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The latter felt discriminated against by the other brown-eyed children. The Associated Press followed up, quoting Elliott as saying she was "dumbfounded" by the exercise's effectiveness. But they returned to a better placeunlike a child of color, who gets abused every day, and never has the ability to find him or herself in a nurturing classroom environment." Elliott asked. . The secretary said the south side of the building was closed, something about waxing the hallways. This procedure is sometimes so subtle that no one notices it happening. If you white folks want to be treated the way blacks are in this society, stand. Nobodys standing here. I felt like hitting them if I wanted to. If you had a good German name, but you had brown eyes, they threw you into the gas chamber because they thought you might be a Jewish person who was trying to pass. She chatted about the experiment, and before she knew it was whisked off the stage. It's the Jane Elliott machine. The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes exercise received national attention shortly after it ended. Essay Sample: Ethical Concerns in Jane Elliot's Experiment. Jane Elliott's experiment of dividing an otherwise homogenous group of school kids by their eye color. It also documents small-town White America's reflex reaction to the . I have brown eyes. The experiment, known as Blue Eyes Brown Eyes experiment, is regarded as an eye-opening way for children to learn about racism and discrimination. "Eye color, hair color and skin color are caused by a chemical," Elliott went on, writing MELANIN on the blackboard. ", The two hugged, and Whisenhunt had tears streaming down her cheeks. Jane Elliott was a third grade teacher in Riceville, Iowa when she developed the Blue Eyed/ Brown Eyed exercise to teach the effects of racism. She told them that people with brown eyes were better than people with blue eyes. Before proceeding with the test, she began with random questions to fully understand the children's perception of Negroes. ", Dean Weaver, 70, superintendent of Riceville schools from 1972 to 1979, said, "She'd just go ahead and do things. As Elliott recalls, she engineered the "blue eyes/brown eyes exercise" in 1968 after watching the late-night news cycle announce the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Rather than be deterred by possible In the wake of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Elliott developed a simple exercise that explored the nature of racism and prejudice.. Elliott's method for exploring racism in the context of an all-white classroom consisted of dividing her students into two groups on the basis of eye color, blue or brown (those with other eye colors were assigned to the group . Want a quality guarantee? At lunchtime, Elliott hurried to the teachers' lounge. Articles and opinions on happiness, fear and other aspects of human psychology. 2012 2023 . Its not surprising to anyone that some social groups discriminate against others due to ethnicity, religion, or culture. The day after Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination in 1968, Jane Elliott, a schoolteacher in rural Iowa, introduced to her all-white third-grade class a shocking . The students started to internalize, and accept, the characteristics they'd been arbitrarily assigned based on the color of their eyes. There is a way to avoid editing or writing from scratch! Jane Elliot, a third-grade teacher from Lowa town, became troubled with the turn of events and knew that something had to be done about racial discrimination (Danko, 2013). One of the most famous experiments in education Jane Elliott's "blue eyes, brown eyes" separation of her third grade students to teach them about prejudice was very different from what the public was told, as revealed in this excerpt from the in-depth story about what really happened in that classroom. Order original essays online. Typical of their responses was that of Debbie Hughes, who reported that "the people in Mrs. Elliott's room who had brown eyes got to discriminate against the people who had blue eyes. Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/ethical-concerns-in-jane-elliots-experiment, Free essays can be submitted by anyone, so we do not vouch for their quality. And the exercise continued in a similar fashion to how it was executed the day before. A difference as simple as eye color, defined and established by the authority figure, created a rift between the students. Most Riceville residents seem to have an opinion of Elliott, whether or not they've met her. They gossiped about her in the hallway. She was a standing-room-only speaker at hundreds of colleges and universities. The Blue-Eyed/Brown-Eyed Experiment: Investigation. She told them that people with brown eyes were better than people with blue eyes. Elliott and I were sitting at her dining room table. We walked into the principal's office at RicevilleElementary School, Elliott's old haunt. Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes offers an intimate portrait of the insular community where Elliott grew up and conducted the experiment on the town's children for more than a decade. PracticalPsychology. From the moment the experiment begins, Jane Elliott uses a mean tone to speak to the participants. This technique allows researchers to show how many different traits are necessary to create defined groups, and then analyze the subjects behavior within their groups. The roots of racism and why it continues unabated in America and other nations are complicated and gnarled. This way, she successfully created two distinct groups in her classroom: The consequences of the minimal group became evident very quickly. Locals say that drivers don't signal when they turn because everyone knows where everyone else is going. Now 45, she had been in Elliott's third grade class in 1969. The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment. She traveled to corporations, banks, prisons, schools and military bases. She left teaching in the mid-80s to speak publicly about the experience and the impact of prejudice and racism. "There's a sense of renewal here that I've never seen anywhere else," Elliott says. More than 50 years after she first tried that exercise in her classroom, Elliott, now 87, said she sees much more work left to do to change racist attitudes. Elliott shared the essays with her mother, who showed them to the editor of the weekly Riceville Recorder. those with brown eyes (or hazel eyes). ", Steve Harnack, 62, served as the elementary school principal beginning in 1977. Elliotts coworkers avoided her after her appearance on The Tonight Show. In 1970, she demonstrated it for educators at a White House Conference on Children and Youth. Below, . The Blue Eye/Brown Eye was an experiment performed by Jane Elliot in 1968 on the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. However, both Mary and Zeke have brown eyes. The May 25 killing of George Floyd set off weeks of nationwide protests over the police abuse and racism against black people, plunging the U.S. into a reckoning of racial inequality. ", We stopped on Woodlawn Avenue, and a woman in her mid-40s approached us on the sidewalk. The musical is about romance, but it integrates issues of race and discrimination (Norris, 2014), and the song is about how discrimination is taught carefully, in long term. Three sections were selected to be administered the simulation . She described to her colleagues what she'd done, remarking how several of her slower kids with brown eyes had transformed themselves into confident leaders of the class. "You can see the look on their faces. Written and verified by the psychologist Francisco Roballo. The test also included violation of consent in which participation of the children was made involuntarily. The next day, Jane made it known to the students that she had made a mistake and that the brown-eyed pupils were better and smarter than their counterparts. I was stunned. ", Elliott defends her work as a mother defends her child. The brown-eyed students also exercised a certain level of power over the blue-eyed students when they put the armbands on them. Hundreds of viewers wrote letters saying Elliott's work appalled them. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 was also an event that spurred educators to action, motivating one teacher to try out a bold experiment touted to reduce racism. One example that has been in place for many years is the blue-eyed/brown-eyed experiment. But Elliotts experiment had a more sinister impact. Alan Charles Kors, a professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania, says Elliott's diversity training is "Orwellian" and singled her out as "the Torquemada of thought reform." Jane Elliot and the Blue-Eyed Children Experiment. At recess, three brown-eyed girls ganged up on her. Would you like to get this essay by email? In explaining the experiment rules to the brown-eyed contestants, she addresses the people of color in the room. The killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, was a seismic event, a turning point that compelled many Americans to do something and do it with urgency. Youve probably heard different versions of it. Elliott, who is white, separated the students into two groupsthose with blue eyes and those with brown eyes. The secretary on duty looked up, startled, as if she had just seen a ghost. We use them to divide and destroy people., White peoples number one freedom, in the United States of America, is the freedom to be totally ignorant of those who are other than white. Kellen Castineiras PSY Dr. Gail C. Flanagan February 6, 2022. . Ethical issues were 1/3 of the participants refused to take the head off the rat . Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Things even got violent at recess. (2022, Apr 06). The study also violates the American Principles of Psychologist codes of conduct making its replication or further investigation unethical. What Lies Behind Your Urgent Need to Answer Work E Mails? It has everything to do with power.. She said she watched and was horrified at what she saw. The experiment, known as Blue Eyes Brown Eyes experiment, is regarded as an eye-opening way for children to learn about racism and discrimination. She began this work in Grasping for a scientific explanation, she ended up claiming that melanin makes eyes darker, and makes . These differences lead to war and hate. On Friday, April 5, 1968, in Riceville, IA, a third-grade student walked . The day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a small, all-white Iowa town, divided her third-grade class into blue-eyed and brown-eyed groups and gave them a daring . According to role theorist Erving Goffman, emotional and cognitive experiences in such experiments as the Blue-Eyed versus the Brown-Eyed can have a long-term influence on behaviors and attitudes of participants especially when they are made to play the role of a stigmatized group (Biddle, 2013). They killed hundreds of thousands of people based on eye color alone, thats the reason I used eye color for my determining factor that day., Elliott divided the class into children with blue eyes and children with brown eyes. (She prefers the term "exercise.") Blue-eyed people. "I think these children walked in a colored child's moccasins for a day," she was quoted as saying. Was The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment Ethical? Blue eyes, brown eyes: What Jane Elliott's famous experiment says about race 50 years on. On the second day, the roles were reversed, and those with brown eyes received special treatment, and the blue-eyed children were made to feel inferior (A Class, 2003). She repeated the abuse with subsequent classes, and finally turned it into a fully commercial enterprise. On the first day, the blue-eyed students were informed that they were genetically inferior to the brown-eyed students. Considering all the stereotypes and prejudices that exist, what kind of damage is being done? That spring morning 37 years ago, the blue-eyed children were set apart from the children with brown or green eyes. She would conduct the exercise for the nine more years she taught the third grade, and the next eight years she taught seventh and eighth graders before giving up teaching in Riceville, in 1985, largely to conduct the eye-color exercise for groups outside the school. The Hangout Bar & Grill, the Riceville Pharmacy and ATouch of Dutch, a restaurant owned by Mennonites, line Main Street. Blue-eyed students slumped in their chairs, as though . He printed them under the headline "How Discrimination Feels."