[13]In the year 1640, two citizens, living in the Gerberstrasse, in Brussels, were walking in the Sonian wood, when they encountered an aged man, whose clothes were in tatters and of an antiquated appearance. Epistol, ad Fabiol. A third Egyptian cross is that represented Fig. Dr. Johnson paid a visit to the judge, and knocked on the head his theory that men ought to have tails, and actually were born with them occasionally; for said he, Of a standing fact, sir, there ought to be no controversy; if there are men with tails, catch ahomo caudatus. And, It is a pity to see Lord Monboddo publish such notions as he has donea man of sense, and of so much elegant learning. xxvii. The squares in the first, third, and fifth rows were filled with a graceful pattern composed of curves, In the second and fourth rows, however, every fourth square contained a distinctly characterized red cross on white ground, with a delicate white spine down the middle. Tanhuser was a famous minnesinger, and all his lays were of love and of women, for his heart was full of passion, and that not of the purest and noblest description. His only answer was the sign of the cross. 11), appear on the Scandinavian moneys. In the fable of Melusina, there are several points deserving of consideration, asthe framework of the story, the half-serpent or fish-shape of Melusina, and her appearances as warnings of impending misfortune or death. That of Rabbi Joel was a translation from an Arabic version made by Nasr-Allah in the twelfth century, whilst Simeon Seths was a translation of the Persian Kalilah andDimnah. Then he enforced him much for to undoe the doore. Among the heathen, flows through a certain province the River Indus; encircling Paradise, it spreads its arms in manifold windings through the entire province. In Greece, the priestesses of Demeter were called Melissae, the high-priest of Apollo was entitled(greek). Yet theynever venture to sell them without having first offered them to us for our private use: should we decline them, they are at liberty to dispose of them to strangers. B. viii. Letitia is no other than the break of day, which in a manner brings the sun into the world, and with rosy fingers opes the gates of Day. It is significant that the Greek name for the mother of Apollo was Leto. And in like manner, he adds, we read of how by the secret, but never unjust, counsel of God a certain man was persecuted by the larger sort of mice which are commonly calledrati.. Yet we mustconsider that King John the Kergtajer was not cast down for nought; nay, rather, because he had turned his heart from the fear of Christ his Lord, who had exalted him, and had taken a wife of the Zinish nation, called Quarakhata. The maidens, on discovering their loss, utter cries of distress. for auld lang syne, On the shore of Smerwick harbour, an Irishman, Dick Fitzgerald, caught a Merrow with hercohuleen driuth,or enchanted cap, lying on a rock beside her. The Christians of Egypt gladly accepted this witness to the cross, and reproduced it in their churches and elsewhere, making it precede, follow, or accompany their inscriptions. He gives a curious proof of Aymars powers. We must go a little further. he lies under the green sod of Kolrin kirkgarth. Come, then, and show me his corpse, old man, that I may judge whether he was as stout of limb as men say.. [212] Northern Chapbooks of the Emperor Charlemagne. I have room only for an outline of the story. The letter is as follows:. It is curious that Devonshire superstition should attribute the tail to Cornishmen, for it was asserted of certain men of Kent in olden times, and was referred to Divine vengeance upon them for having insulted St. Thomas Becket, if we may believe Polydore Vergil. Aphrodite, the Syrian Baalti, loved him so tenderly that the jealousy of Ares was aroused, and he sent a wild boar to gore him in the chase. She appeared in a mourning dress, and continued for a long time to utter the most heart-rending lamentations. Once they had mounted, they were presented one final drink to fortify them for their travels. The mountain-side is thenceforth closed to him for ever. Very soon the water burst up with such force that the men escaped with difficulty; and this proved afterwards the most unfailing spring for miles round. . Accordingly, while Thomas was making merry with his friends in the Tower of Ercildoune, a person came running in, and told, with marks of fear and astonishment, that a hart and a hind had left the neighboring forest, and were parading the street of the village. iv. That all thus recovered will be in a corrupted form I am well aware, but a practised eye will be able to restore what is disintegrated, and will know to detect antiquity, though disguised under the newest robe. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. Above the head of the deity is the triangle, or symbol of the Trinity. and old lang syne? Seldom has anolo episcoparibeen carried out to such an emphatic refusal as was given by Theophilus. They told him schamir was a worm of the size of a barley corn, but so powerful that the hardest flint could not resist him. Now, when, years after, he returned to Jerusalem, he found it ruined and utterly razed, so that not one stone was left standing on another; and he could not recognize former localities. In South America, the same sign was considered symbolical and sacred. Their mother laughs at their comical gestures, and they vanish (Popol-Vuh, b. ii. Arians and Catholics were too bitterly hostile, for it to be possible that a partisan of the former, and a persecutor, should be accepted as a saint by the latter. [63] Ammian. It has been suggested by some that the Jew Ahasverus is an impersonation of that race which wanders, Cain-like, over the earth with the brand of a brothers blood upon it, and one which is notto pass away till all be fulfilled, not to be reconciled to its angered God till the times of the Gentiles are accomplished. As he dashed up to his house, blinded with rage, and regardless of what was before him, the horse fell with him into the pit which the poor folk had dug, and he was killed by the fall. Apollo was born in Delos, a Mediterranean island; Napoleon in Corsica, an island in the same sea. 17; x. Folliculus, a knight, was fond of hunting and tournaments. Its hills sloped green and tufted with beauteous trees to the shore, the mountain-tops were enveloped in bright and transparent clouds, from which gushed limpid streams, which, wandering down the steep hill-sides with pleasant harp-like murmur, emptied themselves into the twinkling blue bays. He lived in strict observance of all his religious duties, was famous for his liberality to the poor, his sympathy with the afflicted, his eloquence in the pulpit, his private devotion, and severe asceticism. It was at Berytus (Beyrut) that the fight of S. George with the dragon took place. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular To the same century belongs one version of the Theophilus legend in Icelandic, published by M. Dasent; the other is younger by a century. But though Jack and Jill became by degrees dissevered in the popular mind from the moon, the original myth went through a fresh phase, and exists still under a new form. He stoutly protested his innocence. A legend of the twelfth century, given by Surius, invests the story with all the colours of a romance. Said he, If you are accused of having stolen the towers of Notre-Dame, bolt at once.. All the warm springs which gushed up in his broken heart are choked, his softened spirit is hardened again, and he returns in despair to bury his sorrows and drown his anxieties in the debauchery of his former creed. He records that inthe year 1228, a certain Archbishop of Armenia the Greater came on a pilgrimage to England to see the relics of the saints, and visit the sacred places in the kingdom, as he had done in others; he also produced letters of recommendation from his Holiness the Pope, to the religious and the prelates of the churches, in which they were enjoined to receive and entertain him with due reverence and honor. Schade, Oskar, Die Sage v. der h. Ursula,. But S. Gertrude occupies the place of the ancient Teutonic goddess Holda or Perchta, who was the receiver of the souls of maidens and children, and who still exists as the White Lady, not unfrequently, in German legends, transforming herself, or those whom she decoys into her home, into white mice. This is probably the ancient form of the Scandinavian myth, and the King of gloom reigning over his gold in the cairn, was only dragonized when the Norse became acquainted with the dragon myths of other nations. There is an Easter miracle-play of the twelfth century, still extant, the subject of which is the Life and Death of Antichrist. More curious still is the Farce de lAntchrist et de Trois Femmesa composition of the sixteenth century, when that mysterious personage occupied all brains. A pious belief, which can trust in the moon and the myriad stars, and invoke them as saints in Paradise! hark, my soul! In the depths of the forests of Central America, is a ruined city. But the moor-hen was so distressed at having broken her oath to the Prince of the Sea that she slew herself[106]. These refused to sacrifice to the idols, and remained in their housespraying and fasting. de Papa Fmina, Opp. But it was destitute of mariners, itself seeming to live and move. He will devastate the whole world, leaving Mecca and Medina alone in security, as these holy cities will be guarded by angelic legions. On the 26th June, the feast of SS. Junii dorch einen piper mit allerlei farve bekledet gewesen 130 kinder verledet binnen Hameln gebon to Calvarie, bi den Koppen verloren., On the Rathhaus was sculptured, in memory of the event, Im Jahr 1284 na Christi gebertTho Hamel worden uthgeverthundert und dreiszig kinder dasiilvest gebomdurch einen Piper under den Koppen verlom., Centum ter denos cum magus ab urbe puellosDuxerat ante annos CCLXXII condita porta fuit., For long, so profound was the impression produced by the event, the town dated its public documents from this calamity.[121]. Melosine-Geschicht, illustrated with woodcuts; Heidelberg, 1491. Melusina was a mermaid. And the Purgatory under consideration is a reflex of old Druidic teaching. Grounded upon this myth is the curious story of The Hare and the Elephant, in the Pantschatantra, an ancient collection of Sanskrit fables. Ogier found no rest in France, and he returned to Avalon, nevermore to leave the fay Morgana. In ancient times there was a man, Tegid Voel by name, who had a wife called Ceridwen, by whom he had a son Morvran ap Tegid, and a daughter Creirwy, both very beautiful; also Aragddu, the most hideous of beings. The peasants tell of a certain way of obtaining possession of this stone. Once before he stood on that spot, and then it was the site of a flourishing city; now it is covered with gentian and wild pinks. The result of these communications with the East was, that the travellers learned how false were the prevalent notions of a mighty Christian empire existing in Central Asia. Against this it is urged that in no ancient calendar does the M. precede the Virg. He then turned his arms eastward, and, having established himself at Treves, commenced hostilities against the emperors Gratian and Valentinian, who disputed with him the imperial purple. also ix. This miracle converted the Empress Alexandra; and Diocletian was so exasperated against the truth, that he condemned her to instant death. [45] Edda of Soemund, tr. In his admirable treatise on metals, Agricola speaks of the rod in terms of disparagement; he considers its use as a relic of ancient magical forms, and he says that it is only irreligious workmen who employ it in their search after metals. There bubbles up the fountain of perpetual youth, which will restore to bloom and vigour all who bathe in it, be they ever so old and ugly. Thus Pausanias speaks of gold and silver in unfused, rough lumps as (Greek). The lackeys then present cried out that the thief had slept on the side indicated by the rod, the bed having been shared with another footman, who occupied the further side. Garnier gives a lengthy account of various experiments he made along with the Lieutenant-Gnral, the uncle of the same, the Abb de St. Grimm has collected a list of authorities who speak of the event as an historical fact. This is a traditional Irish goodbye song, often sung with friends, similar to Auld Lang Syne. [93] Isidor. De Miraculis sui Temporis, lib. The king, in a fury, slew the bird, and then discovered that the water dripped from the jaws of a serpent of the most poisonous description. It will be observed that there is a discrepancy between the accounts of M. de Castelnau and M. dAbbadie. But since it falls unto my lot, That a very peculiar animal has been taken, no one can doubt. iii. As they scalded him, he put his finger into his mouth, and at once obtained the knowledge of futurity. 14), He brought me to the door of the gate of the Lords house, which was towards the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz, byecce mulieres sedentes plangentes Adonidem;and in his commentary on the passage says, Whom we have interpreted Adonis, both the Hebrew and Syriac languages call Thamuz . In 1790, Pennet, a native of Dauphin, attracted attention in Italy, but when carefully tested by scientific men in Padua, his attempts to discover buried metals failed; at Florence he was detected in an endeavor to find out by night what had been secreted to test his powers on the morrow. The magistrates then provided him with the requisite powers, and he went back to the camp. Brit. Five holes were dug in the garden. Perseus delivers Andromeda from the water-born serpent. In northern mythology, the serpent is probably the winter cloud, which broods over and keeps from mortals the gold of the suns light and heat, till in the spring the bright orb overcomes the powers of darkness and tempest, and scatters his gold over the face of the earth. A little after, a sea came and overturned her. Napoleon is, says the writer, an impersonification of the sun. Ambrose, Isidore, and the Venerable Bede in the East[171]. It had very cartilaginous ribs; and in parts where the skin had been rubbed off, a black, coarse flesh was perceptible, very similar to that of the seal. three days after he had gone, Urban discovered that his pastoral staff had put forth buds, and had burst into flower. But during the feast, by a strange metamorphosis(mira qua-dam metamorphosisan enormous number of mice issued from the bodies of his poisoned subjects, and rushing on the palace, attacked the king and his family. Many families look for a special glass, a glass they will always keep and use on special occasions to remember the lost person , in a way, to bring them along to the happier occasions in life. His version appears in the film Waking Ned Devine. In this we have the rudiment of another myth, that of the musical instrument which, when played, sets every thing a-capering. Konigshofen was priest of Strasbourg (b. And in at the windows, and in at the door,And through the walls by thousands they pour,And down from the ceiling, and up through the floor,From the right and the left, from behind and before,From within and without, from above and below,And all at once to the Bishop they go. He was entitled Huehueton-acateo-cateo-cipatli, or Fish-god-of-our-flesh, to give him his name in full; he somewhat resembled the Noah of Sacred Writ; for the Mexican fable related, that in a great time of flood, when the earth was covered with water, he rescued himself in a cypress trunk, and peopled the world with wise and intelligent beings[163]. It now transpired that the theft of fish had taken place seven years before, and the lad was no relation of the keeper, but a country boy who had only been in Chantilly eight or ten months. [138] Zeitschrift f. Deut. The sorcerer ascertained that the other two had left the town by a little path leading into the Nismes road. In copying the foreign pieces, they retained their own symbolic cross. WebALLEN FAMILY FUNERAL OPTIONS. Raymond de Perilhos, on his return to his native country, wrote a narrative of what he had seen, in the dialect of the Limousan, of which a Latin version was printed by OSullo-van, in his Historia Catholica Iberniae[41]. What mean you by Serafina, Senor? To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. Now, as soone as their chaines were of, they were al transmued in an instaunt in faire white swannes by the divine grace, and began to flee in the ayre through the forest, making a piteous and lamentable crye.. Testimon. For auld lang syne, my dear, The great improbability of such a transformation would lead one to question the assertion, even if on no other ground. O Pilot, the great and the glorious,That sittest in garments so white,Oer death and oer hell The Victorious,The Way and the Truth afid the Light,Speak, speak to the darkness appalling,And bid the mad turmoil to cease:For, hark I the good Angels are callingMy soul to the haven of Peace. Siderum regina bicornis audiLuna puellas.O Ursula! My own conviction as to Tammuz will be seen in the sequel. 2. p. xiii. As he thus listened years rolled by, and on his return to the convent he found all changednew faces in the refectory and in the choir. Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Or, again, if the number of the virgins were eleven, they may have been entered as SS. We find rats and mice regarded as sacred animals in other Aryan mythologies. In the article on the Piper of Hameln, I mentioned that Praetorius gives a story of a womans soul leaving her body in the shape of a red mouse. Next day he was given poison to drink without its affecting him. In a similar manner Ogier-le-Danois found himself unconscious of the lapse of time in Avalon. Then the angels set the candles upon the table, and the fourth set the holy speare even upright upon the vessel, as represented on an ancient churchyard crucifix, in rude sculpture, at Sancreed, in Cornwall. Mundi. Lavingae, 1600, tom. After the dukes death, Frederick claimed the hand of Else, on the plea that it had been promised him; but when she refused it, he appealed to the emperor, Henry the Fowler, asking permission to assert his right in the lists against any champion Else might select. We need hardly follow the story in other translations. 13), but the animal is an otter, not an ichneumon. It is a fair subject for inquiry, whether the popular iconography of the angel-hosts is not indebted to the heathen myth for its most striking features. Our land is the home of elephants, dromedaries, camels, crocodiles, meta-collinarum, cametennus, tensevetes, wild asses, white and red lions, white bears, white merules, crickets, griffins, tigers, lamias, hyenas, wild horses, wild oxen and wild men, men with horns, one-eyed, men with eyes before andbehind, centaurs, fauns, satyrs, pygmies, forty-ell-high giants, Cyclopses, and similar women; it is the home, too, of the phnix, and of nearly all living animals. We have a similar instance in the story of S. Hippolitus. "Shouting Hymn" in Jeremiah Ingalls's Christian Harmony (1805) is a related tune.
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