Aww. Something about more information.. John said, crisply, Im offering an interview, thats the first step in the process. Nice to know people are exposing this company! He kept repeating that they are teaching people how to use their money, but without really saying anything else. So, I just said to him, actually there are 3 of them (including Curtis and a lady with a hair cover) that I will decide first and will give them a call within 24 hrs. Very creeped out. This was an immediate turn off for me. And no, few people over 50 or 60 would renew a term policy as the rates skyrocket exponentially ($500-$800/month). The MLM company has all the power and they just sit there and watch the money roll in while their distributors lose. These MLM ventures seem to prey on the 9-5-ers making minimum wage with the promise of making a six-figure income. She submitted her story to Pink Truth, a website I run about Mary Kay Cosmetics and other multi-level marketing companies. Im not interested at all. I retired from a 20 year career in the U.S. Air Force in 1993. And a sidenote when I exchanged info with the wife in target her android phone had an app on it where my full name showed up on her phone. My only concern now is her calling me up again. I am a single mother of two kids and I have only been getting one day off from work. 4. He had become quite animated now, telling the audience about what all was included for the fee. I thought an in-person cash payment would be appropriate for the funds but i guess not. She handed me a clip board and asked me to fill out the information requested. Question Whole life insurance is not fraudulent. The guy on the phone was super nice and seemed waaaaay too eager for me to come in, especially since I told him up front that I had no financing background. As soon as I was better he wanted to meet that evening or would tomorrow be better. Primerica IS A PYRAMID. I ALWAYS check out a company before interviewing so after reading the above information, I gracefully declined the interview. Primerica has been helping Main Street families invest for the future since 1977. The so called VP is there and questions were asked and at some point, the so called VP (he looks like James Ingram) said that I need to pay $99 for my financial license to be able to get the job. So, I was interested and I REALLY loved the couple and was glad to see and hang out with them after so long. About a week later she calls me. One day I am opening the bar where I work a dive bar in a very low income neighborhood. I believe the only way to get ahead in America is by entrepreneurship, MLM and/or Franchise if you can afford it truth be told, if you think about a PYRAMID, you could look at your job as one. Worst case scenario, I figure, its a connection or something. Some of the stories and comments above have been really sad. There were a few guests, but I kind of nodded and said hi then left them to my much-wiser business mentor so that I not blow it by saying something dumb. I dropped out because most people shop for bargains rather than invest in the business. Thing is I have a nose for pyramid schemes and multilevel marketers, so my radar was going off right away when I heard all the generalizing. They really helped me make up my mind. He gave me the address and time for the meeting andthats it. It was a group interview. We are not a scam and there are no fake interviews. Just had an interview todayit stated just as everyone elses with a phone call from a lady stating someone gave me your name and advised me you were looking for work and you have a background in administrative work and customer service she said she wanted me for an office manager position. Just like most of these posts, they said they werent looking for people who have college degrees or serious career experience. 100,000 reps times $25 a month equals $2.5 million a month from its own employees., This is a pre-paid legal services plan that provides members with access to attorneys for a variety of legal needs. He mentioned the company would pay for license and classes and would like for me to start working part time for 5 hrs a week these next few months. There was a Prime America in the office building I currently work in, and I cant tell you how many young, eager, looking people would pull up looking nervous right before their big job interview. At the time, the IRS called it one of the biggest Ponzi schemes it had ever investigated. I didnt want to be rude to him with my best friend trying to work there but it just didnt sit right with me. I put down my 5 usual references for jobs and returned the clip board to the receptionist. I personally am more of a tech guy, dealing with machines and stuff. I am left feeling overly annoyed. I also knew what John would say if I asked him about that one. WHEW!! So a woman called kim called and set up an interview with me in a city nearby. I just didnt understand.. when they hired me on they told me that referrals would pour in and we never cold call.. in fact the company prohibits it! complete with fake hearty chuckle. To those who have met up with someone who promised to help them financially, the supervisor was there to help you if the rep quit because, as I said, this takes work and if you cant stand the heat you need to stay out of the kitchen. I just got off the phone with some one by the name of Kelly Marie from prime America she was very anxious to have me come in for an interview. With a one-time fee of $99 and a monthly fee of $25, you can make more than your startup cost in less than a month. I received a call on Wednesday from a classmate she just graduater from high school and im still there so she told me that she works for a growing company but she didnt say which company it was she just asked how old i am and if i was looking for a job as almost every high school student i am looking for a job and i have applied in so many places but they havent call me. I did not quite have the similar negative experience as many posted, but mine was similar. I ask because Primerica agents and Real Estate agents/brokers are both commission based but people have no problem with being a real estate agent right nor do they have any issues with purchasing homes that will most likely put them in HUGE debt. Ive been to interviews and left without a job. He finally emailed me back saying that 10 works great but I would be speaking with David because he was busy busy busy! Expectations low (as I am VERY cautious) I agreed to meet with him. I caved and spoke to her, trying to ask questions about the job but she was extremely vague and told me that she was having a training next week and invited me to come along. Yes, nice to meet you, I replied as I stood up, my 511 frame towering over her by at least a foot or more. The interview was over after he scheduled a home visit to talk to my parent and im cancelling that appointment because Im 95% sure im being scammed. *69 doesnt block the outgoing number. I like to hear about the successes towhat did you find out about those that succeed at this? He told me he has to go through clearance and apparently he is abusing this priviledge. That fact in itself should be an embarrassment to any organization, requiring immediate action. Never missing a payment! Thanks for this post. So I was going to take my one and only day off this week and go to an interview only to find out that its a scam of some short. 3. No, the only logical answer is that they somehow benefit from this revolving door. I wasnt about to put my plans aside for something as ambiguous as that, and seeing other people talk about their experiences, Im glad I didnt. Those people in Primerica dont know enough about it to investigate, and once they find out the truth, its really hard for them to save face and quit. I got referred to Primerica by a fellow friend of mine. Almost everyone involved in MLM is guaranteed to lose money. One of those analysis of Primerica showed how that it is nothing more than a game where you dont really make any money, and its all about recruiting and selling over priced term life insurance. He explained I would get $100 back plus $200 after training.He then told me as part of the application part he needed my debit card now so he can turn in the application as soon as possible, but i told him not to charge anything yet. I was an Amway distributer years ago. I immediately searched the company and came across this page. What Primerica does, is after they sign up a new trainer, they get their list of friends, and the new trainer and his upline trainer go down the list of friends and make appts. Similar situation Most all businesses fail, traditional or mlm. Pull out your phone. He then asked me to write down 25 people in my contact list over 18 and he would call them for me to see if they would buy insurance and give me part of the profit and get me started. I looked back to John, who had now moved on to the hard close part of the presentation. I got the call on Monday evening from a woman (name witheld by me) asking if I would like to be interviewed for a position with her holdings company, Primerica.She told me she found my resume online and I looked like a good fit. I wasted a month of my busy life and thankfully, I already maintain a good internship at a wealth management firm and did not leave it for such stupidity. I can feel itll just be a waist of my time and I would rather work for a company with a good reputation. Success in MLM is not tied to how hard you work. I thought Im supposed to be learning here? I have an Accounting degree so I already had a great handle of budgeting but this was really impressive. Another middle schooler came in and went directly to the back where the party was. Anyone with money who makes a good living does not discuss that in open form with people at a so called job interview be smarter than the rest of us , cancel , complain and dont let them take advantage of you. He said Financial Services then when I asked what kind of company he states the details will be discussed during the interview. THIS IS A BUSINESS, and youre too lazy to work for yourself or want to educate people on their finances. I had an interview yesterday, and went, mainly because I was contacted about a trainer position, not a sales agent position. Its a good 3 hours of my life that I will never get back. Before they hire you and you begin training (with no pay during this period) they will test your aptitude for this kind of work. So what you are saying is that the other insurance companies must REALLY over elevate their prices. Its about finding suckers who can be talked into signing up for the MLM. As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. He asked me for my number so that he may call me later, I provided it, and then after he decided to instead just ask me to come see him tomorrow. She mentioned her husband company briefly and for someone else to pass on the info. In addition, how Im going to have to pay $99 for license + $25 utilities (no other job makes me do this?). I wonder if the experiences shared here are indicative of the company as a whole or just unchecked human behavior that isnt managed from senior corporate leadership. But a million questions arose when hed finished describing what it was he did, as he never quite cut to the chase of what Id be doing for the company. He called again. It seems like a job interview. Sadly, it wasnt real. They offer it at a price they term affordable for all families. Were looking for employment & to get taken advantage of. Those that ask real questions will be shown the door shortly. 99 for the background check, 25 for the POL, and 50 for the deposit on life insurance. First of all, the company does have physical product within its structure - insurance and financial services around debt-solutions, investments, legal protection, etc. These places and factories will make organic as possible, vegan as possible, human friendly medication. Employers are not evasive about what they need. Does anyone know of other companies besides Primerica that are employing these same tactics? I gave him my actual SOC. No, its not defamation. For sure I am not going. * What is a pyramid scheme exactly? There was literally no way of knowing. I read many reviews like this before I started and while I was active. Louisiana Primerica no phone. They have to recruit their own people. The location seemed extremely sketchy too. You can say all you want about how great the company is, but when a top RVP in a MAJOR metropolitan area of 30 years is sucking it, something is very wrong. You pray upon my people and I think you suck. Today the husband called and said his wife said I had people skills and was very vague and I had to really ask what was the company after the asked me to come in for an interview. Nevermind they had all tacky, cheap, white trash decor. I was actively looking for a job two years ago for Customer Service position. He looks at me sadly and suspect. There are also barriers of entry ex: background check and licensing. When called at home, I got a vague assurance that I would be a good fit. insurance MLM firm Primerica is a legitimate and long-established company. Went here, not knowing what it was about. I have mine scheduled in a few saved me gas and time! I got an email from Mark that hed like to set up an interview. They are a publicly traded company on the NYSE. If you have been invited to an interview, I can tell you that someone cared about you. The big no-no for me was that I asked him for a pamphlet, like an information sheet and he was like what do you mean. I had no desire to pursue such a career related to insurance, as I prefer investing. I will be calling them in the morning to say that I will not be participating in this ridiculously insidious scam after all. So glad I ran into this, a man at a store who was very charming said they were looking for employees, I have had a bad feeling about him for about 2 years now and he has called like 3 times since, every time he gives me a little more information, it all seemed very fishy, finally said I would meet up this week but would google them first. The reason for a lack of business card is actually the business model of Primerica. I made the mistake signing up thinking I was signing up for life insurance and trying to help a friend out that works for this company. I will not be invited back even though the host is consider me a friend and wants me to be on her team (her words). During the call I asked her about three times for a website link or something to see if I would like working with her but she avoided giving me the website, I had to ask her about three times till she finally gave me something, and even that was just the name of the company. kids dobs and weights,etc. Her last attempt was to try and sell the financial services to me. I quit altogether after 2 months because it was the most draining months of my life. He proceeded to tell me that he called his partner about me and said I am great with people and would love for me to join their team if I was open to opportunities. The whole thing seemed a little off to me. 4. I read most of your posts, and there seems to be a lot of hate on for this company. Another woman, in her mid to late 20s like me, walked in and was handed the same paperwork I had to fill out. The grand kicker was the way the regional representative (and the speakers) used THE BIBLE to justify us serving a great cause? The small group of initial promotors at the top . Didnt alarm me as I never heard of Primerica. I first indicated, I was not interested in selling financial products and not sure I wanted to apply. They didnt give me an estimated end time for the interview, after about an hour (I was following the MLB Draft on the side) I told them that I had to go and they asked me about the opportunity and I reaffirmed that I already have a job and they told me that they will call me in a couple of weeks about it. As it turns out, I am a lapsed Catholic and an Atheist, but I still wear a silver communion cross so she may have been taking a stab.