We will calculate the radius of the sphere by substituting 62 for diameter in the formula R a d i u s = D i a m e t e r 2 : r = 62 2 r = 31 m m The radius of the sphere is 31 mm. Explains how different types of animals use their adaptations to stay alive and live . (176) Our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into spheres over time solidifying into surface, molded by fire. (177) 1Soon the density becomes great enough for the spheres of gas and dust to collapse and start individual nuclear reactions. Students are given either the radius or the diameter and then they will find the volume of the sphere. The test spheres used in the practice trials had diffuse reflectances different from those used in the actual experiment. But now they were faded and graying, like a light morning fog. (242) In his system, best reflected in Divine Love and Wisdom (17Swedenborg conceived of three spheres: divine mind, spiritual world, and natural world. Two of the problems are word problems. sentence with Spheres And Diameter ; We found a low-branched walnut 5 feet in diameter and over 450 years old. Each star. (289) These globular bodies are, in fact, merely the more coherent portions of a perlite; the rest of the rock falls down in a fine powder setting free the glassy spheres. Numerous spheres also occur on and between spores and on the inner surface of the sporangium wall. And those spheres- they are worlds, realms, each one different yet the same. Rule 1. (367) He invented, or improved armillary spheres, the chief implements of ancient astrometry, determined the obliquity of the ecliptic at 23 51' (a value 5' too great), and introduced an effective mode of arc-measurement. (148) The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my spheres of influence is biology -- is from a grasshopper. (374) The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. (265) Curving appendages attached to oblong shapes or to punctured spheres in some of the works may allude to other life-forms such as insects or invertebrates. (190) Is of peculiar interest, because of the intrusion of economic problems into the spheres of national politics and even of religion. (98) 1Others look like bizarre alien landscapes, with mutating spheres hovering in a starlit sky. 6. their special Spheres of living. Bacteria occur in three basic shapes: rods ( or bacilli ), There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the, A hidden spark of the dream sleeps In the forest and waits In the celestial, It is helpful to reducing the uncertainty of measuring LEDs luminous flux with integrating, The only grain of truth to this complaint that the arts are in decline come from three, in fact, we have intelligence that smaller, Here are three of the stable structures that can be made using supermagnetic, Justinian has a clearer perception of the demarcation between the, Later record keeping aids throughout the Fertile Crescent included calculi (clay, The most obvious advantage of this system was that it made obsolete the fifty-five, Any delineation between the nominally public and non-public, Put the Earth at the center of the nested, The results of TEM showed that micelles were regular, In Britain, finally, the church, or rather the churches, wield tremendous influence in all, The jury box is set off by a walnut rail and descending baubles, round, Father entered the room, arms full of suitcases shaped in rectangles, pentagons , squares, and even, No one wanted to pay for music; the general feeling was that it should flow free from the celestial, This concept of vicegerency is what distinguishes Islam from other systems of thought in all, Urdu soon gained distinction in literary and cultural, Because people have freedom of choice where to shop there is some overlap between these, The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene, 2The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene, The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my, These distance measurements tell you that you are situated somewhere on the circle where two, The shapes of these ferruginous sandstones are very fantastic - tubes, hollow, Use of the equation is based on the precept that particles are dominantly, The system is regulated by a height control valve which allows fluid to move between, Women in India experience much worse suffering, humiliation and slavery in all, The inner planets, the closest to the Sun, are solid, In the study of the classics, as in other, A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper, And then this is the first part of -- this is 109, Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane, The importance of these actions is that they legitimise intervention in other, 2Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane, The next diagonal has the tetrahedral numbers because similarly, you can stack that many, Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a number of shapes, ranging from, Yet, the dispersion of education only underscores with renewed urgency the significance of formal, Rock crystal was used for beads and was made into, Innovation has been permeating into various, There is no inexorable logic dictating that the media must undermine the independence of the, 1Innovation has been permeating into various, This was published in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium LRB On the revolutions of the heavenly, Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and, Our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into, 1Soon the density becomes great enough for the, It was concluded that the product was hollow, Now, according to proponents of the clash of civilizations, Barbie and Fulla occupy these completely separate, And from literate populations, new forms of collective action emerged in the, 1. (181) And from literate populations, new forms of collective action emerged in the spheres of knowledge, religion and politics. 6- Extremely thin films and tiny spheres exhibit high strength. Strong, powerful and multi-purpose, these magnets provide high energy allowing them to magnetize to U Brands magnetic glass boards. (209) The good he did was limited to the spheres of public works and police; in other respects his rule was a pernicious influence for Cuba. (285) Through this translation, European mathematicians got to know methods for calculating the areas of triangles, volumes of spheres as well as square and cube root . 11.geodetic theodolites generally have circles of about140mm Diameter. (108) Important spheres of local public life fell outside of the purview of most scholarly narratives. (443) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "spheres". (436) The Word "spheres" in Example Sentences. (243) I had the question popped into my head: What does the cone that connects the sun and the Earth look like if you could connect the two spheres? (182) 1. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. (391) Thus for m =2, the spheres are orthogonal, and it can be verified that a13 a2 3 aY3 i f /' = ZU (I - 13 - 7.2 3 + 3) ' (8) where a l, a2, a =a l a 2 /J (a 1 2 +a 2 2) is the radius of the spheres and their circle of intersection, and r 1, r 2, r the distances of a point from their centres. The diameter of the orchestra is 762 ft. 252. (384) The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs and is a part of the same ubiquitous music of the spheres that builds harmony into atoms, molecules, crystals, shells, suns and galaxies and makes the Universe sing. . Its diameter was about equal to its height. use spheres and diameter in a sentencechristopher lee height, weight. (379) The solidarity of clan and fine in their respective spheres, the provisions of the system, the simple rural life, and the prevalence of barter and payments in kind, left comparatively little occasion for contracts between individuals. To pass quality, the sentence must be free of errors and meet the required standards. 2) Draw a circle 10cm in diameter. (124) Later record keeping aids throughout the Fertile Crescent included calculi (clay spheres, cones, etc. (36) 2When threatened, he fires spheres of solidified air from his launcher! Now the two sphere have same radius, but different mass distribution. . They are rolled down the trough one at a time . use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (231) Bilibin's services were valued not only for what he wrote, but also for his skill in dealing and conversing with those in the highest spheres. (143) The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres. (232) The world,the clustering spheres, He made, The glorious light, the soothing shade, Dale, champaign, grove, and hill: The multitudinous abyss. (180) 2Relevant spheres for scrutiny include health, education, employment, training, legal protection, trade unions, and others. (85) In fact, we can have long , great lives when we balance the fice spheres of wellness. (219) The researchers infected animals with a set number of viruses that were either released on their own or packaged into the stealth spheres. Finally, she realized that she co (198) Finally, there were the microscopic soot spheres, produced by high temperature combustion, such as in the boilers of power stations. A simple sentence with "spheres"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. (420) Mr Gore, starting from the same basis of faith and authority, soon found from his practical experience in dealing with the doubts and difficulties of the younger generation that this uncompromising attitude was untenable, and set himself the task of reconciling the principle of authority in religion with that of scientific authority by attempting to define the boundaries of their respective spheres of influence. The front or cover of the case is a similar button of hard polished carbon D, also slightly smaller in diameter than the cylindrical wall of the box. To demonstrate the problem of undetermined probabilities in the closed-orbit region, we have chosen two plausible distributions for smooth spheres. Kinetics and locus of failure of receptor-ligand mediated adhesion between latex spheres. They were a pale brown with hints of faint green and light blue; they had always reminded him of the colors of the earth thousands of miles in two tiny, Environmental concern is a little like dieting or paying off credit-card debt - an episodically terrific idea that burns brightly and then seems to fade when we realize there's a reason we need to diet or pay down our debt. The word "spheres" in 463 example sentences, "spheres" in easy simple English sentence. 1.the Diameter of a circle must go through the center. 24.effect of temperature and stirring rate on the Diameter and the monodispersity of silica spheres. [463 Example Sentences + Audio] How to make, use, write and learn "spheres" in a sentence? Three molecule-like models, each being composed of four spheres, served as learning objects. (239) The Green's function for the Poisson equation in the domains bounded by two intersecting spheres with Dirichlet boundary conditions is presented. 15- Wholesale pricing on split round balls and wooden split spheres . (73) Sones upends the pycnogonid toreveal a cluster of tiny spheres like whitish caviar. NOR1 plays a central regulatory role in cell differentiation, metabolism and apoptosis. (139) This concept of vicegerency is what distinguishes Islam from other systems of thought in all spheres of life. Using the Van De Waals radius, the volume of a nitrogen molecule is (351) During the eighteenth century there emerged lodges and coffee houses, newspapers and gazettes , academies and salons; there came spheres of activity governed by the public will and by public opinion. 26- In three particular spheres , he made remarkable progress. A toy train rolls around a horizontal 1.0-{\\rm m}-diameter Order Now! At the time when church and science were not yet two differentiated spheres in society, that assumption was perhaps plausible. (103) His savoirfaire had vanished and he was prodding desperately at a pile of coal black spheres. (34) It's made up of 16 concentric shells. Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. (46) Deimos is about 7.5 miles in diameter. (230) After World War II, Europe was informally split into Western and Soviet spheres of influence. (302) In this paper, we show that the isometry between the unit spheres of certain normed space and its dual space can be extended to a real linear isometry on the whole space. (159) And then this is the first part of -- this is 109 spheres, since the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. 9- They often face discrimination in various spheres . (452) How to use "spheres" in a sentence. Men and women continued to renegotiate household spheres of power as pre-colonial divisions of labor were permanently disrupted. 30.you can choose pipe Diameter and form as below. 12.remember, we are the source for large Diameter pipe, heavy walls and x-grades. Students will use the 14 practice problems to find the volume of spheres and hemispheres. (270) He governs the visible world, preserves the harmony and guides the revolutions of all the spheres, and is the captain of all the myriads of angelic beings. (269) The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 0.95-centimeter stainless steel spheres aligned in parallel chains. 25- He ignores the idea of differently qualified spheres . Every star. - The Word "spheres" in Example Sentences. (54) Related to the tetrahedron are two spheres which have received much attention. So, the diameter is about 0.4 nm. If the surface area is multiplied by the diameter, the volume will be obtained, in which every point on its surface is equidistant from its How to Calculate the Volume of a Sphere The formula to calculate the volume of sphere is defined by: 4/3rd of Pi and cube of radius of sphere. Once the celestial spheres' number become complete, the existence of the elements follow necessarily thereafter. 4- The passenger ships had habitation spheres 20 meters in diameter. (402) It leaves the Hindu Kush near the Dorah Pass at the head of one of the minor Chitral affluents, and passing south-west divides Kafiristan from Chitral and Bajour, separates the sections of the Mohmands who are within the respective spheres of Afghan and British sovereignty, and crosses the Peshawar-Kabul route at Lundi-Khana. (358) Distinctive modelling, colour profusion, are numerous multicolor strass spheres can be made a fantastical effect,[www.MakeSentenceWith.com] is considered to be the best fashionable jewelry DIY material. 8- These spheres often occur on different scales. Use "spheres" in a sentence spheres example sentences spheres 1. (42) The cell contains two types of silicon spheres about as big as buckshot. they're saving as many species as they can. (288) But instead of circles on a two-dimensional surface, the wave fronts are now concentric spheres, with the sound traveling along rays perpendicular to these waves. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Janet knew that her argument was really weak. Darwinian evolution might have provided the elusive bond between the natural and humane spheres. (268) Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that there were stem cell-like cells in cell spheres and neuron- and glia -like cells after the plating. The data indicate that the spread in the match spheres is different from that for the test spheres. (136) The jury box is set off by a walnut rail and descending baubles, round spheres of beautifully grained wood. . 13- Labor cost in almost all spheres is low. They vary in their shape from round to flattened, elongated, And when that happens, we can take these positively charged copper, After 1492 the discovery of the West Indies by Columbus rendered desirable a delimitation of the Spanish and Portuguese, What you're listening to is the sound of the brain of this monkey as it explores three different visually identical, In the sixteenth century, regionalism remained a powerful cultural force, despite the growing influence of London in most, The Green's function for the Poisson equation in the domains bounded by two intersecting, The discussion then went off on a tangent , to the question of how many, To climb higher than the sphery chime means to ascend beyond the, In his system, best reflected in Divine Love and Wisdom (17Swedenborg conceived of three, I had the question popped into my head: What does the cone that connects the sun and the Earth look like if you could connect the two, If noise is the signature tune of the world, the silence is the music of the other world, the closest thing we know to the harmony of the, Supreme power, the eternal essence who penetrates the empyrean , who praises the spirits in their, This is an arrangement similar to that found in opal (except that in opal the, Autolycus surviving works include a book on, The only way intelligent futures are to be realised is by ensuring that influence in one sphere does not mean concomitant influence in other, Microsoft's blog abbreviation debacle comes as blogging in general and RSS specifically make inroads into more, Steel cables are more typically found on boats and the hanging, Light scattering matrix of random oriented two, She reminded me of the characters that populate Hardy's novels, whose, 1Light scattering matrix of random oriented two, Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that there were stem cell-like cells in cell, 2Light scattering matrix of random oriented two, As Freud's view of the unconscious suggests, distinct but interrelated, In his system, best reflected in Divine Love and Wisdom (1763), Swedenborg conceived of three, The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 95-centimeter stainless steel, Mesopore evolution mechanism of phenolic resin-based activated carbon, Curving appendages attached to oblong shapes or to punctured, 2Mesopore evolution mechanism of phenolic resin-based activated carbon, The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 0.95-centimeter stainless steel, He governs the visible world, preserves the harmony and guides the revolutions of all the, Walter Cronkite held a tiny model of the Apollo 8 spacecraft and strode across a darkened studio where two dangling, Results The NSCs derived from the fetal rat ependyma were observed to rapidly proliferate to form some cellular, The plane of periodically arranged dielectric, The thyroid gland of grey mullet is a specific secretory gland and composed of follicles, i. e. monolayer, Firstly, the fly ash is separated into three parts according to its mineralogical composition, they are ferruginous, But what we're trying to create in Chicago is a way to get, collect together, those students who are least represented in our science and technology, 2Firstly, the fly ash is separated into three parts according to its mineralogical composition, they are ferruginous, For example while fighting monsters in The Sea of Monsters his immunity to fire protected him from magical flaming, 1. (145) The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres. The importance of these actions is that they legitimise intervention in other, Soon the density becomes great enough for the, 1. (418) The greater puzzle of universal wisdom and beauty that we have strived to honor through our work includes the profound legacies of world artistic and spiritual traditions, the innate integrity of human communities where people seek to live in social harmony, and that regenerative stream of life sustained upon the earth itself as it spins through the cosmos to the music of the spheres. how much does lamar jackson make in endorsements; use spheres and diameter in a sentence. "If the people can't understand it, they can't use it against me," she thought to herself. Detailed Definition and Meaning. (236) The world,the clustering spheres, He made, The glorious light, the soothing shade, Dale, champaign, grove, and hill: The multitudinous abyss. (356) For simplicity and to make the simulations generic, they modeled the two particles as hypothetical objects known as boson stars, which are similar to models that describe stars as spheres of fluid. The factor that seems to induce more cell differentiation is caspase-3 protease. (158) A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful. (305) Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage. (56) our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into spheres over time (57) Circles spheres cylinders tubes and other round objects can be concentric. A considerable number of tasks, functions and spheres of influence were transferred to private economic agents. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "SIX SPHERES" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. 14.the plant height, stem Diameter, length and width of maximum leaf increased. 131. The infrastructural spheres are not separate from each other. Eldad 680908 A giraffe extends its neck to get food. More Sentences: 1 2 Related Words:spewer spewers spewing spews sphagnum sphere sphered spheres spherical spherically spheroid spheroidal spheroids sphincter sphincters . (225) When agitated using a strong alternating magnetic field, these spheres heat up to 176 degrees to cook and cauterize a tumor from the inside.
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