Kirsten was very Popular, but there were a few a little more Popular, why didnt Bern go after them and befriend them, the girls on Homecoming Court, and in the Atlantis Club. What? Kirsten really wasnt big enough to be a Bully and she was more into Social things and School Spirit than bullying others. How is sweet referred to Murder? people no one else liked she was to quite a few and hurt their feelings, she didnt want to associate with the bottom feeders at all, still no excuse for murder. If Bernadette hadnt of lied under false pretense she wouldnt of been so mad at her. We dont care how mean she was,:sure you werent so much a Saint yourself at Miramonte. and sexy fashion fad, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to lifes little questions. Kirsten is better looking than bernadette, because Kirsten facial features are in proportion with her face.. bernadette is not. you werent there so shut up I agree with Karen Karen get your pretty face back on here Is this the same Karen I grew up with?. Contra Costa County Sheriffs deputies were searching yesterday for a teenage girl as a suspect in the stabbing death of another girl here Saturday night. The best way is to bring bullies down a peg or a few. Bernadettes parents also left Orinda, but its unknown if they left the state of California. She never meant harm, as for Bernadette, Kirsten sometimes teased her, and she would be nice to her to, she just was angry for being lured out under false pretense to attend a so called party, and when Bernadette told her feeling about Kirsten, it freaked her out, she spotted something immediately, and she was right. Wow all this bantering back and forth how sad. She was Strange to. Kirsten didnt like some of those people cause they rubbed her the wrong way and acted Stupid around her, she definately wasnt down with Stupidity. She only confessed cause the FBI was cornering her, and she had no where to turn to. Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. i remember always thinking that Bs case would had been much different today. Knowing you though youll never have the character or the balls to do this and that was the reason you arent in whatever popular grip you killed to try to get into. Even Bernadette was to I bet. Art and Berit were Wonderful people. They grow out of it as they get older. Was she snotty to? Yes, the movie showed Kirstan being extremely mean. She acted like Kirsten except Kirsten was (more funny). We are all different. You need help. A popular 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep may have been the victim of another teen-age girl, police said. They made it theyre choice to, like doing stupid stuff all the time. You cant make up for six months of hell.. Vanessa I agree I knew both girls. Dont matter if the girl bullied her. Yes, Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true story. Kirsten wasnt a bully. Goofs If Stacy Lockwood's funeral was Catholic, it would be unlikely the priest would wear a green stole and the casket covered in purple. Im sure you were a big Smart Aleck. You need to get help for that, sweetie. After killing Kirsten, Bernadette said she returned home, hid the knife and took a walk with her mother and the family dog. No more Bernadette has a point. Did Kirsten deserve to die over it. So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. Frequently considered a cult-classic, the 1-hour and 31-minute-long film offers a chilling depiction of the horrific murder story. Bernadette is a Pig. People looked up to her to.. I do believe she was real nice to those she did like and her friends. If she would of left her alone, Kirsten wouldnt of ever bothered her, those TV movies Kirsten wasnt nothing like Tori Spelling, in the 2nd movie a little maybe she was like that girl, but more funnier. Shame on you Bernadette what you did was morose, and against your entire religion and you stabbed Kirsten to death. She turned it about herself! It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. Sticking up for a Murderer youre Pathetic. Due to Bernadettes name change, she has seemingly disappeared from the public eye. Gregory Scott Cummins, film, television, and theater actor; NFL player. Bernadette was snotty to. Teen girls are all like Kirsten was described, dont see how she was worse than any other teen girl around. Seeing this, Alex offered to drive Kirsten home. As for the girls acting like Hoes if they have PTSD from it maybe they should of thought of the consequences, before they did it. I didnt really know her, just who she was, same for Bernadette. My friend loved her and said she was one that you couldnt help but love even though she could be cocky. Stuck up she was, no Bully. Her BFF said the same exact thing abour Kirsten This is Bern or her sister, or even BFF. Shes the Victim. I hear she suffers from depression to. Kirsten Costas was the cheerleader in question; she was also a star on the varsity swim team at Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. What about its about time, the one who knew Kirsten? The costas still have to deal with pain and grief and it doesnt matter if she was angry nobody thought about kirsten or her family by letting bernadette get a slap on the wrist! Another lesson is parents should not have kids too late in life. Maria Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. Those who say Kirsten was a Mean Girl clearly didnt know her, or she didnt like them with (good Reasons). She could be mean, in fact, I could see her getting mean before I could see Kirsten. Maybe things wouldve been different for her and she would still be here today. Senseless. Bernadette is a Weirdo as Kirsten spotted, this wasnt about Bullying, it was about being called out in front of the School, and tarnishing her reputation, which in the long run it did. Shame on you calling a dead girl names. First, she never made it to the cheerleading team and did not make it to the yearbook staff. Protti, 16, was convicted of second-degree murder Wednesday for stabbing to death last June her popular classmate, Kirsten Costas, 15, a varsity swimmer and cheerleader. Ok, I agree with you that Kirsten was better-looking, but you realize that Bernadette was part Italian, right? We should educate our children, our minds and our souls. Im incandescent with rage. I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. Everyone loved my friends because they were funny and not rich. You seem to have the mentality of a child. Youre going off the crappy movie. Check out these sexist stewardess job requirements of the 50s & 60s, The original Rice Krispies treats recipe from 1940 & its delicious history, 100 vintage 1960s supermarkets & old-fashioned grocery stores, Vintage Fostoria glass: 100+ old patterns, colors & styles of the classic American glassware, Why the old Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New York was the very definition of extravagance, See some huge classic 50s station wagons, with fins & rear-facing back seats, Remember these? I was on a few adult precision ice skating teams, and let me tell you, some of the women who were on the teams were a hell of a lot worse than high school girls!! Bernadette was in with them to so was Jill. Kirstens friendship meant so much to her, she would go on and on about it. Until something happens. On the other hand, Bernadette informed her parents that she had a babysitting job that day. The things that got me mad was it hurt and I couldnt change like looks or money or popularity or things," Protti added later on. Bernadette had tried for the cheerleading squad as well but had not made the cut. I forgive her to a degree, but wont accept what she did to Kirsten, she will live with that the rest of her life. Bernadette would have seen the pain and anguish on Kirstens face, the fear and shock in Kirstens eyes, listened to Kirsten scream in agony (she was reported to have screamed) as she felt the knife rip through Kirsten skin. Amen Shelly. Some by the time theyre 18 depends on the maturity level theyre at. But I do know that two families had to move out of town because the girls wore all black and kept to them selves.. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. No one deserves to be murdered. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. As for LF aka LP she just disappeared off the map somehow. Cant see her making fun of anyone. They also laughed at you in the halls when you passed them, Bernadette to and Kirsten, I wasnt in the (wonderful in crowd) so I didnt fit in their world. She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. To anyone that wishes to support Kirstens memory, and believes Kirsten didnt deserve what happened to her, please have a look at, and join her Facebook Memorial Page. According to the outlet, she was motivated by greed, envy, and the desire to become more like Costas. She runs a Facebook and Twitter account under the same name. She just got irritated cause Bernadette lied to her and lured her out under false Circumstances, Id be annoyed and Angry to. Hard to comprehend how this Bernadette flew into a rage and savagely murdered her classmate. Also, Kirsten was upper middle class and lived in a less expensive area than Bernadette. She is paying for it like they said in her chess pie recipe. Esp one 86 girl who thought she was just on top of the world. Kirsten would probaly still be today to if she was still alive. She wont tell where shes at, cause to many people have it out for her cause of her past. Kirsten had an Engaging type Personality, that Movie was off, and (Pro Bernadette). I know there were Bogus postings from Kirstens classmates. So start the story there. If you werent Popular she looked down on you just as bad as Kirsten did. In northern italy they have blonde hair fair and blue eyes . So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses, Could of been any of those girls in that group as one girl said, they were all like Kirsten in lots of ways. Never wished Kirstens unfortunate death, she may of been misunderstood, but she never talked to me, neither did Bernadette. If you ever saw Saved by the Bell the new Class Lindsey on that show reminded me a lot of what Kirsten was like. The murder of her daughter, Berit says, was premeditated from the moment of the phone call. Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. What are you talking about?? Bernadette gave a ninety-minute confession, taped by sheriffs deputies. If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette, she would of told Alex Arnold all about her, and the Conversation. It wont bring Kirsten back. My comments arent gossip. She talked to most people. She was friendly and outgoing. By the time Kirsten left Alexander Arnolds car at her neighbors house, Bernadettes fear had turned to anger. In swimming pools she would practice tumbling, one friend told about it, she would dive in the water and do back flips. i dont want to hear poor bernadette was bullied no she had mental issues. Bernadette really should have left her alone. How is obsessing over this going to solve the problem? Powered by VIP. She fit it fine and was considered to be popular in her own way. I was told she had no known enemies. Kirsten was beautiful. She is evil and a Monster (with a very dark Soul). So she had a different view of Kirsten, Bern wasnt nice to of murdered. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. They were rich. She couldnt of been or she never would of killed, and watch the town accuse 2 Innocent girls and harrass,them over it. Her main concern when being caught was people finding out who she was, and people hating her rather then easing the pain of the parents who obviously would never be the same considering they buried their own child (who had not had a chance to live, and have life beyond her own) before they buried themselves! We are all different. The Judge felt sorry for her, and felt that the Community was using her trial as entertainment purposes and amusement. Looking at the pictures, it is shocking to see that Kirsten Costas is the face of an innocent little girl. It was okay at her age, like most teenagers who wish for the ultimate pinnacle of popularity. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. The senior class officers are President Haley Moltyaner and Treasurer. Thats a much more obvious motive. So Vanessa I answer your questions. You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? First, an assumedly innocent girl murdering her schoolmate got people by surprise. Paris Mahone did you know Kirsten? Her parole would have gone ahead sooner apparently but in 1992 one of the parole board Victor Wisehart voted to keep her in jail as she showed an inability to control her anger and he felt that she was still a danger to the public, she had had a violent altercation with a boyfriend in the prison/school system, he said there was a hidden trigger that switched on when she didnt get her own way! Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Bernadette only got in that Exclusive Club cause a friend who had pull nominated her. The only apparent witness to the killing told reporters that he and his wife were playing pinochle in their home with neighbors in nearby Moraga when Kirsten, looking frightened, came to their door and asked to use the phone to call her parents. I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. If someone from Orinda ran into her, especially one of Kirstens friends, they would probably spit at her. Anyway, the past cannot be erased, rather we can learn from every instance and scenario. Shame on you. There are speculations that Bernadette has changed her name to Jeannette Tomanka. is it really about wealth, splendour etc? Others suffer more cause they experience the loss. So if she didnt like you, probably you did something to irritate her and she let you know it. Kirsten and Bernadette were both well off. As with the earlier movie, it's a loose fictionalization of the 1984 murder of high school sophomore Kirsten Costas . Even if her friend was bullying dont give right to take life. She comes back to see her mom her dad passed. That was all taken from her, so unfair. Bernadette Protti shocked the nation and her locality when she confessed to the brutal murder by stabbing her schoolmate, Kirsten Costas. I liked School and I wasnt popular, but I still liked it. She is unstable and who knows what she will do. On the afternoon of the third day of the trial, Judge Edward Merill found Bernadette Protti guilty of second-degree murder. That could hurt much more than death. As for Kirsten making fun of outcasts, I agree every school has outcasts. "She was beautiful inside and out, with an amazing personality that will live on forever," said one classmate. No justification for Murder. So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)????? According to this blog, Bernadette is married and has made a new life for herself. I was happy enough at school without popularity. Read the article. I thought Miramonte was a nice place, if you make good decisions myoumwill make it (popular or not). It made me feel oh so special. So before you start judging Kirsten, first get facts. Without a confession, authorities did not have enough evidence to arrest her. I am merely reading the comments after viewing the movie and indeed if the movie mischaracterized Bernadette then her parents should sue them. And yes, I was bullied in high school too. Kirstens family and Berns family were both Well off, Bern lived in a Richer part. She loved to play Nancy Drew. Kirstens friends who said she was nice, well they were all in some (Clique) and stuck together and helped one another out. My friend was surprised it was Bernadette who murdered Kirsten! That way she would of learned and been afraid, no she took the Coward Way out and Murdered, and Bernadette was chasing after Kirsten. Setting up a fake meeting and lying about a Party is Strange and Weird. Lifetime should be ashamed. No, it is about love, people. So they had a clique, what School or job doesnt? Just some girls on interviews said she was just self absorbed but no bully. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. You are still getting that she was a bully from the movie where they changed everyones name because they werent doing a real version. Many say they cant trust anyone anymore, not after what Bernadette did. Kirsten teased Joanna and Joanna got it all wrong to. Regardless she didnt deserve to die, and she isnt the only one who laughed at people in High School. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. 15-year-old Kirsten Costas was ruthlessly murdered on June 23, 1984, by one of her schoolmates. Bernadette could be to at times She was no Angel some thought of her as Stuck up(Bernadette that is) and her BFF was kind of popular, but not as popular and Bernadette, Stacy, Diane, Jessica and Carrie. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family? So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)? Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks. Completely agree with you Midwest Jimmy. Killing her just because you were jealous? Still no one deserves to die. She and one of her good friends practiced all the time. Like I said, Kirsten was so much fun. ( Some did) I did cause it was getting ridiculous. Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. Although Kirsten was surprised to find out that it wasn't one of her friends as expected, she obliged and got into the car. Eventually, she ended up confessing to killing Kirsten, saying that she put her down, and made her feel bad, exacerbating Bernadettes inferiority complex. Note: This article may feature affiliate links, and purchases made may earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. I hardly knew this girl. I dont think she intended to kill Kirsten, I believe she was desperate for a friendship and pushed to hard at it, and when she realized she made a fool out of herself, to became to much for her to handle and she did the (unthinkable). Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? Thats different, and usually those were the ones that were irritating and annoying. She did have the cutest clothes of all time and knew it. Between 10-15 years ago bullying came into the news. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Lots of teen girls are caddy and laugh at people. She was Popular, and, she was also nice at times, she just was Stuck on herself. No, it is about love, people. Bernadette is hiding out, dont know about the depression, but she is in hiding and dont want her location exposed now, not sure if she is married anymore, but shes not working, she is somewhere out of State close to a family member. Her family was not the same. Oh Im sure they so love having thier names and business displayed for the World to see. And yes Bernadette has enough problems, and theres Virus out there Worldwide that is killing people all over, and Rioters rioting in streets keeping the Virus alive, that is what the World needs to focus on today. I saw an interview with one of her classmates who described her as mean. Kirsten was the life of the party. No other word. Shes grown up a lot and isnt the same teen girl she use to be. Rubbish. Bernadettes own parents turned her in. She let it be known. Required fields are marked *. She may of been Stuck up most Cheerleaders are, but she was no where near a Bully or made fun of people. Kirsten wasnt a Bully, she was Conceited and stuck up. I never saw her actually bully and some said they cant picture Kirsten ever being unkind Kirsten was loved by many very many. In the end, the wannabe cheerleader was found guilty of second degree murder, with the judge rejecting the idea that the murder was premeditated. Sounds like her parents Shouldve did some actual parenting and taught her how to have respect for other people. Kirsten was a true Social Butterfly, always joking with others, talking with others, We werent friends but I liked Kirsten and all those girls. Where are the examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette and pushing her to her limit? Joe Kosla, where are you? Did you know the 2 Accussed? Karen I read your comments n I totally agreed with you. Kirsten liked almost everybody. I need so much help and love. Bernadette Protti had . The juvenile code dictates a sentence of confinement to the age of 25. Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. You get on here and write comments all day long, repeating yourself over and over and over again. Every Murdered person was once someones child, parent, sibling or spouse. Check your Stories and facts before you post Nonsense.
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