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With $setinterval 60, claims and rolls will be reset at rounded hours. Mudae is a Discord bot that allows users to create their own profile pictures. Database of 80,000 anime/game characters: make and customize the best collection in your server. $allow to remove a denied command for a role (undo). Mudae bot has touched over 9 million discord servers and has become the top bot on Discord. The game is similar to other collectible card games, but with a unique twist: players can trade characters with each other, and Mudae keeps track of all the characters that each player owns. With no further ado, Lets start with our Mudae Bot Commands List. You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value. $antidisable: Prevent the deactivation of the series from your rolls. $toggleclaimrank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of claims. For example, some images may be small or medium sized, while others may be large or extra large. $togglereact 1: reactions and buttons are never automatically added under the rolls of characters. In order to claim a character, you just have to react to that character with an emoji. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. r (claim ranks), r- (claim ranks not sorted), l (like ranks), l- (like ranks not sorted), k (kakera value), k= (kakera sorted), k- (kakera base value), y (keys only), y= (keys sorted), y+ (with full harem), y- (without keys), y!, y!=, y!+, y!- (soulkeys), c (embedcolored), c+ (with full harem), c- (without embedcolor), t (type of rolls), m (main names), d (img/alias details), v (hide details such as notes), n (not noted), n+ (noted only), u (unclaimed), o (owner names), o= (owned only), o- (not owned by you), o+ (owned by you), x (disabled), x+ (with full harem), x- (not disabled). Go to Mudae r/Mudae by . $kakera: Buy kakera badges to unlock bonuses. $ql is used to load your list. Add $ at the end if you want to add kakera with the character. To save all three in one command, replace the name of the list with full. $imglink: Display image links during your rolls. An instance is the same as a new server: use this command to make a fresh start of Mudae on some channels of your server. Some commands can be accessed from another instance: $mm.2, $pr.2, $im.2, $ima.2, $top.2, $mm serv .2. To arrange the order of your custom images by their current custom positions: $ai arrange $ $ $noteseries $: note for all the characters of a series from your harem. Adding the Mudae bot to your server is similar to adding other discord bots on the server. Bot settings. Swap the main name for an available alias. Mudae items in the third tier are randomly assigned a value of 10. $givescrap: (admin) Give kakera scraps to any user. Images can be removed in the #pics-management channel of Mudae World. How To Change Profile & Character Images in Mudae - Alphr Use $release without arguments to see your stock. $perstogglereact 2: reactions are automatically added under ALL your rolls BUT you get only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts). Create custom images for your mudae characters by Neipar | Fiverr $tu One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for time up. $fnall: Find notes in all harems of the server. Patreon T1 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge) Autoactivation: Join Mudae's main server: Then, link your Discord account to Patreon: you will be mentionned in a channel about the activation commands. Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST) for your own rolls. Divorce all the characters and clean the wishes of someone. Step 1 - To add this amazing Mudae bot to your server, don't have to do a lot of struggle. Make the images appearing during your rolls random. $togglesnipe 2: (full restriction) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds. Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers), Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8, Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm), 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I). The Mudae character image database is constantly growing, thanks to members submitting new pictures to the server. $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl. This will force the divorce of an owned character (without giving kakera to the owner). if you want to return the list instead of one character. You can set a new image by using the command $changeimg ($c). $haremlimit: (admin) Change the maximum number of characters per user. Table of Contents. Kakera server ladder, showing total earned kakera as well as current kakera. Arrange the order of the categories for your $tu command. Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message. It stands for marry. crashed my car driving and claiming waifus but it was worth it. $thanosallfm: Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server while not affecting the character placed at the first position of their harem. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser). Collect waifu and husbando. Reset the set $alias of a user's characters. Wishseries aren't considered as wishes for this command. $settimer: (admin) Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character. Basic x20 images (1 character) $10. Your email address will not be published. $rollsleft 3: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT doesn't appear anymore. $topservyt: ($tsyt) Server ladder for users with the highest amount of keys. $badgevalue: (admin) Change the base value of some kakera badges. Change the exact minute of the claim and rolls reset. Change the claim interval (down to one hour). $channelhelp: Displays the embedded help in the channel instead of in a DM. It works in the same way as the previous two commands but it is only used to roll for husbandos and not waifus. $unrestrict to remove a restricted command for a role (undo). w (waifu), h (husbando), wh (both genders), w= (waifu without both genders), h= (husbando without both genders), g (game), g- (animanga), gg- (both), g= (game only), g-= (animanga only), a (series list), a+ (series names), b (series bundles), p (character search if you type some text), s (DM). $alist: See availables aliases for a character. Divorce the whole harem of the owner of a specified character. Available on currently over 9 million Discord servers, the Mudae bot ranks as one of the most popular entertainment bots based on Discord. Display the amount of server kakera scraps. $selfresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($a), $selfresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases for ALL YOUR characters ($a2), $selfresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($c), $selfresetcustimg: remove all the custom images for ALL YOUR characters ($ai), $noteremoveall: remove all harem notes for ALL YOUR characters ($n), $antienableall: clean your $antidisablelist, $selfresetkeys: clean all the keys for ALL YOUR characters (not soulkeys). This influenced the decision to host images on a private website instead. $randomimg gif 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a random gif is displayed if there is any. $clearnotes: (admin) Clear the notes of a user. $togglekakerasnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any kakera rolled can be sniped by anyone. Art is drawn by the vtuber themselves, their character designer or illustrator, a character designer/illustrator belonging to their same group, or from a member of their group. $topservl: ($tsl) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first ranked characters by likes. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. With the default values, slash commands with buttons are not affected by rush hours. Default values: $randomimg gif 0 and $randomimg cust 0. Unlock the full potential of your character and earn more rewards! Here I will tell you about the waifu gacha and the pokemon game. [2], Some series from the Memes bundle are allowed to contain fanart, but you must source the artist of the image. If your claim reset currently occurs at 10:20 => 13:20 => 16:20: This will change the maximum number of characters the users can have in their harem by preventing them from claiming if they reached (or are already above) this limit. This command can be overridden with individual users' $limroul. (Default value). All characters are from existing animes, manga, comics or video games. $deny: (owner) Deny some commands for a role. $im [character name] In order to view a particular character from your harem, you can use the $im command followed by the name of the character to view their image along with their basic info like their name, which anime or game they are from, how much kakera that particular character is worth, as well as how many times they have been claimed and how many likes they have gained. When images are hosted on Imgur, submitters ultimately have control over the image, and may choose to delete the image from their account at a later date. For example, to change the image of the character Kagamine Rin to an image of the character Kagamine Len, the following command would be used: ! This kind of roll will not reward keys or the gold key bonus (if you roll your own character). Mudae bot is the perfect bot for anime, video game, manga lovers. React with before 30s. If you are one of them and do not have the bot on your server then wait no more, invite the bot to your server from the invite link mentioned below (this post is not sponsored lol xD). 400 commands, multiplayer games and more! mudae GitHub Topics GitHub