If you want a perfect demonstration of the "1,000 typing monkeys accidentally creating a masterpiece" phenomenon, look no further than your spam subject lines. Go ahead and send them these long cute paragraphs. A short paragraph may not reach even 50 words while long paragraphs can be over 400 words long, but generally speaking they tend to be approximately 200 words in length. I won't stop. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Our sense of smell is responsible for interpreting around 80 percent of what we taste, according to the University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. Research out of Harvard University in 2008 confirmed that the Tyrannosaurus rex shared more of its genetic makeup with ostriches and chickens than with alligators and crocodiles. Now that you have made it this far, you wonder if you learned anything, but no, you did not get the reference about the fire hydrant and refused to look it up, then you make the decision of reading this long essay with your irreversible time. If so, do not memorize a paragraph of information because you will not learn the material or be able to apply it. Then click "Page Layout" tab. An earthquake might have shrunk Mount Everest. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. There is a metallic asteroid shaped like a dog bone named "Kleopatra.". The tongue is the only muscle in one's body that is attached from one end. The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache. The magnitude of your failure just now is so indescribably massive that one hundred . , _,,)\\.~,,._ (()` ``)\\))),,_ | \\ ''((\\)))),,_ ____ |6 . Type in =Lorem () and then hit Enter, and Word will create five paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum text, each containing three sentences. Relish Bay - Gift Ideas, Love Messages & Relationship Tips "A cubic inch of bone can in principle bear a load of 19,000 lbs. But time is irreversible and you still do not realize this. That's because camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert back in the 1800s after they were brought to the States by the U.S. Army. In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, there's a small 1,600-square-foot piece of land that sticks out into a pond. Frank Sinatra was offered the starring role in, Sleeping through summer is called "estivation.". And while they all look similar, the King of Hearts is the only royal fellow who doesn't have a mustache. Genghis Khan wasn't only known for being the leader of the Mongol Empire from 1206 to 1227he also fathered a lot of children. On top of the word "philosopher" being misspelled on the back cover, "1 wand" was listed twice when it came to the supplies Harry was meant to take to school. Rainbows were called "bows of promise" in Victorian English. You useless piece of shit. Your fingernails grow faster on your dominant hand. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In you, I found love, a friend, a companion, a mother, a role model, a perfect human, in short, you're my total package. In an attempt to prevent the plague from spreading back in Shakespeare's time, many public places were shut down until things improved. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. Jason 's so old and Jewish he attended Shakespeare's bar mitzvah. One reason is because they will get a higher education. Imagine the things you couldve accomplished. When the public started using the phone back in the 1800s, inventor Alexander Graham Bell thought they should answer a call with "ahoy." Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles per hour. "Most likely the first message was QWERTYUIOPor something similar. These rivets, according toLevi Strauss & Co., are placed on certain spots to add extra support where the denim is more likely to wear out and rip. You rotate the ground 4 times.. 4 You go and understand the tree. A CT-scan of the skull was taken and a 3D print was created, which forensic artist Amy Thornton then used as a base to add fake muscle, skin, and hair, resulting in a model of the pup. But it turns out that punctuation wasn't always a part of our written language. Paragraph on Pollution 4 (250 Words) Pollution is the most immediate threat to our environment and is a global concern. Answer (1 of 7): Surprisingly enough, a two hundred and fifty word paragraph is actually not very long. When Parker Brothers released the first Nerf ball in 1970, they wanted the public to be aware of how safe the four-inch foam toy was. It's likely a combination of the words "tiny" and "little" since it is an itty-bitty dot. And when a few of the first editions were printed, there were some mistakes inside. Welcome to the roast of Jason! What are dinosaurs? I read your basic requirements, I am very good at Excel I been working . The best one Terrible English by PT sir 1 There is no wind in the football.. 2 I talk, he talk, why you middle talk?. Cheese cake pillows. I have more than 16 years of experience and have completed 100+ projects. According to a 2007 article inScientific American, unlike other mammals, felines can't taste sweetness due to the fact that they "lack 247 base pairs of the amino acids that make up the DNA of the Tas1r2 gene. I prefer a long explanation in the notes section and lots of images on cards that ask 1 and only 1 question that is answered by one or two words. And while it might just be human error that resulted in these contradicting measurements, another reason for the discrepancies could be that Everest has changed heights in the past few years. The tiny black seeds found in the fruit contain a plant compound called amygdalin that turns into hydrogen cyanide if the seeds are chewed or digested, according to Medical News Today. Approximately three years ago, Dr Quintendo III, a mental scientist, had managed to turn a typical computer to life. The tool used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called a "Brannock Device.". Although American readers may recognize the book as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the British story was originally titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is something I will never forget. In 1950, an Associated Pressarticletitled "How Experts Think We'll Live in 2000 A.D." included a prediction from editor Dorothy Roe, who thought that in the future, the average woman would "outsize Diana," AKA Wonder Woman. In 2008, then-19-year-old George Garratt from the U.K. legally changed his name to this incredibly long moniker, which was believed to be the longest name in the world. When one of these books was up for auction in March 2019, it sold for a staggering $90,000. You deserve the absolute best. tomatoes tomato sauce and tomato paste. Hi there, Being a professional and experienced copywriter, I would . Frost studies the conditions of Earth's mantle and has found ways to mimic them in his lab. Jason 's so Jewish his tagline on LinkedIn is: "Once you go Jew, no Christian will do.". The oldest representations of Satan in early Christian art actually showed him as a blue angel, while the good angels were red. If you want to watch a few people try, check out this video from Food Beast. Weighing around four pounds and measuring up to three feet from head to tail, the Malabar giant squirrel looks more like a rainbow-inspired muppet than something that you'd find in the forest stateside. Human bodies can sometimes feel vulnerable and fragile. Water, when blended in with poisonous mixes, gets hurtful to utilize. 100 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining for Words, Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, head over to the neighboring city of Barre, largest independent lost and found survey, University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste, camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert, research team from Michigan State University, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Guinness World Record for the cheesiest pizza, majority of pandas around the world either come from China. In this post, you will find the top 10 long paragraphs that teach you a lesson. Yet. $20 CAD in 5 days (0 Reviews) 0.0. kishankhanpara3. If you had not read this and I had not typed this you and I couldve done something more productive than reading this mindlessly and carelessly as if you did not have anything else to do in life. Even casual cereal eaters probably know that the Rice Krispie mascots are called Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Library job allowed him to plan the escape. I'm at the end of my rope right now so have to take a raincheck. We were watching the movie and the oven beeped so the pizza was done. There's a tiny home in Virginia called the "Spite House" because that's why it was built. Pound cake originally included a pound of all of its ingredients. L literature Long and pointless text Add to Favourites Comment By Sou1forged Published: May 31, 2008 5 Favourites 2 Comments 62.8K Views Somehow you have managed still to waste around now 35 seconds reading this stupid, excessive, and long paragraph with your irreversible time. The CBC reported that the team's owner and chairman, Mannie Jackson, and some players met with the pope during a visit to the Vatican City where the pontiff was given an autographed basketball and his very own jersey. Bruce Willis played the legendary John McClane in the Die Hardfilm franchise. 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after youve discovered how long its been, then youre wrong. Addressing these arguments (and taking them down point by point) not only adds length to your essay, but it strengthens your own argument, too. Here is all the latest news about convicted killer, Alex Murdaugh. Well, for a long sentence that ultimately says nothing, one would need to think of something that doesn't mean anything, or at least if it does mean something then its meaning must be of no consequence whatsoever, to the end that the sentence ultimately doesn't say anything. When you finish you may hang up, or press one for more options. A paragraph could contain a series of brief examples or a single long illustration of a general point. With "A" and "S" being beside each other on the middle row of the standard QWERTY keyboard and "K" and "L" over on the other side of the same row, Alaska is the only state name that you can type out using a single row on a keyboard. There are animal facts, there are historical facts, there are state facts, there are Disney facts, and then, there are useless factsthe kind of trivia you will never, ever need to know. Ravens are notoriously clever creaturesso much so that they're aware of when they're being watched. Montpelier, Vermont, is the only U.S. capital without a McDonald's. okaysinaa.syke.club. If you're writing a persuasive or argumentative essay, consider counterarguments or alternate views. These acts will make you say OMG! "Dreamt" is the only word in the English language that ends with "mt.". Here are my collection of long freaky paragraphs for her copy and paste! Students should stay in school until 18 for two reasons. According to the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "golf balls are usually covered with dimples in a highly symmetrical way," which "is important or the ball will wobble.". 4. About 1,000 students take the course each year. For instance, when your brain sends messages via your nerves, the signals travel along billions of nerve cells (neurons), synapses, and neurotransmitters in a process that can be as speedy as 200 miles an hour, according toNational Geographic. Instead, according to the American Kennel Club, "they make their feelings known with an odd sound described as something between a chortle and a yodel. In the past and even now, people have been discussing if the State of Florida should raise the age for students in school. The average American spends about 2.5 days a year looking for lost items. A 2016 study published in the journal Nature Communications found that the super smart birds display what's called "theory of mind," which is the ability to attribute mental states to others. Amateur photographer Kaushik Vijayan was able to snap some spectacular shots of one of the creatures in 2019 and told CBS News, "I felt so amazed by how drop-dead gorgeous it looked. Bell's first restaurant named Taco Bell opened in Downey, California, in 1962. There's a trademark on the world's darkest shade of black. That's according to Swiss mortality statistics from 1969 to 2008. Cookie Notice If you pick up a Bible and flip to Genesis 1:2022, you'll find the following: "And God said, 'Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.' All Rights Reserved. Catch some of the most jaw-dropping performances from Season 13 of AGT. Get The America's Got Talent App: http://bit.ly/AG. All blue-eyed people have single common ancestor who lived near the Black Sea six to ten thousand years ago. Unicorn waffles. 12. Being healthy should be a part of our lifestyle as a whole. The squirrels in your neighborhood are most likely brown, black, or grey. You complete me in all ways. Riding roller coasters can help you pass kidney stones. Each jar of salsa produced weighs . What a selling point! Blood vessels are incredibly small, measuring around five micrometers (for reference, a strand of our hair is about 17 micrometers). Do I get a certificate? To write a good paragraph you need an Introduction (key sentence), a Body (supporting sentence), and a Conclusion (closing sentence).. Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph. If you want four paragraphs that each contain nine sentences, you would type the following formula and then hit Enter: Be mindful that . And you don't have to worry about their slow-moving ways being an issue: According to the ZSL London Zoo, sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, which is 30 minutes longer than a dolphin. "Schoolmaster" is an old-school word for a male teacher. Maybe you already knew that Jupiter was the biggest planet of them all. Because when youre reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but its really not because all it is non-sense. 3. Floyd had a criminal record and was drug affected at the time of his death. It was indeed a jaw-dropping sight to behold.". They built a sculpture of St. Vincent Ferrer that stood 164 feet and 9 inches tall. The 5-paragraph essay is indeed a genre, but one that is entirely uncoupled from anything resembling meaningful work when it comes to developing a fully mature writing process. There's also a walled patio outside that goes back an additional 12 feet. First we took many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database. The next time you're planning a trip and want to head somewhere that's both breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly unique, check out Quebec City in Canada. Shrewsbury resident Kevin O'Brien has been diligently geo-tagging the spot on Google Maps in hopes that it will eventually come to be known by the moniker. The bills were first printed in 1945, and on July 14, 1969, the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury announced that the larger bills would be discontinued due to lack of use. 3. And that's when the Bard spent his time writing poetry instead of focusing on his famous plays. The next time you're wearing a pair of jeans, take a look at the pockets. The Bubonic plague encouraged Shakespeare to write poetry. To the best of your knowledge, information, and belief this paint will not make its way into that hands of Anish Kapoor.". Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about itexcept shower, of course. However, the truth is probably much more intense. "We had an overwhelming response from our customers, so much so that they petitioned to have it a permanent menu item," he told Guinness World Records. In the late 2010s, artist Anish Kapoor won the exclusive rights to use the color called vantablack, the "blackest black," meaning no other artist could use it. As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor awayunless you eat too many apple seeds, that is. 8. Playing electronic dance music (EDM) could be just what you need to scare away those pesky mosquitoes in the summer. Before you write your essay it's important to analyse the task and understand exactly what the essay question is asking. I am not going to write any long useless paragraph to inspire you. The average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash per day. The Mexico City Salsa which has a thicker and chunkier consistency consists of 70% whole tomatoes 10% tomato sauce and 20% tomato paste. This didn't click properly back then but whenever I had to explain something to someone, I would end up writing a paragraph trying to get a simple point across and said someone would be like I cbb reading all that bro. 51K views 7 years ago This video will show you how to remove the white space in a justified paragraph in word, publisher, powerpoint, excel and more. Those who love creepy creatures likely know that the Cthulhu is a fictional monster that first popped up in H. P. Lovecraft's 1928 tale The Call of Cthulhu. In 1968, that novel had been made into a film starring Sinatra (not as John McClane, but as Joe Leland, a former New York cop who becomes a private investigator). 7 Close the window airforce is coming. It's possible to turn peanut butter into diamonds. While exploring an underwater volcano with a remotely operated vehicle some 6,500 feet under the sea, they spotted what appeared to be a small lake-like pool that was upside-down (and, obviously, underwater). 1. The first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself in 1971. Rihanna has continuously upped the ante with her divine and magnificent fashion choices. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Sometime during the late 18th or early 19th centuries, scientist Gilbert Newton Lewis defined a jiffy as the amount of time it takes light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum, which is about 33.4 picoseconds or one trillionth of a second. A full 3 minutes, now you use your intelligence with an IQ above 70 and ponder about the things you couldve done, the assignments you couldve done, the dogs and cats you couldve eaten. Scientists discovered the fossil of a 430-million-year-old monster. A significant portion of the opening weeks of my first-year writing class is spent . They also added, "You can't hurt babies or old people." "As the cow lies down, the water pushes underneath the pressure points where the cow lies, and the cow ends up floating," he said. And since peanut butter is already rich in carbon, Frost was able to transform the nutty goodness into a shiny jewel. There's an optical illusion at bottom of the sea. Those are pretty good odds! A full 2 minutes. But what you might not realize is that you made a promise you couldn't keep. You absolute waste of space and air. Then you look at your watch, if you had one, and realize that its been a near 4 minutes. The tallest supported bamboo sculpture is more than 164-feet high.
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