Jeremiah 1:5. I'm the host at my daughter's baby shower. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would give them wisdom for the daily decisions that they will need to make as they parent this baby each day. I remember feeling out of my depth. I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you O. if he comes by. All Bible verses below are from the NIV Bible translation. 'Till they meet their girl or boy. We are never alone, Father, this we know, but oh- how we feel isolated, scared, worried, and alone sometimes. $16.50. Bless this mum and dad with joy, It helps us remember that our blessings come from our Creator who deserves credit for all. As your time draws closer, I hope that these baby shower prayers will clothe you in love, and anticipation for this new chapter in your life. I have always loved this scripture. who trusts him Prayer For A Baby Shower O God, our heavenly Father, grant that this child, as he/she grows in years, may also grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that by the restraining and renewing influence of the Holy Spirit he/she may ever be a true child of thine, serving thee faithfully all of his/her days. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. What an encouragement to young parents hearts, that God is intimately acquainted with their child. When we seek You, we will find You. You are special in ways we cannot explain. May he experience your love and salvation at a young age so that he will grow up loving Jesus and wanting to serve Him. Lift Him high as you cradle this child This beautiful little miracle. Show me how to make the most of Your blessing in my life, for everything I have is a gift from You. We pray for those who prepared our food, and we ask that we would be a blessing to them during our brief encounter today. ___________, may you have many friends and be a good friend in return. Come be with us Lord as we share this wonderful birthday meal. Help us to be men and women after Your own heart. In Biblical days when a woman became pregnant, the pregnancy was celebrated. Give us this day our daily bread. I'm the host at my daughter's baby shower. What does this text say about how a new mom or a new wife should think? Just for this morning. Does anyone have a simple prayer and/or an idea of what I could say to acknowledge my daughter, her hubby and the baby to be and to thank everyone for coming to the shower? We pray a blessing on this childs learning process. And, after the shower, keep praying! Its never too early in a childs life to pray over their purpose and calling in their lives on earth. Holy God, we praise and thank You for ____________________ (put in the name of the parents). Amen. When they are weary, be their strength. Side note: Bo called about 8:30 p.m. and said they made it safely to Lansing and that he made weight. May she feel the love of God As expressed through your loving arms As God watches over us all, He will guide your child Into the physical and spiritual worlds To see true love as expressed by our loving Father. Holy Spirit, would you give each sibling a tender heart towards this new precious one? Thank you for this time of friendship, fun and food. Amen. We understand our privilege to be here, and we pray to be a blessing to those we encounter in this place. __________, may you be blessed by wise, caring people who will guide you and protect you. As God watches over us all, that would be AWESOME. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Help! Lord we know that This child who is due to arrive any time soon is just the beginning of the joy and peace that Your Word promises us! An easy way to find start your day with prayer, read todays prayer and sign up to receive by email. Father, help us to see Your active hand of providence in our lives. Get your baby to sleep in minutes by following these helpful tips for using white noise! In the name of the father and son. I pray that You would calm any nerves or anxious thoughts that lead to fear. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? Together and with your guidance, You can imagine the baby saying these words to God because it is true about them. For that reason, its usually best to pick a text that plainly relates to the occasion. My prayer is that You would surround them with people who truly care for their well-being, and who they are as a person. Have I not commanded you? Eat it in my memory.(Luke 22:19, The Message), "When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram. ___________, may you be treasured by your family and by all who take care of you. I just want to lift them both up before you, Lord, that You would surround them with Your strong arm for the long nights that are ahead. Though this is an exciting time, for many reasons it can also welcome various stresses and fears. I pray over this babys life. I pray that they would know not only the love of those around them but that they would experience Your sacrificial love even as an infant. Lord bless this day we pray as we expect great things today and greatness in the birth of Your creation, thank You in advance. Use these 5 baby shower prayers & 10 Bible verses to bless the new mama & baby. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. The Lord is the greatest teacher that any child can have. 300+ Strong Black Baby Boy Names for 2023. Together, we ask our Lord to bless this family. (Numbers 6:24-26, NIV), "The Lord God of Jacob blesses Help us to trust that You will sustain us through times of abundance and times of scarcity. To hear now and forevermore. We know we are richly blessed. The following prayers will help get you started in choosing a blessing. Baby shower prayers can be spoken in a formal speech or used in other ways at the event like: Add a special, spiritual message for the soon-to-be parents when you incorporate a blessing or prayer just for their upcoming birth. If the new mother-to-be wants to say a prayer, try one from, If you wish to bless the baby and new parents, try this short. Thank you that your favor has no end, but it lasts for our entire lifetime. Amen. Carry this excited mum as she looks forwards to the birth of her baby. Dear God, let this child hear the sounds of love, within the heart and soul. We have the answer to this age-old question, plus reasons why they aren't. You are loved in ways we cannot measure. I pray that You bless this child, Amen. She belongs to West Springfield Covenant Community Church (PCA), and she lives in Massachusetts with her husband and four children. I love this piece and would do it as a scroll at each place setting: I am going to smile whenever I see your face, and laugh when I feel like crying. Replay the wishes and blessings shared today. Father, We come to You hungry, today. Until then, may this food bless our bodies, and give us strength to endure the day ahead. Dear God, let this child hear the sounds of love, So Lord during this baby shower gathering, we pray for all those who give gifts as a token of their love. Though you are yet to know that sweet baby, God has known him/her even before they were formed. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; thy will be done;on earth as it is in heaven. Would you give wisdom to both Mom and Dad for how to help older siblings not feel replaced but cherished as an integral part of the family? Thank You for knowing what we need, even before we do. By praying special prayers of blessing over the shower, the parents, the delivery, the baby, and the babys siblings, you will give a gift to the new parents that is extraordinary. Lord You are the master of the intricacies of life. In Jesus Name, Amen. I have always loved this scripture. A few specific applications will usually be more helpful than a long list of generalities. As everyone extends their right hand toward your daughter, you say: Dear little one, Please listen to my words, they are spoken with love and the guidance of our God. Father God, You are the author of life. It's time to chow down! So as they rejoice and celebrate during this baby showers day, I ask that You turn Your face towards every child and mother and give him/her peace. Quiet their minds with everlasting hope. Amen. Father, You are mighty and strong to sustain our bodies. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.". Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? We want our lives to reflect Your brightness, Your grace, and Your love. What does it say about her actions? We sing the sounds of love In Jesus Name, Amen. A young woman in the church was getting married, and one of the church mothers had planned a simple celebration in her home on a Friday evening. When my sister was expecting her second baby, we were excited to celebrate this little one on the way. They tend to have biblical origins or special, powerful meanings behind them. Will it be mainly family? Flip our perspective - allow us to feel the rhythm of Your movement in our lives and flowing through our hearts. We lift our anxiety and worry to you, today, as we seek to embrace your peace and promises. I thank You for keeping them healthy, safe, and growing with every passing month. The Lord is so kind in not only hearing our prayers but answering them too. I wanted to welcome everyone/say a prayer or read a prayer/say SOMETHING before we ate lunch. Baby showers are wonderful. (Taken from "Out of the Ordinary" by Joyce Rupp),,,,,,,,, A Proper Nighttime Prayer for a 3 Year Old. As we seek You more each day in prayer and in Your Word, show us how to be forgiving, in Christ. Its hard to understand why we dont have enough to eat, but we come to You for strength, knowing that You are our provider. Though we pray to the Lord, to give us children we dont own our children, they belong to the Lord. May You use this child to lead many to your saving love. Should Christian Parents Send Their Children to Public Schools? We worship You as the Giver of Life and the Creator of this Child. Protect each of them. Lord, Your Word teaches that by wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established, through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Print them and keep them in your kitchen or dining room to remind yourself to come before the Lord with thanks. Lastly, I pray against any illness or medications that she may have to take, that You would guard her against illness, or help her recover speedily in the case of sickness. We are not accidentally here on earth! People who will join in the joy and sit together in the sorrow. Fill this home with happiness and joy. Thanks so much for all of your help in the past. In Your Mighty Name, Amen - Maggie Meadows Cooper. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. In that time, Ive figured out how to calm my nerves. Oh, what a treasure! I don't mind reading something. 'Till they meet their girl or boy. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. As we celebrate, we know that Your presence is here with us. We commit this child to Your almighty keeping and we praise You in advance for all that You will do through this childs life! You are among the blessed to be experiencing this new life. We give You this time of celebrating and we ask that all we say and do would honor You! We pray Your blessing over this little ones eating and sleeping. supports HTML5 video, Dinner and Mealtime prayers are essential conversations with God. Rhyming Mealtime Prayer #3 - For Rest and Home Thank you God, for this food, for rest and home, and all things good. babys life. Lord help every expectant mother to love You more and more each day as they wait for the birth of their child. Knit together in constant affection those who, in holy wedlock, have been made one flesh. I am going to step over the laundry to pick you up and take you to the park to play. And. - The Book of Common Prayer, Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread. And Ive become better at planning a talk that will focus less on me and more on Christ. Bless us all with a healthy, happy child Who will love us as we love you. Protect each of them. Don't put any unnecessary stress on yourself about it. Teach me to do so and to openly share your goodness with the world around me. As we consider these passages, here are 5 baby shower prayers to bless and celebrate both the parents and the child. Begin your preparations by seeking the Lords help. You never change. Wrap mother-to-be in prayer. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. During trying seasons and relatively easy days, help us to see and remember you in all situations. I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up or who you might have been before your diagnosis. Say what you said to us and express your joy and love. "(Genesis 1:29, NIV), The Apostle Paul's advice on foodTaking bread, he blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is my body, given for you. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. Parent's Guide. the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." He is with you and is listening out for your prayers. Consider how it relates to the good news of Christ crucified and risen for sinners. I want to thank You for this. You are divine in ways we cannot understand. The glory and honor belongs to You, Amen. May your child find safe entry into In Jesus Name, Amen. The Lord's Prayer Before Meals Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Together, we ask our Lord to bless this family. Pray for theintentions of their families. Whether you write your prayer, customize one of those provided, or read a chosen Bible verse these words can bring comfort and joy to a new family. I will let you wake up softly, all rumpled in your flannel pyjamas, and hold you until you are ready to stir. A best-selling author, Becky is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats, and other events. Lord thank You for hearing my prayers! So we celebrate during this baby showering gather, and we praise You because this child is fearfully and wonderfully made. April showers bring May flowers and Easter names you can't get out of your head. Lord God, we celebrate with joy! Lord, how kind You have been to the parents of this treasured child. Binky/pacifier Brush or comb Kiddie snack (ie. Let Your face shine upon them and be gracious over their life and over the life of their unborn child. Is your goal in saying a prayer to speak with God about the shower/baby/daughter? Baby Shower Crafts: If you plan on making your next baby shower an active one, use a prayer theme on a baby shower craft that everyone could make. I pray that she would not only take good care of herself but would be surrounded by those who care for her and the baby. For wind and rain and sun above, but most of all for those we love. I will let you put all kinds of barrettes in my hair and lipstick on my face, and I will tell you how pretty you have made me look. The physical and spiritual worlds. Therefore, You understand this child's character and nature and You have arranged it beautifully! This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission from purchased products at no additional cost to you. 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Be with this child forever and always, Amen. Incorporating Scripture into those prayers has a huge impact because the Holy Spirit honors scriptural prayers. We pray that he or she will be healthy and happy, and that you will watch over them as they grow and lead them in the path of righteousness. We pray that You would prepare their hearts to welcome this new little sibling. Let your words, reign in our daily thoughts and lives. And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us. I thank You for this new life within me and as we gather for this baby shower, I pray that You will bless everyone who will attend. Forgive us for taking that simple joy for granted, and bless this food to fuel our bodies forward into Your will for our lives. But not before we thank God for the delicious meal. More Prayers. Would You place a shield of protection around the labor and delivery? I remember feeling earnest. Resound the father's words, Sing over this little unborn child with songs of joy. Just for this evening, I will bring you glasses of water, and snuggle beside you for three hours, and miss my favorite show on TV. Thank You for the meal we are about to enjoy. You are creator of heaven and earth, Bless our appetites, both physical and spiritual, to honor You in all we do. All verses are from the New International Version. We pray that the entire birth process will be surrounded by your peace. Video credits for audio, video, photos: Soundstripe, Storyblocks, LightStock, ThinkStock, 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Sing over this little unborn child with songs of joy. Father, Praise You for friendship and family! Let Your goodness and mercies follow him/her always. Pray for the woman being honored, but also for the other guests. Keep her in the palm of your hands and help her steady her mind on You, and experience Your perfect peace. You have a special place in Your heart for these little ones, and it is so clear that You have blessed his/her parents by giving them such an incredible blessing. One Family, Under God We who believe are one family, under God. Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the bathtub and not get angry when you throw water over your sister's head. As we miss ____________ today, we pray Your blessing over him/her/them, and us, and the space in between now and when we see them next. And now we thank You for gathering us here to share (bride)'s joy, for those who helped prepare this shower, and for each person celebrating here with us. Amen. In your precious name we pray, Amen. Once you have selected a text, work to understand the main point of the Bible verses you have chosen. Be with the one we are without, today, and help us to trust in Your timing, purpose, and great love for us all. Read the surrounding verses to learn how your chosen text fits with the larger message of the chapter and book. Bless and relieve the starvation of those who hunger, Lord, and inspire our hearts to seek out ways that we can help from our abundance. (Psalm 5:12) Lord, this day we pray You would shield us from sickness, isolation, anxiety, attack, and calamity. Not only that, but He has a purpose for their lives in relation to His kingdom. Father, As we sit here today preparing to eat this food, we remember Your Son. ___________, may you be aware of the tremendous love that the Creator has for you. I thank You for this new life within me and as we gather for this baby shower, I pray that You will bless everyone who will attend. In Jesus Name, Amen. Fill this home with happiness and joy. within the heart and soul. All rights reserved. Lord, you guide us always (Isaiah 58:11). Lord I take not for granted your blessings, but I cannot explain the honor I feel to have been granted with such responsibility, Amen. Please pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery for those from our parish who are expecting a child. Sing over this little unborn child with songs of joy. Thank You for putting us together as a family, and thank You for this food. Heavenly Father, I don't mind reading something. One of the most beautiful stories in the Old Testament is the story of Hannah. Since that night, Ive given dozens of devotionals at baby showers and bridal showers. In Jesus Name, Amen. __________, may you have a healthy body, a keen mind, an adventurous spirit, and a deeply caring heart. I pray for blessings today and for Your divine protection over the life of this child for the rest of his/her days. I pray that You bless this child, Amen. One of the most beautiful scriptures demonstrating Gods heart for babies in the womb is found in Psalm 139:11-13. With love and peace throughout each day. As God watches over us all, We pray He watches over your new baby. Giving a devotional is one way to show love to your sister in Christ, to encourage other women, and to hold up Christ in the Scriptures. everyone I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you O. if he comes by. We celebrate this little one So new to this wonderful world. Just for this afternoon. Titus 2 commands older women to encourage younger women to love their husbands and children (v. 4). Made of food grade silicone in three different colors and either English or Spanish, it can be . Amen. Come and cover this emerging family with your love. Holy One, we entrust our child into your gracious care. How to UseWhite Noise toHelp Your BabySleep. Blessing for a new baby Praise the Lord our friend and King Creator of heaven and earth. Quiet their minds with everlasting hope. I dont remember exactly what I said, but I do remember my hands shaking as I clutched my carefully prepared notes and cleared my throat to speak. The author, David, penned these poetic words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb.