-, [Pay 50 BP] The composer is free to use the main square as he pleases. You will have to make important choices when recruiting. Octavia (CG), The Storyteller (TN), and Vordakai (NE) are the candidates of which are the neutral evil options - Vordakai is the most dangerous choice because of your peoples' reception. Roll Espionage DC 25 check every week; on failure, Economy -3, Loyalty -3, Community -3, Relations -3). (Tsanna only) Give Tsanna the grove. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Loyal Spies (Espionage +1 every time the Minister fails to resolve a situation). Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Several major bandit leaders recognize you as a leader and ask how they can thank you. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). Culture Rank 7A: the Curator suggests founding a university. Your kingdom lacks sufficient knowledge to combat it. Espionage Rank 3: The Minister has obtained a list of all of Graltons spies in Litran. Loyalty Rank 2: A trader was discovered to have previously sold goods for the Stag Lord. Thanks VolpeRosso, for the info and saves! -, " Scatter the rebels and outlaw such gatherings." -, Let the Golden Shields take up their duties immediately. - (, We shall accept Wigmolds proposal. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Arcane Protection from Compulsions (immunity to compulsion spells within claimed territories). For example, you can end the game with over 1 million gold and a ton of BP but still be told that your treasury's empty since you didn't sufficiently grind down the proletariat with oppressive taxes. My character is Lawful Neutral. Most importantly, they have a series of extremely long and pricey assignments that are necessary to gain background lore or unlock certain endings. The Regent advises over the needs of the common people and day-to-day problems that they can help with; it's important to keep not only those who are influential happy but also everyone within your kingdom; no one should be more important than the other. - no change. Military Rank 5: A border patrol got buried under an avalanche. This triggers the Event: Cult Sacrifice [Grand Diplomat, Minister]. 4 Season of Bloom. This throne room event unlocks the Building: Military Academy. Temple of Kurgess (Community +7, Divine +7, and Community +1 if a Regent suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem, and Stability +1 if the Warden suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem). Your decision determines what event you get for the Rank 4 and Rank 5 throne room events. Open unrestricted recruitment. For dealing with influential people like nobles and merchants, there comes the Councilor role; the choices for this role are Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (TN), and Tsanna (CE). I command the establishment of proper customs. -, (Kanerah only) A trade guild is a great idea! While the Treasurer directly interacts with the Economy, their policies can have indirect effects on Relations, Stability, and Loyalty. [Pay 200 BP] I order the treasury to release the necessary funds. -. [CN god of strength and battle] (CN moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Gorum. This triggers the Event: Exodus to Kyonin [General, Warden, Curator]. -, "Let him deal with his problem himself." This is my favourite topic. Club 57 Wiki. My options are Harrim and Jhod, Tristian can only be councillor. Grand Diplomat: Linzi Let's Go Luna! If Clerks > Everyman, gain Community +3, Stability +3. 6 The Twice-Born Warlord. Most of the time, the results of your choices can be seen by mouseing over the text [Choice effects] when it appears by an option; however, that isnt always the case and the mouseover is occasionally slightly wrong (due to typos). This throne room event unlocks the Projects: a) Trade Agreement with Galt and b) Trade Agreement with Gralton. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. Community Rank 5: Davor the Grey has sparked a riot in the Narlmarches to try to overthrow you (Community -10 and the unrest state worsens by 1 step [i.e., stable -> worried]). Espionage Rank 7: The traitors have revealed that they were hired by someone in Daggermark. -, I will not deal with such trifles! Arcane Rank 5B: A delegation of Pharasmites has arrived and demanded you ban necromancy. Their primary concern is of the kingdom Community stat, but their actions can also tilt Economy, Loyalty, Stability, and Culture. I've listed the possible choices with lower case letters to avoid confusion. This triggers the Event: The Wrath of Sevenarches [General, High Priest, Warden]. (NE moral choice) -, (Jaethal only) Lets execute travelers from Galt and then raise them as undead. There are two potential solutions; your reward at the Stability Rank 9 throne room event depends on whether your kingdom's stat matches your choice. Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki. If Isolationism > Globalism. The choice here determines which event you get at the Arcane Rank 5 throne room event. Military Rank 7: Representatives of three military groups have come to offer their services, you must select one. To put it on perspective, by the endgame my NPC (Tsanna) councilor had a +28 while Regongar as General with Dragon Disc dip for extra STR had 31. -, Tell everyone you meet that Im a just ruler. (CE moral choice) - Loyalty -5, Divine -5. Culture Rank 8: Larzio has finished his opera and needs funding to stage it. Wait.harrim can be a high priest? You'll get some kingdom stats based on your prior choices. Alkenstar Manufactory (Economy +7, Relations +7, and gain +1 to +5 BP/week based on the Relations rank). RELATED: Best Games To Play If You Like Turn-Based Combat. Jhod and Harrim can both be High Priests. Lets avoid the expense. (Kanerah, Jubilost, and Maegar disapprove). Delgado can be found on the map Lonely House. Stability Rank 2: A group of fairies has started causing problems for a settlement, saying theyre pushing back invaders. (LN moral choice) -. Take care of the merchant and reimburse him for the stolen goods." Espionage Rank 5A: This event occurs if you delivered the list to Galt under the Rank 3 event. Note that the Effects lists assume no Ability score improvements have been applied to that Candidate, Companions can have a greater effect with ability score increases . This throne room event unlocks the Projects: Scouting the Central Regions and Scouting the Northern Regions. They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. A Minister will mainly govern the Espionage stat but can also sway Relations, Military, and Arcane. Hey everyone. And execute the organizers." Espionage Rank 4A: This event occurs if you delivered the list to Galt or sold the information in Daggermark under the Rank 3 event. I think she was even sympathetic to some bandints. You could send troops to rescue them, but that will likely lead to more deaths. If Bulettes = 1, or Bulettes = 2 and Regongar isn't the Warden, the Event: Culling the Herd [General, Warden] triggers. Stability is a very important stat, as entering negative values for too long can result in a game over. If Concealment > Fear, Relations +5. Henceforth, any and all magical components may be traded in my domain." However, as one of the characters most central to the plot, he will often be unavailable to see to his duties. Cayden: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Cayden (+1 to Councilor's rolls on Events, Loyalty +1 when the Councilor resolves an Event unless you get a Disaster, 10% chance for unrest state to improve each week for each 20 Loyalty) and unlocks the Project: Trade in Wine (1d10 BP per 30 days +1d10 BP per 30 days for each of: Loyalty Ranks 8 and 10; Relations Ranks 6, 8, and 10; and every 50 points of Loyalty + Relations over 400 (up to a max of +5d10 BP)). That is why Pathfinder Kingmaker is filled with many advisers that can help guide the domestic and foreign policy of the Stolen Lands. Trading also plays a notable role in a Treasurer's job, as does Economic status. My dilemma is that I don't want to go too long without advisors and I know that The Witch Hunt Quest won't become available until after Troll Trouble. (Bartholomew's choice, Maegar and Jubilost disapprove). (Jubilost and Maegars choice). This throne room event unlocks the Project: Protectors of the Land (+1 morale bonus to AC and saves in kingdom). (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Fortifying the Foundation (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). These contain spoilers, so be warned. (If, "The free market isn't going anywhere." -, Our gallows cannot wait to meet them. Jhod and Harrim can both be High Priests. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. Why? Although the Choice effects for each option state that you gain a fixed amount of BP/region and BP/upgraded region with each choice, but you don't actually get those BP as best as I can tell, so I included them in brackets. 3 Act 2. The Treasurer oversees the kingdoms wealth and taxation. You can allow tax evaders to continue to do so if you wish, though your people won't be all too thrilled with the idea. "Shut down the school immediately. The High Priest will complete tasks involving allowing people to build temples for their respective gods and deciding on the best way to let everyone believe in those gods without conflict. If you let them live, theres new sightings of bulettes, including one as big as a house. Community Rank 4b: A merchant was attacked by Davor the Grey. -, "Support our native merchants with special privileges ." -, Open publishing houses to print newspapers for our subjects abroad. -, Let the General establish a regiment for foreigners who will serve in the military in exchange for citizenship. -, Our domain will accept every oppressed fugitive from foreign lands. -. Community Rank 7: Rich bandits want to go straight and are asking for pardons. . Everyone has an ideal way of dealing with something, and there's never going to be a way to make each of these people satisfied with the outcome. You don't need to train people before using them. (Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). Espionage Rank 2: They arrested a spy from Daggermark. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. -, Dispatch soldiers to the Grey Gardeners. -, Arrange peaceful negotiations with Gralton. -, Pass the information about the Gardeners to the leader of the Revolutionary Council of Galt. -, Help the Order of Vengeance achieve their revenge. -, Organize peace negotiations with Litran. -, Were going to hit them right in their fat purses. (The dialogue options for this event show +1 Stability; however, this appears to be the additional point in the kingdom stat that you always get from throne room events). Where do you want your spies? Explore. Community. We wont be opening a university. - no change. Loyalty Rank 3: A newspaper publisher has escaped from Galt to your lands and wants to found a printing house. Jubilost makes a fine replacement as Alchemists favor medium to high Dexterity as well. To figure out the outcome, find the amount of support you gave during the Rank 4 and Rank 6 events in column 1 (which establishes your row) and match that up to the support you give during the Rank 8 event (columns 2-5). Once you achieve Rank IV Military, the General will help unlock the Warden role and support it until it levels. Characters with extremely bad relations will eventually quit and abandon the party. A great deal of the assignments you'll be working with revolve around taxes and potential tax evasion. Being lawful evil you might just want to stick with him. Part 2: The leader of the druids will arrive and ask what to tell the people: Loyalty Rank 9B: If the peasants rioted, the guards have arrested the organizers of the riots. Still she is not a bad choice per-se. Espionage Rank 8: The enemy is the Poisoners guild or Assassins guild in Daggermark. Privacy Policy. However, she is also a prime candidate for Curator. Relations Rank 9A: The Grand Diplomat asks for guidance on the future. The options are: Jhod Kavken, Harrim, and Tsanna. This throne room event also unlocks one of three Projects based on your choice during the Rank 7 event: Economy Rank 1: The Treasurer asks you how to deal with treasures left in the Stag Lords cellars: Economy Rank 2: The Treasurer asks you about taxes. Your choice here determines what result you get in the Stability Rank 9 throne room event. Hard work and perseverance lead to success and prosperity. - (opera bonus is to Economy and Stability). However, recruiting him does mean missing out on both Shandra and Lander. The idols around the capital were part of a seal keeping away monsters. -, [Pay 75 BP] I wish to support this art society financially. -, [Pay 50 BP] We shall help them found and promote this society. -, Well support the provincial teacher. -, Lets order the series of etchings from the artist. -, (Jaethal only) Assist the composer and see how hes progressing! -, (Linzi/the Storyteller only) We shall grant this young composer what he asks. -, [Pay 2 BP each week] Well meet all their accusations by issuing our own newspaper. Community Rank 9B: If People_C > Banditism. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting the Eastern Regions. Divine Control +1. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Arcane Lobby (-10% to the cost of buildings with a static Arcane bonus). This has led to the Pathfinder system being referred to as Dungeons and Dragons 3.75 by fans. (Bartholomew's choice). She's your third option for the High Priest position, mainly to give Evil kingdoms a bone over Jhod or Harrim. Plan ahead, save often in multiple slots, and you can create an ideal and thriving region. [LN god of law and wealth] (LN moral choice) - this is supposed to unlock the Building: Temple of Abadar; however, this appears to be bugged, and I dont believe you can actually build this buildingunlike with the other three temples. If you have a custom NPC handle these events, theyll select a predesignated option and give you a generic report. The Regent role can be taken by Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), or Lander Lebeda (CE) and is powered by Charisma. Divine Rank 9: The priests of the kingdoms gods are protecting your domain. The Warden's objectives mainly impact Stability but can also affect Community and Loyalty. Economy Rank 6: The Treasurer asks you to decide on import tax policy. We will immediately increase border control. Send messengers to announce that all those unwilling to become a slave to Razmir must unite. -, We arent meddling in the domestic affairs of other countries. -, "Start accepting reports about foreign spies in our lands." Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. Valve Corporation. Military Rank 3: The General asks you to appoint a Warden and asks you where to build barracks (60 exp). Culture Rank 7B: Your citizens have built a school. The High Priest can also recommend temples of a major deity like Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, and Cayden Cailean. Additionally, story options later in the game could cause advisers to perish or leave. Jubilost can be found as part of the Quest "Renowned Explorer" at A Ford Across the Skunk River. -, [Gain 10000 gold and 200 BP] Free them from their chains. The Grand Diplomat asks if you wish to unite the River Kingdoms against them. If you rejected the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, you dont get this portion of the event. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. Kanerah is special as she can be recruited far sooner than any other Treasurer, but only when owning The Wildcard expansion. The Magister affects not only the Arcane stat but also Divine and Community. High Priest: Harrim Jhod Kavken [Dies in chapter 2 if you decide to not defend your capital!] High Priest (Harrim, Jhod Kavken, Any Merc) Loyalty +4 Divine +7: Loyalty +3 Divine +6: No change: Economy -3 Divine -3: High Priest Community -1 Economy +4 Divine +8 . Don't let your realm stats drop to zero or lower this will cause your subjects to riot, and your state will begin to crumble. Need help finding save data flag. The exp awarded may be level-dependent, and you may get different amounts in your game. -. Possible Magisters include Octavia (CG), Storyteller (TN), or Vordakai (NE) and makes use of Intelligence. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Divine Protection from Fear (immunity to fear in the claimed regions). Oct 7, 2018 @ 12:27pm [SPOILER] Master List of Kingdom Advisors . Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. We will place training camps nearby the capital. - unlocks the Project: Training Camps near the Capital (+2 to the General' rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). I'm playing a lawful evil fighter and I need a high priest. Culture Rank 2: An aasimar asks for funds to found a society for the appreciation of the fine arts. Spies can do the most good for the army. -, Spies in embassies and consulates bring in the most valuable information. -, I want spies placed in the guilds and magic schools. -. Faith and piety: Stats (2) - Divine and Arcane. These temples are buildings that can only be built in towns or cities and not villages. Order them returned to the people. -, We will use them to revive the villages that suffered the most under the Stag Lords reign. -, [Gain 60 BP] Take these riches to the treasury. -, impacts the result of the Kingdom trait you can obtain at the Rank 8 throne room event with Kanerah, [Pay 2 BP each week] I have another proposal. Order these Taxmasters to stop oppressing our people. -, (Jubilost only) Denounce these Taxmasters in word, but not in act. My kingdom is in need of a noble class (LN moral choice) - This enables the Projects: a) Stability by Nobility (Stability +1 whenever the Regent has a Success or Triumph on Events) and b) Blue Blood Community (-15% cost of buildings with a static Community bonus). Stability Rank 7B: If Defense < Prevention. Will they deplete or increase the conflict of the people? Community Rank 3: The Regent asks you to appoint a Grand Diplomat and also offers you the chance to establish a consulate in Brevoy (60 exp). Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. (Bartholomew only) Mint coins that are 10% copper - unlocks Project: Minting Coins and establishes the Kingdom trait: Minting Half Weight Coins (Gain +2 BP/day for every 1,000 BP in the treasury, up to 10 BP/day. Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels. This happens when the stat Value reaches multiples of 20 (20 points to reach Rank 2, 40 points to reach Rank 3, etc). Okay so i keep seeing around that Jhod can be a advisor but anytime i ask him he just tells me he'd like to be a high priest, so i go to the advisor tabs and he's not a option. But, all mercenaries take a -4 penalty on their assignments and have a preference for True Neutral actions. Culture Rank 4: The Curator offers you the chance to support a young composer, Larzio. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They directly improve Arcane and may also help Divine and Community. -. This makes the Warden important to stop your kingdom from collapsing into anarchy. The people are petitioning for restrictions on the use of magic in densely inhabited places. Whats the priority here? Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. We will place the barracks at the borders. - unlocks the Project: Border Training Camps (+2 to the Generals rolls to solve Problems). -, " Let the bandits organize volunteer militia and to safeguard the citizens' security." The throne room event also unlocks the Project: Improving Cultural Development (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Culture bonus). Completing the Event unlocks the next Rank Up Project, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A trusted but inadequate staff tends to function better than one filled with superb, yet angry advisers. Cultists are bringing human sacrifices to the idols. (CN moral choice) -, Id be happy to enter a trade agreement with the citizens of wealthy Daggermark. -. You will not be able to get the throne room event for Rank 6 for any stat (and the associated Rank Up Project) until after you complete the Quest: Coronation in Act 5. Completing this with the Minister gives Lamashtu Worship +1. - (Jubilost, Maegar, and Bartholomew's choice). Stability Rank 8: Kellid barbarians are trying to poison the land. RELATED: The Best Pathfinder: Kingmaker Classes, Ranked. Nethys is the Neutral god of magic. This it the last of the decisions related to Larzio's opera. The daughter of a well-known merchant has gone missing. The Curator's role is to preserve the Stolen Lands' art, keeping the Kingdom's culture alive, and the three potential candidates for this are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), and The Storyteller (TN). Stability Rank 5: If you killed the bulettes, removing the bulettes has led to increases in attacks from other dangerous beasts and bandits. This means that they can help raise Build Points (BP) and spend it to make national improvements. Espionage Rank 6: The problems with Galt and Gralton were a setup. Valve Corporation. Arcane Rank 2: A villager discovered a magical charm that has caused problems. Double the guard in all the raided regions. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Kingdom Events List ? 1 The First Step on the Road to Glory. However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. Version: 0.81 | Updated: 03/07/2022 Highest Rated Guide. Slunko. They see first to the Loyalty of the kingdom but can also affect Community, Stability, and Military. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups. : The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. The miscreant shall be fined." You can pick one of the four. -, We shall hold a fair for the common people. The Curator will mainly be doing things like funding the development of schools and the backing of upcoming musicians.