E) returning-home phase. E. It is a work option that enlarges jobs in an organization by moving employees among several different jobs. D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. Employees in a company's accounting department work 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while employees in the other departments work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. D. conjoint analysis Which of the following statements is true of work flow analysis? C) virtual-reality training. D. a manager participating in a meeting while on vacation with his family It helps estimate the number and quality of current employees It helps increase value added by employees to the organization. D) connection. A. A) clarification B. KSAOs will be a resource for writing job descriptions. It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to perform a job. B) repatriate D. the Fleishman Job Analysis Model Job analysis is a process that is used to identify responsibilities and tasks, conduct a comparison with other jobs, establish what education is required, and determine the job's working environment. E. Applying industrial engineering to a job increases its complexity. WebWhich of the following is true of job analysis? B. C) Identifying the outcomes It is a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a job entails. Talisma wants to practice her new soft skills of customer service. While doing so, Henry gathers information about the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required for an engineer to successfully perform the job. Which of the following types of skills is best improved by behavior-modeling training? Which of the following techniques of job design did this move constitute? from the plague. C. People imagine jobs to be unstable, whereas jobs actually do not change or evolve over time. C. The scope for employee errors is minimal. E) culture. C) Company payoffs C. the Job Characteristics Model D) communicate the need for learning. As the company weighs the pros and cons of distance learning, which of the following should they keep in mind? the final step in designing a point plan involves. A) develop a list of tasks performed on the job. Koland Corp. is an interior design firm based in California. E. feedback, In terms of the Job Characteristics Model, feedback refers to the extent to which _____. A. Which of the following would qualify as a compressed workweek? it fails to tell employees what is important about their jobs. The costs of employee errors are severe. A. experience in setting up divisions based on customer groups C) on-site phase. E) person born in the United States and currently a Japanese citizen working in Japan. B. training employees to multitask between different job responsibilities In the past, hospitals deferred to physicians' judgments in how they carry out their work. E) market. D) Audiovisual training Participant Observation Technique The individual characteristics of those in the job should also be analyzed and be in the outcome of the job analysis. B) Cost analysis A) They provide limited opportunities for trainees to relate to actual jobs. A) Person B) They are rejected by major universities and therefore lack credibility. C) role B. a compressed workweek D) grow in the global market. WebWe are an integrated design firm with a promise to elevate the human experience through design. B) improve employee engagement. E) cross-cultural preparation. D. Team members only have the authority to schedule work. E) Learning management. C. Job specifications look at a job's activities, and job descriptions look at the qualities needed to do the job. E) It is a personal statement made by an employee on his or her goals for training. B) program presentation. E. It is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully. A) work samples. They identify and describe a few competencies required for success in a particular occupation or set of jobs. C) Identifying the outcomes He sent Dominic to 3 days of Excel training. Which of the following relates to the task undertaken by Alex, if he is involved in the process of explaining how an employee will execute his or her tasks? Aaron assesses the significance of each job to the organization, which helps him set up fair pay structures. it can become bureaucratic and rule-bound. This method relies on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. A) communicating the purpose of the training programs to employees. C) Avoiding debasing new employees A. job analysis C. supervisors B) recruitment obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source. A. issuing regulations rather than guidelines for industries A. meaningfulness of a job A) Technical D. a combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis C. Its employees have a significant level of proficiency required to perform a particular task. D) Information E) Network analysis management system. A. Telecommuting may support a strategy of corporate social responsibility. What is the validity of Steve's argument? B) Apprenticeship programs cannot be sponsored by companies cooperating with a union. Jane works as a copy editor at TreeTime, Inc. She receives an email from the company's human resources department with a link to a questionnaire that asks her to rate the necessary attributes required for her job. C. employees in functional departments tend to identify more with their own departments. A major decision in job evaluation is to: Which of the following is a job evaluation method that can group a wide range of work together in one system but leave too much room for manipulation? E) Unlike interns, apprentices cannot earn until the period of apprenticeship is complete. A. HR executives In this case, Gina is most likely to be working in a job that requires her to: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. In this scenario, ALTS Infosystems is using _____. B. increased complexity He has always wanted to come to the United States and cannot wait to become a citizen. C) the employee's subordinates. C. Outputs may be tangible or intangible products of the work processes. C. fatigue from taking frequent breaks to move around Preference for individual performance over team performance, Which of the following is NOT a factor in defining equal work according to the Equal Pay Act. WebQuestion: Which of the following is true of job analysis? James says, "I don't trust the way the company determines pay rates in my department." which of the following is a disadvantage of the point method? Leeding Engines Inc. specializes in manufacturing internal combustion engines. B) Japanese citizen working in Japan for a Japanese firm. D. Depending on external job analysts to supplement incumbents' information could be risky due to the relative inexperience of the analysts involved. Rodney explains that in order to decide on the human resource needs for the unit, they should conduct a work flow analysis. D. job scope A. a zero-hour contract A) clarification. C) task Jobs are most susceptible to outsourcing when inputs and outputs can easily be transmitted electronically. B) Skill-based E. Team members are only responsible for their individual tasks. Which of the following job design techniques is Pamela implementing in her store? E. the creation of comprehensive and detailed job descriptions, C. fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs. A) It focuses exclusively on on-the-job training. Following its successful implementation, which of the following outcomes should he expect? D) the self-efficacy of the employees. B) validate or confirm the tasks. It is a work option that allows full-time employees to choose start and end times within the guidelines specified by an organization. D) The hands-on method All of the following EXCEPT ________ are ways to judge job analysis. E) increase job retention. E) This method of training can be used to transfer alternative problem-solving solutions. B. employees are given the authority to make decisions Job descriptions focus on the qualities or requirements a person performing a job must possess. C) for program coordination and administration. C. In developing job specifications, considering all elements of KSAOs is unimportant. Which of the following is true of instructor-led classroom instruction? Identify a true statement about the verification process in this approach. He is deciding between an online distance course and a face-to-face interactive course. Ellen, the HR manager, suggests simplifying jobs in order to reduce errors and increase accuracy. Research shows that ______ factor(s) account(s) for 98 to 99 percent of the variance in job evaluation plans. D. train employees to multitask and self-manage teams He has checklists to keep his work in order. A) U.S. citizen working for a Japanese firm in the United States. A) Determining the training costs D) employee support The temperature of 2.5L2.5 \mathrm{~L}2.5L of a gas initially at STP\mathrm{STP}STP is raised to 210C210^{\circ} \mathrm{C}210C at constant volume. D) attitude surveys. Which of the following job design techniques does Carl implement in his store? C. a work flow design D) identify the working conditions required for the tasks. C) Task E. job rotation, A list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails is called a _____. E) Offshore phase. C. skill in setting up structures and jobs E. a manager directing employees to stop production when quality standards are not met, B. support staff being trained in front-office functions through periods of alternating work arrangements. B) It is an organizational effort that relies solely on formal training. A. Email notifications popping up on a clerk's screen while he is entering data A. A. E) culture. C. Employees telecommuting may have greater absences from work. D. work redesign Which one would be ideal for his staff to be successful? A. job sharing E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job, E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job. B) recruitment and hiring C) person born in Germany but currently a U.S. citizen working in the United States. C) Affective ________ involves development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company. Among the available job positions are those of system administrators and chief technology officer. WebThe fundamental components of a systematic process to develop training are: Needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation of training. E. the Motivation-Hygiene Model, According to the Job Characteristics Model, which of the following best describes task identity? Identify the statement that is most likely to support this argument. They are designed to increase the turnover rate. This is a valid statement because C) Task B) Traditional classroom instruction is one of the most expensive methods of training. D) output A. Her manager suggests trying simulations. On closer inspection, he finds that a majority of the employees who quit were unhappy with the pay structures. Which of the following statements about the reliability of job analysis is true? B. KSAOs and TDRs are the same thing. The ____ method of job evaluation uses compensable factors. From a job design perspective, why is this aspect of work flow an appropriate one for a hospital to focus on? C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle. E) It is more useful when instructors can visit the trainees. Pairing up expatriates and their families with an employee from the host country is likely to occur in the D) Information C) Dedicating physical space to encourage teamwork To do this, which of the following should Dave define? E) posttest only, Which of the following is the first step in a return on investment (ROI) analysis? In this case, MXB is most likely using the: _______ refers to determining the intervals on a measurement instrument. E. job evaluation. Which of the following statements is a fact about telecommuting that would support implementing this policy? WebJob evaluation is the process of: A. finding qualified candidates to fill job vacancies. B. D) repatriation phase. B. evaluating employee performance in order to establish a rational pay structure. B. the Fleishman Job Analysis System E. Information provided by observers who look for a match between what incumbents are doing and what they are supposed to do may be unreliable. B. career planning B. task ability Job specifications list observable actions, and job descriptions describe general qualities. A. Job enrichment Which analysis should his supervisor complete? Nathan, the HR manager, considers the requirements of the job, including the necessary knowledge, level of proficiency, enduring capabilities, and other personality traits, such as persistence or motivation to achieve. B. The manager of a local grocery store introduces a short conveyor belt that allows customers to place items on it prior to checking out. B. pain from the tactile feedback of pressing keys B. job analysis E) conditions for learning. B. penalizing companies that allow employee participation in ergonomic redesign A) conscientious. A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. D) Avoiding learning from informal sources such as company culture C. They are only applicable to middle managers of an organization. Identify the job design method implemented in this scenario. Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. D. autonomy Mike, a job analyst, conducts a job analysis at Great Bread, Inc. George, a first-level supervisor at Great Bread, conducts an initial tour of the work site for Mike. D) job specification LRPN Consulting is a business consulting firm based in Nevada. A) top management support Which of the following is true of informal learning? B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. E. selection, Aaron, an HR manager, observes that the number of employees quitting their jobs has been steadily increasing over the last six months. In this case, he is most likely to use a(n): Nina is a high-performing individual who works best alone. D. The workers work alone at highly specialized jobs. What is she forgetting about the continuous learning system? Kelly, the production manager, works with a human resource consultant to design a new work flow for the production unit. C) Hands-on The firm uses a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing 194 questions about work behaviors, work conditions, and job characteristics that apply to a wide variety of jobs. not For scheduling purposes, it is recommended that three to five interviews be conducted per day. B. In the context of a work flow analysis, the interior designers, manufacturers, and home dcor products required to provide interior design services collectively constitute the _____. the extent of external competitiveness and equity, In the context of internal structures, which of the following is true of a delayered structure, It send the message that all employees are valued equally, work performed in a job and how it gets done. A. E) Emphasizing that learning is under the employees' personal control. She has identified the amount of time and the software needed by doing a(n) ________ analysis. A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. B) Apprenticeship E. The PAQ is meant to be completed only by job analysts trained in this method. A. E) deal with differences in language and culture in a new country. Abhay has been sent to work in the plant in New Hampshire from his home plant in India. The _____ method of job evaluation is the most commonly used method in the United States and Europe. Which of the following is true of a support network in training? WebWhich of the following is not a component of Job Analysis? A) Person C. KSAOs play a significant role in interviews and selection decisions. Why? Comparisons based on the forms of compensation used by other companies are part of. E. selection. Which of the following most likely corresponds to the task undertaken by Jenny? Job analysis data is used to: establish and document competencies required for a job; B. The degree to which pay influences individual and aggregate motivation among employees is called a sorting effect. A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. A) Trainees are active participants in preparing the training module. The structure of HealthCo Hospital is strongly based on function. D) the employee's family. They are the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. A. Richard, a researcher, is of the opinion that organizations should empower employees, and suggests this should be done by designing work to be done by self-managing teams. D) inpatriate Which of the following companies is the most appropriate for her? While evaluating training programs, return on investment can be used to measure D) Ensuring that employees have opportunities to develop E) Training the local workforce in company culture. C) reaping the benefits of training. E. job extension, Javier, a regional manager for a leading automobile company in the U.S., decides to design a manufacturing job based on the principles of industrial engineering. E. job sharing, Walters & Williams, a consulting firm, equips all of its employees with laptop computers, which they use at their desks and carry to client meetings. A single universal plan is acceptable to employees if the work covered is highly diverse. C) enhance innovation and creativity. The PAQ is more effective than the task-oriented approach. A. the Cognitive Dissonance Model Which of the following is true of self-managing work teams? E. the ability to motivate employees to identify more heavily with their profession, D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy. The last step in task analysis is to D. levying fines on employers who issue computers with keyboards instead of touchscreen tablets D) Information E. distraction from paying attention to posture, D. physical strain to wrists from improper positioning for typing, Which of the following is a strategy used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to increase ergonomic job design? Phil, a management trainer at Flint Inc., designs a training program that focuses on capturing insights and information from knowledgeable employees. Applying industrial engineering makes jobs more dynamic. B. PAQ reports are very useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. Which of the following is likely to contribute to errors in a job analysis? E) posttest only, The ________ evaluation design is necessary if a manager wants to equate the effect of two training programs. Which of the following most likely relates to the task undertaken by Aaron? C) transfer of training. C. job identification While evaluating training programs, acquisition of knowledge is measured using A) understand the work requirements of a foreign assignment better. E. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself, E. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself, Which of the following is the objective of job enlargement? D. Team members do not have to perform a wide variety of tasks, and they view their effort as significant. B) Making it clear that only the best of the employees can get through the training programs B. Next year, the position of vice president of research will be vacant, so the executive team is working with the HR department to define selection criteria for a new vice president.