Paroled Stamp On Passport, Pearson Rbt Practice Exam, Articles F

Set or convert date to first day of given month with formulas. To access Workday follow these instructions: Additional resources are available in the Benefits Toolbox. If the date is in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th month of the year (January, April, July or October), we need to add 2 months to get the last month of the quarter. Now lets see how to translate this logic into an Excel formula. In the formula, the "m" returns the number of full months between the two days. "+1" at the end adds a day, converting July 31 to Aug 1. =If(G4=DATAVALUE(1/0/1900),Email,No Email). Back to, =IF(DAY(EDATE(A2,1))