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However, you were then kept at bay by a Wall of Force as Raishan took two of Thordak's strangely existing eggs and flew into a tunnel towards the corpse of Thordak and then disappeared in a flash of purple energy before the wall dropped and you all just arrived, halfway through the tunnel where the corpse of Thordak once lay, to find it missing along with Raishan and the eggs that she had gathered.". Percy gathered some samples of the destroyed dragon eggs and stored them in the. How do we add that debuff to his sheet? Before Grog could throw the deck into nearby lava, Vex came over and told him to hold onto it until she had time to look around for other cool stuff. This would put them in position to become an immensely powerful BBEG, stealing the deck back "because they wanted to", drawing the right cards "because they wanted to", that sort of thing. [17] The events covering the rescue were later covered in "The Search For Grog" (OSx28) and "The Search For Bob" (OSx31). In either case, the PC's will need to secure the deck during transport, and keep it secure before it's sold. Deck of Many Things Wondrous item, legendary Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. The first he uses immediately to become a "powerful lord of the quadroads", the second wish is never discussed. Critical Role - Forgotten Gem "Grog finds the deck of many things By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Grog, Percy, and Keyleth climb from the crater and rush over to them. Kerrek tells his allies to stay behind and they form a perimeter at the gate. Meanwhile, Scanlan rips up Vax's letter and burns it, then packs his pipe for the morning. They ask him about it, and he cautiously explains that there is "power in [his] bloodline" and that he is what's known as a Runechild. First Preview from the DMG: Part of the Deck of Many Things Allura also takes a drink, seemingly without any repercussions. The avatar is immune to features that turn undead. At the end of this venture, you've allacquiring your relative power, your levels of experience, and the allies you've amassed through this journeyconverged upon the central capital city of Emon in hopes of finally defeating and destroying Thordak, the Cinder King. Vex closed the case and stuffed it in her shirt.[10]. They also help us understand how our site is being used. The Ashari's storm is still raging, and the wyvern riders are all fleeing to the southeast. The Deck of Many Things' presence in the game world feels gimmicky, like a funhouse that's been thrown in for s%^$ and giggles. New and Improved Rules for Running The Deck of Many Things Add your own cards. Next would be finding someone wealthy enough to afford it, and mad enough to want it! The randomness, uneven distribution and inability of the DM to control the situation in terms of how many cards are drawn by how many characters will again be significant issue even if the DM tries to stack the deck. As a result, the only way to undo Grog's curse would have been to ask a god for help. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. https://ko-fi.com/tpburrow#DeckOfManyThings #CriticalRole Works slightly better with the harrow deck of many things (the names are a bit more descriptive). Starring At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Drawing from the Deck of Many Things with a Simulacrum and System Reference Document 5.1 (the "SRD 5.1"). The Lord of the Quadroads thanked Grog, who introduced himself as "Grog Strongjaw, Maker of Kings". However, in the midst of this battle you did summon your ally J'mon Sa Ord therethe leader of Ank'Harel, the distant city on the continent of Marquet, and a brass dragonwho upon arriving in this fray, [with] full health and ready to fight, was enough of a threat to drive Raishan off, in her damaged form, before she could finish you off in the state you were in. Besides, that Lord of the Quadroads now owed Grog a favor! 4:00:50 . save. HOW TO USE. The Search For Grog | Critical Role Wiki | Fandom After an aide cast Identify on the deck and realized the incredibly dangerous arcane power of the item,[18] Highbearer Vord arranged for the Deck of Many Things to be sealed away in the vaults beneath the Platinum Sanctuary (the same vaults that now house the Horn of Orcus recovered by Vox Machina in Yug'Voril). Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. The drunk could have used the second wish to "be successful at everything he attempts". However, I would strongly recommend NOT giving the deck to your players. PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT OR BIRTHDAY GIFT. The devil seeks your ruin and plagues your life, savoring your suffering before attempting to slay you. The two argue for a bit and Vax takes Scanlan aside and shoves a letter into Scanlan's hands, a letter intended to be found if Vax had died. IMO it is well within the power and spirit of a wish for it to give you a DoMT, after all giving you the means of your own down fall would seem appropriate. Tarot Deck of Many Things - The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit Everything you were wearing and carrying stays behind in the space you occupied when you disappeared. Scanlan claimed that Percy had lost an arm in the process of rescuing his soul. Vex and Vax head up to the top of the crater to check on the state of the battle outside. share. After prying it open by breaking it in half, a small leather sleeve fell out. 2023 Wizards. Each is engraved with glyphs, characters, and sigils. Thus, Grog was cursed by the Dancing Sword and after the curse was expended, Grog took a permanent -2 penalty on saving throws until a god ends the curse.[11]. 2,418. It consists of 22 jumbo Tarot Card -sized cards. The Deck of Many Things - d20monkey "Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice.". Often containing 13 cards but sometimes 22, the deck can be pulled from, at random, a number of times that must be declared prior to pulling the cards. Patrick Rothfuss Kerrek Pike cheered up the disappointed Grog by offering to make him a homemade (and decidedly NOT magic) Deck of Many Things for him.[20]. Next Sheet creator documentation is available. To which Percy responded, "May he rest in bed sores for all eternity." The drunk was granted two wishes (1d3 Wish spells), immediately using the first to wish to be "a powerful lord of the Quadroads". Keyleth has the idea to Scry on the island itself to confirm if it is the same one she saw. They own it and often monetize my vids through youtube, All ad revenue goes to them, so If you click an advert or two, More Critters are spawned into existence. As a result, the only way to undo Grog's curse would have been to ask a god for help. Each deck contains a number of cards or . Not all of which need be pulled by your PC! For all the naysayers, I say relax!This is a fun, but dangerous item to add to any campaign. Grog drew a card from the Deck of Many Things. I introduced it into my game around level 10 (because I wanted to throw a little variety in), and my players have had it over a year of real-life time now. Is your DnD or Pathfinder campaign getting stale? Draw cards to create powerful magical effects, both fortunate and ruinous, Potion of Acid Resistance Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Fox's Cunning . If your players are too timid to use the deck, then make it a plot point. Donjon. Deck of many things | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom Games / PC / Size: 14.7 GB Genres/Tags: RPG, Isometric, Party-based, Pausable real-time Companies: Obsidian Entertainment / Versus Evil Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI9 Original Size: 29.2 GB Repack Size: from 14.3 GB [Selective Download] Game Description Pursue a rogue god over land and sea in the sequel to the multi-award-winning RPG Pillars of Eternity. The party discusses with Daxio that the Clasp has earned a portion of the money, given their aid with the survivors during Thordak's occupation. Critical role - Grogs Deck of Many things - YouTube Lots of potential, there! Euryale. The Deck of Many Things and the Deck of Many Fates are the perfect accessory for your adventuring party. And after killing the other three members of the Conclave, you went in with armies at your back, Ashari in the sky who laid siege to the city as you snuck beneath the streets of Emon, emerging on the outskirts of the Cloudtop District. Idiot. Grog pulled five cards from the Deck of Many Things during the. He pulls a card and it disappears in his hand, replaced by a beautiful scimitar. Hombrew decks of many things thoughts? And - Homebrew & House Rules They discuss what Raishan's intentions may be. [13], When Pike learned about the deck, she was just as curious as Grog, but convinced Grog to wait until a very special occasion to pull the next one. Tofor Brotoras approaches the party, looking harried from battle. You draw no more cards. Members of the army are meeting with members of the Clasp, discussing how to begin moving survivors back above ground. Reaping Scythe. [9], Grog tried to stealthily pocket the remaining twelve cards, but he failed with a Natural 1. I do not follow Critical Role, so it is possible my comment might conflict with their campaign. You summon an avatar of death--a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. Be wary, DMs. Comet. [7], Intrigued by the cards, Grog pulled one from the middle of the deck. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Kima says that they should also let the remaining members of the council know what's going on and volunteers to help guard the crater against looters until the wealth can be redistributed. As Grog fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head, the sword clacked to the ground and almost immediately rusted and turned dark and dull. After confirming that the drunk didn't know what the deck was, Grog offered him a card. non-game-breaking ways you can use a Deck of Many Things. Well, as the description says: "once the card is used it fades from existence unless the card is the fool or the jester". This item can single-handedly unravel a campaign. [15], After the defeat of Vecna, Grog in Whitestone decided to pull a card from the deck to celebrate the banishment of a lich-god. Vex convinced her that it was keeping her occupied. Keyleth was furious because she thought she should be mourning, and instead she was hunting Grog's "stupid ass" down. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. After Scanlan left, Vex discovered Scanlan had been using drugs. Kerrek is "noisily sick." 4.7 out of 5 stars. It's your game, have fun with it! After pulling a card from the Deck of Many Things, Grog 's soul was stolen and trapped in the Plane of Pandemonium. [15], After the defeat of Vecna, Grog in Whitestone decided to pull a card from the deck to celebrate the banishment of a lich-god. The party is asked to chase him down and recover the artifact, and they aren't told what it is. [9], Grog tried to stealthily pocket the remaining twelve cards, but he failed with a Natural 1. Nothing compares to the majesty and wonder of Critical Role.ITs a one-shot Battle Royale they did between ep 98 and ep 99, its found here: https://geekandsundry.com/critical-role-level-17-battle-royale/edit 2019 - I do like Coffee and Whisky though so if you want to splurge, here's the link:If you want to help me continue to produce the content I do, please consider buying me a Coffee, Or a Whisky and I will do my best to satisfy your desires for more content, whilst excelling at being a fantastic Human Being. Campaign One,Episode81(C1E81) $15.99 Sale. Deck of Many Things | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium While Grog was showing off his new sword to Kerrek, Grog suddenly felt a bursting headache at the back of his mind. As soon as a character draws a card from the deck, its magic immediately takes effect. Also no one is forcing you to give it to your party :). The Idiotgives the drawer the option of drawing another card. They were enchanted with great magic that was never to be used lightly. During his year off in Vasselheim, Grog got curious again about the Deck of Many Things. They make their way to the castle and are met by Cassandra, who is very glad to see them all alive, albeit a terrible mess. Grog opened the sleeve and saw about thirteen tarot cards. Or find a way to defeat the devil/NPC hunting the person and the person's descendants. New episodes of Critical Role air Thursday nights at 19:00 Pacific on https://www.twitch.tv/CriticalRole, Press J to jump to the feed. Flames. Starting here, the simulacrum is going to determine how many cards they intend to draw and then will draw them. After prying it open by breaking it in half, a small leather sleeve fell out. RT @Angelphileart: 1/2 pieces for #SpellsnStuff for @ExandriaArtists : Grog's Deck of Many Things, inspired by Sakura Card Captor (reason why Scanlan's more of a little guy than usual, enjoy a little zoom on him!) You gain 50,000 XP, and a wondrous item (which the GM determines randomly) appears in your hands. 'Deck of Fewer Things' : DMAcademy - reddit I agree, it takes a very mature party to have a deck of many things, but not use it unless they absolutely need to. So it shouldn't happen more than once. One of the items he found was a beautifully engraved wooden box. However, remembering Vex's warnings, he found a nice drunk sap in the Quadroads. The party could be sent to find the missing wish card, then have to steal the whole deck to make it work, then try to pull it to wish away his power. Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. After spending some time examining it, her suspicions proved correct. Previous As soon as a character draws a card from the deck, its magic immediately takes effect. They're too scared to touch the thing. All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Depending on the PC's level, you could have them host the auction at which only the deck is sold; or have them find an auction house or thieves guild (if selling stolen/illegal items) where their item is sold alongside other rare items; perhaps some of which the PC's want for themselves. You lose 10,000 XP, discard this card, and draw from the deck again, counting both draws as one of your declared draws. "Vox Machina, our band of adventurers, have been traveling across Tal'Dorei, continents, and planes of existence beyond in search of the Vestiges of the Divergence, magical artifacts that can help outfit them for their coming struggle against the Chroma Conclave, a group of chromatic dragons that had terrorized and conquered the Tal'Dorei countryside for quite some time now. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 hit points, whereupon it disappears. The GM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. This product is sold pursuant to Wizards of the Coasts Open Gaming License Version 1.0a (the "OGL") and System Reference Document 5.1 (the "SRD 5.1"). Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium. You made a tenuous relationship with a member of the Conclave, Raishan, the Diseased Deceiver, a green dragon.