samaleiks (adj. *Idiska (f. O) (reconstructed by David Salo) 2. cheerfulness hlasei (f. N) gaggi sunar land he is going to the south of the country One particularly noteworthy characteristic is the preservation of the dual number, referring to two people or things; the plural was used only for quantities greater than two. handugs (adj. adjurer (n.) *biswarands (m. Nd)/*biswarandi (f. Jo) olive alew wisdom 1. handugei (f. N) 2. frodei (f. N) These runes were replaced with a new alphabet in the 4th century AD. itch, to sujan (I weak j) *wrisja (m. N) (enormous) pupil (n.) siponeis (m. Ja) (synonyme of disciple) Israeli 1. registration anameleins (f. I) pres.) mr. *Frauja (m. N) ministery *andbahti (n. Ja) We provide not only dictionary English - Gothic, but also dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and for free. bear (n.) *baira (m. N) everywhere hwaruh Reply to 'How are you?' Nom.) cool *kolus (adj. sister swistar (f. R) bird fugls (m. A) mountain fairguni (n. Ja) Dane *Dans (m. I) small leitils (adj. hnaiws (adj. jeopardy (n.) to be in ~ = birekjai wisan (abl. tax 1. gild (n. A) 2. gilstr (n. A) Of or relating to the Goths or their language. measure, to mitan (V abl) theology *gudleisei (f. N) psychiatrist 1. beset, to (v.) bisatjan (I weak j) chamber hejo (f. N) miserable arms (adj. page *laufs (m. A) (f turns to b in sing. Best pocket translator: Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device. (Sa manna azuh usgibi) A strong); by all ~ = in allaim stadim Nom.) Babylonia (n.) *Babwlaun keep, to bairgan (III abl) + dat (as in to keep something) Cons.) There is also the case of the "Crimean Goths". *azgabairka (f. O) (lit. flower, to *blauan (reconstructed by J.R.R. Most Gothic-language sources are translations or glosses of other languages (namely, Greek), so foreign linguistic elements most certainly influenced the texts. connectedly gahahjo sand malma (m. N) difficult 1. aglus (adj. In foreign words, these environments are often greatly disturbed. reason, to (v.) agkjan (I weak i) Kroonen (2013: 50) gives the masculine n-stem as more basic; the u-stem form is likely an analogical innovation based on the original acc. calm wis (n. A) (of water) The natural word order of Gothic is assumed to have been like that of the other old Germanic languages; however, nearly all extant Gothic texts are translations of Greek originals and have been heavily influenced by Greek syntax. yoke juk (n. A) attention (n.) *gums (m. A) *asps (f. I) 2. privately sundro gladly gabaurjaba Since Classical Latin cella, from which the modern cell derives, meant simply room (esp. A) shekel sikls (m. Noun) anguish (n.) aggwia (f. O) A) fix, to (v.) raidjan (I weak i) worker gawaurstwa (m. N) Gothic was an East-Germanic language spoken by the Visigoths and Ostrogoths. Thus a Gothic *karrs (masc. heir 1. arbja (m. N) 2. arbinumja (m. N) = qissai) However, only a single source provides any details of the language itself: a letter . Jah u?) concoct, to (v.) bruggwn (II weak) (in a bad sense, as in to make evil plans) race spaurds (f. instruction talzeins (f. I/O) hindar hindar hindana): exceed, to ufareihan (I abl) mightily in mahtai *swifns (m. A) 2. pugnacity rasabalei (f. N) season, to gasupon (II weak) invisible *unanasiuns (adj. hooker (n.) kalkjo (f. N) [2] The existence of a Germanic dialect in the Crimea is attested in a number of sources from the 9th century to the 18th century. network *ganati (n. Ja) translation gaskeireins (f. I/O) You can easily generate gothic text font and . global (adj. A) razda 3. bicycle 1. Gothic has three nasal consonants, one of which is an allophone of the others, all found only in complementary distribution with them. Slavic *Sklabenisks (adj. forgiveness (n.) fralet (n. A) Unlike other Germanic languages, which retained dual numbering only in some pronoun forms, Gothic has dual forms both in pronouns and in verbs. A) sighter) 5. Key to abbreviations: m = male, f = female, > said to, 1p = one person, 2p = two people, 3+p = three or more people. A) today himma daga palm ~ of hand = lofa (noun) button *haubidilo (n. N) (lit. people iuda (f. O) *bainjo (f. Jo) (lit. butter 1. artificial (adj.) n-stem) Many thanks to Ulfovaldo for providing the Spanish translation. alike (adj.) scorpion skaurpjo (f. N) satanism (n.) *satanismus (m. U) floor garask (n. A) advertising (n.) *+hazeins (f. I/O) (W.E.) action (n.) *aktsjo (f. N) (taken from Latin actionem (nominative actio) reconstruction based on the word kawtsjo) This unicode text tool generates Fraktur style black letter text . wave wegs (m. A) advantage (n.) bota (f. O) aan in allamma gabairhtidai in allaim du izwis.) mortgage wadi (n. Ja) fullness fullo (f. N) qius (adj. In evaluating medieval texts that mention the Goths, it must be noted that many writers used "Goths" to mean any Germanic people in eastern Europe, many of whom certainly did not use the Gothic language as known from the Gothic Bible. tweet *tweit (n. A) we are ~ to = skulum (Thess II 1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you awiliudon skulum guda sinteino in izwara) Their language is preserved by the bishop Wulfila, who translated the Bible into their language in the 4th century. wag, to wion (II weak) [2] A, masc. change inmaideins (f. I/O) above ufaro The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. cigarette *sigaraita (f. O) (reconstructed by B. P. Johnson) burial gafilh (n. A), day of burying = dags (m. A) gafilhis part. giver gibands (m. Nd) A) razda (f. O) 2. iron eisarneins (adj. shorten, to gamaurgjan (I) *fadurja (m. N) (fathers brother) 2. The translation was apparently done in the Balkans region by people in close contact with Greek Christian culture. *kruks (m./n. The gothic text generator makes a set of symbols and special characters from the Unicode Text Symbols. enlighten, to inliuhtjan (I weak i) corruption riurei (f. N) (as in eternal destruction) open, to uslukan (II abl), (he/she opened = uslauk) rye *rugs (m. I) dangerous sleis (adj. This history is important because it tells us a lot about . Cons. weak unmahteigs (adj. Ja) (at home) 2. andwairs (adj. outer hindumists (adj. *kneiba (m. N) 3. pepper (n.) *pipr (n. A) (W. E) *gudleis (m. A) (declined like an adjective) 2. monolingual (adj.) Gothic was the language spoken by the ancient Goths. patch (n.) plats (n.) (also piece of cloth) arrival (n.) *atfareins (f. I/O) A) warmth *warmei (f. N) *sarwa (m. N) wheat hwaiteis (m. Ja) rain, to (v.) rignjan (I weak i), to let rain = rignjan (I weak i) slaughter slauhts (f. I) (the act of slaughter) incontinency ungahobains (f. I) Damascian Damasks (adj. Easter greetings (Goda Dul) astrologist (n.) 1. ! accept, to (v.) andsitan (V abl) (to accept an abstract concept, God accepteth no mans person = gu mans andwairi ni andsiti) Many copies of Gothic Bibles were made. ), Language considerations (including dialect preferences). palm-tree (n.) peikabagms (m. A) customs) gnushing krusts (m. Noun) undisputed unandsakans (part-perf) blog *blaug (n. A) means (n.) by all ~ = in allaim stadim pride hauhhairtei (f. N) I/Ja) A), very ~ = filugalaufs (adj. feeble gamais (adj.) *blaugja (m. N) (male blogger) 2. radio 1. political *paulitikisks (adj. injure, to 1. holon (II weak) 2. gaskajan (VI abl.) A) ordered 1. garais (adj. (Filu auje!) evangelist aiwaggelista (m. N) *razdaleis (m. A) 2. urology *hlandaleisei (f. N) *twalustjo (bisexual woman) A) like, to galeikan (III) + dat (thing which is liked, example: ata galeikai mis = I like it, literally: That pleases me) gathering gaqums (m. I) *Tsjaikisks (adj. immortal unriurs (adj. master (n.) frauja (m. N) abrs (adj. Pl. *glas (n. A) 2. adultery (n.) horinassus (m. U) to commit ~ = horinon (II weak) *stairnaleisa (f. O) (declined like an adjective) great mikils (adj. . altruism (n.) *brorulubo (f. N) EN. A) Album (optional) Language Wolof. ditch dals (m. Noun) While Culver is not a triple-threat boarding school, all faculty and staff commit to making significant contributions to the athletic or residential life program of the school, as . [7] During the extermination of Arianism, Trinitarian Christians probably overwrote many texts in Gothic as palimpsests, or alternatively collected and burned Gothic documents. *hwai(h)l (n. A) sign 1. taikns (f. I) 2. bandwa (f. Wo) 3. bandwo (f. N) Welshman *walhs (m. A) sleis (adj. vivid *gaheis (adj. [citation needed], Very few medieval secondary sources make reference to the Gothic language after about 800. scare, to (v.) usagjan (I weak j) The Rune Converter transforms Roman alphabet, as used in modern English, into five systems of Germanic runic writing: Elder Futhark, Anglo-Saxon runes, Long Branch Younger Futhark, Short Twig Younger Futhark and staveless runes (note that it does not translate the words themselves, it . startled, to be galahsnan (IV weak) Thursday *unaris dags (m. A) banker (n.) 1. Ja), far from ~ = afhaimeis (adj. adulterer (n.) hors (m. A) A) freemasonry *freitimreins (f. I/O) 2. Celtic *Kailtisks (adj. *kunjahaidus (m. U) (lit. nightshirt *nahtapaida (f. O) Sweden *Swejaland (n. A) knowledge kuni (n. Ja) mightier (comp.) relationship (n.) sibja (f. Jo) Herule *Airuls (m. A) I regard, to aistan (unspecified verb) condemnation (n.) wargia (f. O) ring fight brakja (f. Jo) (wrestling) treat, to ~ shamefully = ganaitjan (I weak) free freis (adj. reproach idweit (n. A) macaw *mako (n. N) (based on how Old Tupi macavuana sounds) qius (adj. nose to clear ones ~ = *snutjan merciful bleis (adj) begin, to (v.) anastodjan (I weak i) form), to bring into ~ = gaiwan (III weak) *hairtaleisa (f. O) (declined as adjective) world 1. fairhwus (m. U) 2. midjungards (m. I) (the world where people live) +Hweitarusisks (adj. tribulation aglia (f. O) dove (n.) ahaks (noun) (white tame dove) pan *patina (f. N) (W.E.) Bulgaria *Bulgarja (f. O) strong) worm maa (m. N) flower bloma (m. N) cacao-food). Ja) ~ man = mannahun (first part declined as manna) barn (n.) bansts (m. I) comment *waurd (n. A) command, to anabiudan (II abl) observe, to (v.) witan (III) + dative tooth tunus (m. U) danger 1. bireikei (f. N) (the state of being in danger) 2. sleiei (f. N) (potential external harm or destruction) Macedonia Makaidonja (f. O) living (pres. hither hidre where 1. holyday (n.) dags (m. A) dulais Oegir (myth.) shameful agls (adj. A) The causative of this verb is laisjan (to make s.o. summer asans (f. I) A) 2. mitadjo (f. N) Iceland *+eisaland (n. A) 2. shortage waninassus (m. U) *kaumunismus (m. U) burden kauria (f. O) OHG. agreeing (adj.) rip gataura (m. N) (rip of garment) U) (relative pronoun) see which sturgeon (n.) staurjo (f. N) K bar (n.) ans (m. A) nakedness naqadei (f. N) cloak inilo (f. N) A) This free translator can translate between common languages in the world. Indo-European | Romance languages | Languages of France | Langues d'ol | Langues d'oc | Francoprovenal | Francophonie | Creoles | Celtic languages. balloon (n.) +bauljo (f. N) exercise usroeins (f. I/O) soon sprauto, so ~ = swa(swe) sprauto If the first word has a preverb attached, the clitic actually splits the preverb from the verb: ga-u-lubjats "do you both believe?" A) razda (f. O) (language) spirit ahma (m. N) (Spirit from God or a human, for ghost, see ghost) four fidwor, dat. abuse (n.) *anamahts (f. I) lake marisaiws (m. Noun) undress, to andwasjan (I j weak) attack, to (v.) gasokjan mi *wepnam (m. A) pastel *wai(z)da (f. O) seina (acc. hear, to 1. hausjan (I i weak) 2. hausjon (II weak) receiving andanumts (f. I) grace ansts (f. I) any 1. shirt paida (f. O) stone, to (v.) stainam wairpan (III abl) madness unfrodei (f. N) I/Ja) dance, to plinsjan (I i weak) Ulfilas's Gothic, as well as that of the Skeireins and various other manuscripts, was written using an alphabet that was most likely invented by Ulfilas himself for his translation. prophet praufetes (m. U/I) A) fellowship gamainei (f. N) A) hello Salve. lame halts (adj. narrate, to (v.) spillon (II weak) the Latin translation ordo = order, arrangement) in the one and only relevant Biblical passage a line-up or shift of priests having temple-duty is ment. Tolkien, "The Comparative Tables", "Germanische Lehnwrter im Urslavischen: Methodologisches zu ihrer Identifizierung", "Fleurs du Mal Magazine BERT BEVERS: OVERVLOED (TRANSLATION 6)", "The Mad Challenge of Translating "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", "Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Gothic", The Gothic Bible in Ulfilan script (Unicode text) from Wikisource, Gothic basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database, glottothque - Ancient Indo-European Grammars online,, Everywhere except before a voiced consonant, "that we see whether or not Elias will come to save him". pillar sauls (f. I) answer (n.) 1. andahafts (f. I) 2. andawaurdi (n. Ja) garais (adj. butterfly 1. wretched (adj.) tower kelikn (n. A) A) 1) (Titus 1:16 They profess (admit) that they know God gu andhaitand kunnan) advice, to (v.) garaginon (II weak) + dat *gaitisugja (m. N) (reconstructed by B. P. Johnson) 2. of the globe) A) qam sunana landis he came from the south of the country The most famous example is "Bagme Bloma" ("Flower of the Trees") by J. R. R. Tolkien, part of Songs for the Philologists. Sometimes what can be expressed in one word in the original Greek will require a verb and a complement in the Gothic translation; for example, (dichthsontai, "they will be persecuted") is rendered: Likewise Gothic translations of Greek noun phrases may feature a verb and a complement. make-up *smikwa (f. O) (Italian = smeco) (reconstructed by Peter Alexander Kerkhof) adult (n.) uswahsans (pret-pres) (Mein ufarwataskip ist ele full). his is, seinis (gen. M/N), seinaizos (gen. F), seinamma (dat. Another dog bites his bone (that is my dogs bone). thrash maihstus (m. U) A) Heinrich May in 1968 claimed to have found in England twelve leaves of a palimpsest containing parts of the Gospel of Matthew. interest leihwa (f. O) (finance) >3+p word-sender) 3. increase uswahst (f. I) highway wigs (m. A) sound drunjus (m. U) (Wileis mi mis plinsjan?) ), quantum-mechanics = *kwantum-maikanika (neut. Russia *Rusaland (n. A) Nom. As a Germanic language, Gothic is a part of the Indo-European language family. clothe, to gawasjan sik (I weak) *Hungariska (adj. Athens (n.) Aeineis (m. U/I) (lit. amber route (n.) 1. plur., dat. And so if you create a noun *airthaleisei geography, then geographer would be *airthaleis (masc. underworld *uffairhwus (m. U) shilling skilliggs (m. A) (Waila mag, awiliudo igqis. attendant (n.) *sagja (m. N) [Wrede 1891: 110] knock, to *knukon (II weak) The interrogative pronouns begin with -, which derives from the proto-Indo-European consonant *k that was present at the beginning of all interrogatives in proto-Indo-European, cognate with the wh- at the beginning of many English interrogative, which, as in Gothic, are pronounced with [] in some dialects. , . prevent, to warjan (I weak j) equality ibnassus (m. U) Spanish 1. repent, to idreigon (II weak), gadreigon (II weak) = hwarjammeh) 3. household gards (m. I) that 1. ata 2. *grasatja (m. N) 2. gain faihugawaurki (n. Ja) (gain in possession) intreaty usbloteins (f. I/O) On 10 February 1841, the Bayerische Akademie fr Wissenschaften published a reconstruction in Gothic of the Creed of Ulfilas. forgive, to fraletan (red abl) settle, to (v.) gatulgjan (I weak i) abolishment (n.) *blaueins (f. I/O) Gothic verb conjugation. potter kasja (m. N) mind 1. gahugds (f. I) 2. aha (m. N) 3. hugs (m. Noun) (only occurs once) 4. of one ~ = samafrajis (adj. spare, to (v.) freidjan (I weak i) + acc. testimony 1. weitwodia (f. O) 2. weitwodei (f. N) Both etymologically should mean "I have seen" (in the perfect sense) but mean "I know" (in the preterite-present meaning). while 1. hweila (f. O) 2. mianei (With contrast, used as in: I was here, while he was there. Translator specialization requirements (legal, medical, etc. *Rusisks (adj. Welcome dream 1. A) Join over 600.000 users and help us build the . odour (n.) dauns (f. I) Where's the toilet / bathroom? trust, to gatrauan (III weak) Ja) A), with ~ hands = laushandus (adj. ? pastry *bakeins (f. I/O) (reconstructed by B. P. Johnson) bilingual (adj.) salutation goleins (f. I/O) absolve, to (v.) letan (VII strong) abominable (adj.) form lais (I know) is found at Php 4.12. counsellor ragineis (m. Ja) faur + dat. raise, to (v.) urraisjan (I weak i) cream 1. pipe, to swiglon (II weak) course (n.) runs (m. I) (A course in a walk) breastplate (n.) brunjo (f. N) Goodbye astonished, to be (v.) usgeisnan (IV weak) Join over 600.000 users and help us build the best dictionary in the world. spilled, to be usgutnan (IV weak) ape (n.) *apa (m. N) Submit the request for professional translation? lump daigs (m. Noun) Submitter's comment (optional) Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. pray, to bidjan (V abl irregular), he/she prayed = ba psalm (n.) psalmon (noun) (dat. G call, to atlaon (II weak) [28] Massmann also translated the academic commercium song Gaudeamus into Gothic in 1837. f. O = -a, -os, -ai, -a, -os, -o, -om, -os, -os. tutor ragineis (m. Ja) Gen. = *watne, pl. Balder (n.) (myth.) *rap (n. A) 2. overcharge, to anakaurjan (I weak i) Prussian *prsa (m. N) (people) labour, to (v.) arbaidjan (I weak j) proud-hearted hauhhairts (adj. elsewhere aljah Ik was her, mianei is was jainar.) same sama (adj. nobody ni manna (irr., see manna), ni hwashun (see hwas), ni mannahun (irr., see manna) A) palace rohsns (f. I) gudhus and not **gudahus, amongst others). Esperantist *Aispairantistus (m. U) Coptic is old language and only few people today speaks that language. the (Only used in emphasis or comparison and after a noun is used for the first time), see: this ON fjarhamr (winged haunch), OE feerhama (wings, plumage), OS fedarhamo (wings, plumage). little head) Buttons were unknown in the ancient world, not becoming a part of clothing until the Middle Ages. unisex gamains (adj. unhweila (adj. *andaahtaba (adv) A) A) A) banquet (n.) dauhts (f. I) *albs (m. A) 2. modest hrains (adj. barrel (n.) *barils (m. A) eastwards *austar punishment andabeit (n. A) A) astronomical (adj.) week 1. sabbato (f. N) 2. wiko (f. N) (attested only once) This aligns with what is known of other early Germanic languages. *smairw (n. A) 3. perceive, to (v.) gaumjan (I) + dat A) (Waila andanema) >f multimedia 1. blackbird *amslo (f. N) turtle *taistudo (f. N) (W.E.) pay, to 1. usgiban (V abl) 2. usgildan (V abl) Ja) (reconstructed by B. P. Johnson) Bulgarian 1. ju clear skeirs (adj. ? anarchism (n.) *anarxismus (m. U) . stop (n.) mal (n. A) This dictionary is especially written for writing in (aiwa magt?) ty tigjus (m. U) (suffix for decades 20-60)Tyr *teiws (m. A) only 1. atainei (conjunction) (used as in: I only want ..) 2. ainaha (adj. taste, to kausjan (I i weak) + acc Herodian Herodianus (m. U/I) occasion (n.) lew (noun) (dat. Copy [Ctrl]+ [C] & Paste [Ctrl]+ [V] Gothic keyboard to type a text with the Gothic script. entire (adj.) ~ on = modags (adj. fitly gatemiba coming qums (m. I) n-stem), seemingly wagon-hedge, in his description of the westward migration of Goths in the face of Hunnic invasion, wherein Fritigerns Tervingi employed a fortified circle of wagons to protect themselves against surprise attacks and long-range missiles, hence the hedge.
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