995 to provide patients and families in need with eye exams and surgeries. Im going to trim this down to the first and last sentences: Medical schools have to be very careful of admitting someone who is just not prepared. Paul . Paulposted a video in which he claimed cloth masks weren't effective at slowing the spread of COVID-19. Now I did end up graduating with a 4.0 GPA and won my graduating classs award for best graduate project so I think I earned that exception, but there you are. (Ron Paul, his father and the former member of Congress, does have a biology degree.). But I dont know whether it was about that specifically or not. Pauls wife also declined to comment for the Courier-Journal report, saying, Im not involved in that. Its not much of a stretch to think that the medical school admissions committee could be encouraged to admit the son of a congressman for non-academic reasons. RAND research briefs present policy-oriented summaries of individual published, peer-reviewed documents or of a body of published work. He studied Biology and English at Baylor for three years before going to and graduating medical school. The Appropriateness of Recommendations for Hysterectomy. I also dont find it a big deal to claim the degree given graduation from medical school and the establishment of a medical practice. His comments on Ebola have also garnered media attention. Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants. /Type /Catalog Explores structural determinants of health care processes, outcomes, and expenditures. 0000000723 00000 n Instead he is "certified" by the National Board of Ophthalmology -- which he founded. American Medical Association, accessed Aug. 12. He originally earned board certification in 1993 after the completion of his residency. I happen to have a doctorate from the esteemed Baylor College of Medicine and it is located in Houston and NOT affiliated with the 2-bit shitty school in Waco (it did for about a year after it started in Dallas, then it moved to Houston and ended the affiliation). The results also indicate that many will never have to make an indemnity payment. Since RAnd Paul actually did pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination and was matched to an ophthalmology residency, not only was Rand Paul smart enough for Duke Medical School but he was obviously smarter than some of his fellow students at Duke. Among physicians in neurosurgery, 19.1 percent annually faced a claim, but just 2.6 percent in psychiatry did (Figure 1). Through this page you can find experienced lawyers across the United States, ready to assist you with your legal needs. Changing laws to make it more difficult to sue physicians for medical malpractice may not reduce the amount of "defensive medicine" practiced by physicians, according to a new RAND Corporation study.. Its very likely dad pulled some serious strings for Rand on that one, Id love to hear a bit about that and how it fits with the Pauls libertarian/meritocracious philosophy.. @James Joyner: having studied biology and English for three years and then having gone on to get a much more prestigious professional degree, he considers himself to have by proxy finished his earlier degree. 9 0 obj He is the author of over 50 books and articles on topics in law and economics ranging. Why would you try to help the less privileged, when they arent in a position to help you? But I think the parents should have some input." This editorial comments on an article in the same journal that demonstrates (through the use of hospital-based adverse drug events) that errors in medicine are prevalent and often preventable. Although Rand was advertised as "board-certified" until at least 2013, it is unknown if he continued to present himself as such after that. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul claimed to be a "board-certified" ophthalmologist on the basis of being certified by a board that he created himself and that he put his wife and father-in-law in charge of. However, Paul wasn't certified by the NBO alone. Nicholas M. Pace is a senior social scientist at the RAND Corporation. Paul moved to Bowling Green, Ky., in 1993. Thats not an uncommon way of putting it. In fact, many of us argue that the older ophthalmologists need recertification even more since they are more distant from their training. trailer We first spotted a version of this quote in a Bloomberg column by David Weigel, and then checked the quotes with our colleague Jose DelReal, who had attended the conference. This article explains a surprising effect of tort liability in the market for prescription drugs: punitive damages shift liability from doctors to drug companies, but not when physician malpractice liability is limited.". In my protest to the American Board, I asked, "If the ABO thinks that quality of care would be improved by board testing every decade, shouldn't this apply to all doctors, not just those of a certain age?