Along the way, we find out that this small town probably has some pretty good food, that bath water gets cold, faster than we thought, and that you can't possibly be a rapist/murderer, if you only have sex with your sister! Phoenix, AZ, is where James Pietragallo lives today. Along the way, we find out that rich kids sure like to act like no one cares, that The Breakfast Club apparently didn't have enough Satanic involvement, and that you should probably not tell dozens of people the details of your brutal murder!! Including consulting friends, neighbors, witnesses, the town witch, and the community pervert. A horrific tale, that will leave so many questions, and a trail of awfulness!! Along the way, we find out that some of New Jersey is actually the south, how a simple home pregnancy test could have changed the course of at least 7 people's lives, and that a mother should never encourage her son to torture someone for no reason!! It's a wild case, with a big ending!! Along the way, we find out that drifters make terrible roommates, that vampire cults are more easily accomplished in movies, and that you should always be careful of exactly what blood you're drinking!! Along the way, we find out that snowmobiles aren't just for snow anymore, just how many sex toys is too many sex toys, and that a cemetery is apparently a good place to bury a newly murdered victim!! Along the way, we find out that county fairs are a big deal in North Dakota, that not all alibi stories are created equal, and that sometimes there actually is a big conspiracy!! His crimes were horrific, but the handling of his cases by the legal system was almost as frustrating. Along the way, we find out 5 hours of explosions isn't as cool as it sounds, that smoking meth & watching porn is a weird way to hang out with friends, and that you should never admit to preparing your murder weapon, months in advance!! Im blown away that somebody is capable of doing that to another human being and more so that I didnt know about it.. His family is worried, but is he just on vacation? But who will be on who's side? Torture, dissection, and dismemberment, and a brain, jammed into the garbage disposal. This week, we check out the out west town of Sun Valley, Nevada, where a cold blooded, highly calculated & remorseless person lets his desire for revenge take over his life, and ruin the lives of others. Once the courts get involved, it turns a whole new level of weird! Hilarious!! It all comes to a head, one afternoon, when a major confrontation takes place, in from to their 15 year old son and everyone is armed! Along the way, we find out that things are done a bit differently in Alaska, that a quonset hut is not big enough for multiple families, and that people tend to believe the story has the most witnesses!! All seems open and shut, with the killer brazenly sending bloody & threatening notes to everyone involved, including the victim's families & the prosecutor. Perhaps inevitably, this ends in a most horrific, and violent murder, leaving one of the brothers full of holes, with a rope around his wrist, and a remote control trapped underneath him. Once the horribly heartless murder is finished, the whole thing takes one incredibly weird turn, after another, with an ending that can only be described as shocking!! ', Contact the show: This week, in Modoc, South Carolina, where a teenage girl sneaks out the window, on a summer night, to hang out with her friends, but panic sets in, when she isn't home by morning. This week, in Blackfoot, Idaho, when a man, with a history of making up tall tales, walks into the local police station to report a murder, everyone is skeptical. Today we'd like to introduce you to Sarah Hunt. Happy 100th!! Along the way, we find out that apples & cheese go together, that public access television is always the worst, and that nothing is more unattractive than "a bucket of wriggling peckers"!! At least we got a new Christmas song out of it! It all ends in a courtroom showdown with the death penalty in the balance. The murder is as cold blooded as it gets, with the murder coming after the victim begging for mercy. It's a crazy one! Trener i predsjednik Ivan Mandeki sudjelovao je na 30. otvorenom ahovskom turniru Feffernitz 2021. Absolute insanity! We check out Canton, Missouri, where a man had a difficult time dealing with rejection, and lashes out in about the most extreme, and vicsious way possible. Along the way, we find out that the washboard is still used as a musical instrument in some places, at what point is having a few people over considered a "church", and how many witnesses can be ignored by the police in a one hour period!! This results is an attempt too settle all scores, all at once, with his son as the wingman. At the time that they pitched the idea to TruTV, Murray was VP of Development for NorthSouth Productions, the company that has produced the series since its inception. A stranger? Teenage lesbians? James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, hosts of popular audio series Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports, are doubling down on the genre and extending into new areas with the launch of Upside Down Digital Network. This week, in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, when women begin to disappear, investigators begin to think that there may be a serial killer at work. How many times does it take to kill an unsuspecting person? A panic forms in the community, only to find out that this attack is of a very personal nature, and very directed toward this particular family. Pietragallos net worth comes from hosting Crime in Sports. Along the way, we find out how exciting an abandoned missile site can be, how quickly someone can go from sober to falling over, and exactly how much evidence can be in a person's home while they claim innocence!! Help us untangle this mess!! The problem is, it's someone that no one suspected, and some people even think DNA can't be real! They even have strange sexual dalliances, among the dead, and dying. Introduction As of 2022, James Pietragallo's net worth is estimated to be $2 million. And can a 14 year old girl really be part of a couple of adult's murder plan? But instead of using this for a defense, the killer decides to praise Hitler & make more threats! This week, in Redding, Connecticut, a group of young men move into their own place, and everything is great until a dispute over a small amount of money with the landlord leads to incredible violence & horror, shocking everyone around the affluent & leafy town. Was it a hunter's stray bullet, from the nearby woods, or something much more sinister? One afternoon, a backyard bbq, among friends & family ends with with drunken screaming, accusations of dirty goings on, and some amateur auto mechanic work. Along the way, we find out that there isn't much to do in Wyoming, except stare, that the crazier the nicknames that a group of people have, the crazier they probably are, and that you just can't burn a head, in the family fireplace!! U dramatinom finiu ula je u zadnje kolo sa pola boda prednosti pred drugoplasiranom meunarodnom majstoricom Enom Cvitan, no u zadnjem kolu umor i uzbuenje bilo je preveliko da biimala dovoljno snage da zadri to vodstvo pa je porazom pala na drugu poziciju. Investigators wonder whether they have a sophisticated serial killer, like the one on the west coast, but they could never have predicted what they end up finding. This episode, James and Jimmie line up 3 bachelors and 3 bachelorettes and play the Prisoner Dating Game! Cover ups, shallow graves, and destroyed families follow, leading to some seriously interesting court proceedings. Until one day, when he has a complete breakdown, going on a spree that ends up with a trail of terrorized people, and two dead people, one of which is missing half of a head. This week, in Ocean Township, New Jersey, opposites attract, as two people seem to finally what they're looking for in a relationship. Jeremy E. Abay, By: For merchandise:, Check out James and Jimmie's other show: Crime in Sports. This week, in Gresham, Oregon, horrified bystanders watch as a dead & naked body is tossed off a 75 foot cliff, and into the river below. Along the way, we find out that Honey glazed ham season is in the spring, that bashing up cars because you're angry is never a good idea, and that sometimes it's just easier to let your father adopt you!! Where is he? This one has more layers than an onion!! It's quite the crazy path of blood, crossbows & teeth to find out!! Along the way, we find out that Italians are everywhere, that you should look for witnesses before dumping a body, and that finding your soul mate, may not always the best thing for the world!! Odd marriages, and too many people sharing a hut bring tensions to their peak, after accusations of being a little bit too friendly with a neighbor's spouse. This week, in Decatur, Alabama, a young widow, with an infant daughter finds love with a new husband, but he doesn't quite provide her with the lifestyle she desires, so she decides to leave him. Jeff Bezos is now What is Eminem's net worth? When she comes up missing, there's quite a few people who have an idea of what happened, but the truth is incredibly shocking, and disturbing!! He even seems to be able to manipulate the legal system, for the most part, but will he finally get what's coming to him?? Oh, and its hilarious!! Weed? His podcast has a huge following and he is a frequent guest on the show. This week, in Nashville, Michigan, when a body is found in a ditch, on the side of a country road, police have no clues, until a used motorcycle leads to a witness that unveils a plot that no one could have predicted. He is best known for hosting the podcast "Crime in Sports." He also stars in the show Small Town Murder. This week, in Holladay, Utah, a prominent woman is viciously killed in her own home, and investigators have very little to work with, besides some blood & a trail of Legos, near the body, and around the house. Once the suspect becomes obvious, things really get interesting, especially when the so called explanation comes out! This week, in Canton Township, Michigan, we encounter maybe the strangest & creepiest relationship origin stories of all time. But the whole thing comes to a halt when something very basic comes into question is the dead person actually who we thought it was? It's as crazy as it gets!! This week, in Raccoon, Kentucky, a man who owns a sawmill, and does some moonshining, on the side, recruits a crack crew of murderers, with the goal of killing his soon to be ex-wife, saving him a lot of trouble. Jimmie's average net worth is $3 million. The investigation that follows is the definition of inept, and the conclusion will leave you shocked and laughing!! He does everything he can to find her, and finally gives up. We litigate claims in judicial and administrative forums and represent both private and public employers in state and federal courts. From there, it turns into a multi-state crime spree, that leaves a trial of victims & more murder, in their wake. In the end, a very drunk party goer ends up at neighbor's house, with a statement & a question "I think he's dead" & "You have a beer for me? Anything is possible, until a tip is called in to the police, revealing the strangest murder plot going, including an odd sex for murder arrangement, and a psychic vision from one of the actual killers! And they were, until one of them goes missing, and their family wants answers. Need more suggestions? All of it! !#true #crime #truecrime #murder #kill # death #comedy #trial #prison #police #court, Privacy, Terms of Use & Our Code of Ethics Protecting Content Creators Copyrights, The network will feature true crime and comedy podcasts, and will also venture into organized crime, personal narrative, interview-style, and serial/episodic shows. Along the way, we find out that scrapple is apparently a fruit that is easily tossed, that when you divorce, you might want to avoid marrying another member of your ex's family, and that graves should probably never be shallow!! It all turns messy, from there, as cross country homicide interrogations, and trusting a murderer to make his way back to where he's a wanted man, at his own expense, and one of the biggest coincidences in the history of crime!! If I am being honest, I don't know how I ended up here. This isn't just a case of an overprotective father, either. And that day the day of the punishments. Sal Vulcano, I have a problem with that day. Along the way, we find out that tin is a disappointment, when looking for gold, that forcing someone to witness a murder is never a wise choice, and that you should never dressed like Darth Maul, when standing trial for murder!! Enjoy! With countless cubicle warriors, as Whisman calls them, eager for something to pass the time as they work in the office day in and day out, a podcast seemed like the perfect avenue. This week, in Mineral Point, Wisconsin, a young man has a deep, dark secret in his past, that shocks everyone he knows, makes life very dangerous for several people that he feels have wronged him. These answers come quickly after a crazy night of crack, and murder is uncovered. This week, in Sutherland, Nebraska, where right before Halloween, a quiet, rural area is sent into a panic, when a news broadcast breaks in on the regularly scheduled show to tell residents to stay in their homes, lock their doors & load their guns, because there is a maniac on the loose! They bond over the fact that they've both lost loved ones, recently, and that she also just had a major weight loss. This week, we check into the aptly named college town of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, where one person's incredibly cold blooded, and completely abhorrent actions changed, frightened, and generally freaked out the entire town. This week, in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, just when we think a story is going one way, it takes a complete left turn, and ends up in a completely different direction. This week, in Wittmann, Arizona, a minor, but trashy incident leads to a case of revenge, turned bloodthirsty, horrific murder. Along the way, we find out that Warner Brothers is REALLY picky about copyright infringement, that you should always ask follow up questions, when one of your friends is covered in blood, and that just plain stupid is not considered a mitigating factor!! But there are many unanswered questions, like how one of the people died, and who killed them. So, a plot is hatched that includes one of the most brazen, broad daylight kidnapping/murder plots, ever thought up. Along the way, we find out that people who live in this town, strongly disagree about it, that shocking brutality can come from unexpected sources, and that there really is no such thing as "the perfect crime"!! Along the way, we find out most circus performers are probably pedophiles, that being stabbed doesn't have to ruin the vibe, and that sometimes jury members are clearly open to negotiation!! Find out what happens! An absolute mess, with an equally messy ending! Along the way, we find out that not everyone knows they're at a crossroads, that four day long cocaine parties might be a bad idea, and that some things just don't burn away! These things seem to have no link, until you look a little closer at the Legos An absolutely insane story!! The case goes cold for over a year, until a very interesting story emerges, telling a tale that is both fascinating, and horrifying. Footprints, tire tracks & DNA only confuse the whole thing. While some of kids have a hangover, the next day, one of them ends up on a rural farm, without a head!! Everything seems to add up to an obvious & disturbing conclusion. The tale the wounded young lady has to tell is a harrowing tale of unthinkable cruelty, and survival. Along the way, we find out where Bigfoot lives, exactly what "old fashioned" barbecue is, and how much a meth dealer charges to kill someone!! Not to mention the criminal justice system failing so completely, in this case, that you sort of root for a murderer. As of March 2023, Impractical Jokers net worth is approximately $5 million each. The killer seems to have been training for this moment, for his entire messed up life. That is, until a lunatic begins making his presence known, all around the area. Were seeing it today with everybody, basically, he says. Life After Happy Face is led by Melissa Moore, the daughter of the infamous Happy Face serial killer, and leading female Forensic Criminologist, Dr. Laura Pettler. To someone calling themselves "Night Stalker"! An array of grievances left a man to wanting to kill a particular woman. The problem is, with no bodies, it's very hard to make legal cases, until a very unexpected source comes forward with all the evidence to close this nightmare of a chapter!! This week, in Bloomingdale, Illinois, a man blows into town, charming some of the local women, but he turns out to have a shady past that very accurately predicts his murderous behavior in the future. What led to this? The carnage, and cruelty is incredibly nasty, with one monstrous act after another, but the story of survival of the one of the family members is absolutely amazing, and barely even believable. The whole thing unfolds into a ridiculous web of attempted, or half conceived plots, meant to cover up everything bad in the killer's life. This week, in Bantam, Connecticut, a horribly brutal & bloody scene reminds everyone of a very similar murder, a couple years earlier, and everyone worries that a serial killer is on the prowl. Introduction Along the way, we find out what happens when things go wrong in a town, exactly what book is the worst book ever published, and when someone says they've killed 100 people, do you believe them? Then we chose sports because, well, we both love sports. This week, we look at the mountain town of Chimayo, New Mexico, where a man snapped, and began a massacre of everyone around his home. Pietragallo's net worth comes from hosting Crime in . The attempted getaway is something to be remembered, but this whole thing will still leave a bad taste in your mouth. Subscribe to Deadline Breaking News Alerts and keep your inbox happy. In the end, the blame isn't put on a bad upbringing, or even genetics, but instead, it's placed squarely on video games. This week, in Shenandoah, Iowa, a horrifyingly cruel murder leaves very few clues, other than the large serving fork, protruding from the victim's neck. German racing driver Ralf Schumacher has earned millions as a Grand Prix champion in Formula One. To a man who has some odd beliefs when it comes to pyramids, mountains, and his own name. Luckily, his stupidity left a trail for police to follow, leading to his demise, and his eventual request for a good, old fashioned hanging. The full story leaves mouths open is shock, but will that be enough for a conviction?? Along the way, we find out how to get a mountain named after yourself, at what point you should worry when someone is missing, and what horrors could be present when the sewer line is clogged!! From there, it was a matter of finding the facts (and the crimes) that no one knew. In the end, the question is, was this a premeditated act of extreme violence, or a case of a swinging night & wild threesome gone wrong? Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. You will after you hear this! This story has it all, sex, lies, murder and a pig, named Arthur. In a sport dominated by giants, Daniel Bryan has earned his place on the list of wealthiest wrestlers on the circuit. This develops very badly, as the church takes total control of its parishioners lives, and even their thoughts. Brutal crimes from a terrible person. Freddie Freeman is a What is Pavel Bure's net worth? How to Watch The Last of Us for Free. Luckily for him, his new friend has some acquaintances that just might be able to help him out. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The crazy thing is how it all works out. A list of 88 suspects yields no results, until 4 young boys are kidnapped while hitchhiking, and the whole thing takes a bizarre turn. Naa meunarodna majstorica Ana Berke, inae dvostruka seniorska prvakinja drave na kraju je bila trea to je svakako odlian rezultat pa e i ona imati mjesto u svim nacionalnim selekcijama. As time went on, so did science, and a history of truly awful acts came into focus. Turns out, jealously, anger, threesomes, throuples, and sexually explicit graffiti caused it. Our attorneys are also experienced in representing government officials, municipal governments, quasi-governmental entities, non-profits, and businesses. First, a man with a "history of meanness" takes vengeance & violence to a whole new level, with acts that so brazen, it's like he wants to spend the rest of his life in prison. If we wouldnt want to listen, how could we expect anyone else to? Along the way, we find out that not all sundowns are pleasant & relaxing, that you can ride a 4 wheeler if you're a paraplegic, and that even if God can't get you out from under a murder charge, all hope is not lost!! At Upside Down Digital Network, well foster creativity and showcase the most riveting people and stories as we bring the highest quality shows to this ever-expanding medium, said Whisman. This week, in Dean, Texas, a man who seemingly has it all, ends up having less life than he would have ultimately have liked to have, but who is responsible? Will the monster who was responsible be brought to justice? Finally, a greedy crime leads to an investigation, and the discovery of five bodies, and a twisted back story, uncovering very unlikely killers. Complete with training sessions for the kids, and a plan to survive the inescapable mortal zombie combat, that is sure to come. And nasty!! Evidence doesn't quite back that up, with out of place blood spatter, and even more out of place gravel. Along the way, we find out that too many candles in one festival could be dangerous, that parents had no idea about old school social media, and that maybe you should finish the 9th grade before you plan to marry!! Golf course designer Pete Dye was renowned for his architectural skills, and he earned millions by creating some of the best golf courses in the world. Small Town Murder,Crime in Sports, Pietragallo and Whisman and the Upside Down Digital Network are represented by UTA. RUN!! By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Sports also helped to make the podcast entirely different [from other crime podcasts]. This week, in Donalsonville, Georgia, a strange group of dangerous people escape from a work camp, and end up on a rural farm, looking for gas & money to head to Mexico, in order to "live the good life". He is also the owner of Kenny Koretsky . But could she have actually done all the horrible things that have happened? This week, in St. Martinville, Louisiana, moving out of the trailer that you've made into your love nest is difficult, but with the help of family, you can get it done. This week, in Golden Valley, Arizona, a very nice gesture leads to some not very nice murder. UTA brokered the deal. It's an incredible story of brutality, and total disregard for other human beings. One of the brothers decides that this is the perfect opportunity to start a vampire cult. By the conclusion of the night, we end up with the horribly mutilated body of a "family" member, complete with odd carvings, and all fingers pointing at the victim's friends. One of them is found, and police suspect that person in the other's disappearance, after some digging into their background. But who did it? They have their problems, like any other family, but nothing that could possibly hint at the wholesale slaughter that would take place within the walls of the home that they built with their own hands. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This week, we see what goes on in Iowa, Louisiana, where a terrible person escalated his crimes to the point of pure brutality, and to the point where the harshest of penalties was being sought And then it got even more interesting. Along the way, we find out that gas may be an issue in Wisconsin, that telling everyone you've ever met about a murder that you committed may not be the best idea, and that you should never leave the house without your murder shoes! In the end, fingers are pointed, and no one wants to take responsibility, but will this woman get any justice? This week, we are LIVE at Zanies in Nashville, where we check out the town of Bellevue, Idaho, where regular family issues swelled out of control, in a short amount of time, resulting in shocking brutality, and an unlikely killer!!