Even without treatment, your dog may appear to have improved after the initial gastrointestinal upset. VETS have warned that slug and snail pellets can be deadly for dogs and cats after a Japanese Akita was fatally poisoned. Note: Slug pellets have such a bad reputation due to a witness report of a deceased hedgehog that ate a slug that had previously ingested metaldehyde. The extremely high amount that the hedgehog ate in the process was due to improper distribution by the user, who offered the slug pellets via a rain-protected container. We surround young plants with a circle or horticultural grit. This is done by making them smell good to slugs and to other animals too. Iron is a chemical element that is normally important to red blood cell production in the body. The pellets come in two sizes: 800g Pack - to treat up to 160 sq. If your dog ate a slug, they could end up seriously ill - or contract lungworm, which can be fatal. Although ferric phosphate is less toxic than metaldehyde, the other ingredients in the tablets can also affect earthworms and, if consumed in large quantities, can poison pets. If you must dig, do it in the winter while the soil is cold and the slugs are less active. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Slug pellets are an important part of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach to slug control," says Geoffrey. The aim is to protect plants while they are susceptible. Iron-containing hand warmers and heat patches (for pain relief). It contains an ingredient that is toxic to slugs and snails and this will also affect other animals that ingest it too. Slugs are readily eaten by other mammals and birds, which then absorb the agent into their digestive tracts. However, not every product listed under this name is the same, and the various ingredients have different effects on organisms. SC037654, Accepting all non-essential cookies helps us to personalise your experience, These cookies are required for basic web functions, Allow us to collect anonymised performance data, Non-toxic organic slug control & pellet guide, Policy and Insight: England and Westminster, Who to contact if you spot an injured or baby bird, Help nature thrive as a corporate partner, Birdgirls top tips on how to beat climate anxiety. Ferric phosphate. If you would like to receive a complimentary trial across your entire clinic/practice/team, please complete the practice form opposite and submit then a member of our team will be in touch to arrange this for you. Called Ferramol, it affects the calcium metabolism in the gut system ofsnails and slugs causing them to stop feeding and die within three to six days. All have been used with some degree of success and are offered here for you to try. As slugs often die underground, effectiveness of the treatment should be measured by the decrease of feeding damage in the crop. After surviving iron toxicity, your dog may not have full function of the liver or gastrointestinal tract and specific lifetime medications and special diets may be necessary. Iron is then transported to the bone marrow and liver, where it is stored as hemosiderin and used as needed for oxygen transport by hemoglobin and myoglobin. Brutlag A G, Flint C T C, Puschner B (2012). A piece of damp cardboard held down with a stone, or a piece of carpet, for example, is ideal; just lift it up at regular intervals and dispose of the slugs underneath it by dropping them into a pot of salty water. Which so obviously cares about animals and wildlife. This is a recent development in slug control. Should you discover them, then keep your furry companion away from them. Ferrous phosphate pellets are organically approved and, in the UK & EU, further treated with a bittering agent to dissuade pets from eating them. I will show you this and much more in this article. However, as an active substance, ferric phosphate is relatively harmless to slugs. Haven't found any dead birds or hedgehogs and the dogs are fine. It does not slime and no longer poses a threat to birds, hedgehogs or other creatures. Each acts quite differently and has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Be very aware that your dog may encounter slug pellets when you are working or exercising them. Dogs & cats are at risk from slug & snail pellets that contain metaldehyde. not have to be listed on the label. Slug pellets now officially banned in the UK. If he ingests it, it is also a life-threatening emergency for him. Next, we need to think about how slugs and enticed to eat the slug pellets. Video chat with our online vets seven days a week, from 8am to 11pm. environmentally friendlynon-toxic to bees, ground beetles and other beneficial insects in the gardendoes not affect the quality of the harvestrainproof. Slug traps are commercially available, and they can easily be made from empty plastic pots (eg large yoghurt pots) buried to half their depth in the soil and filled with milk and water, or beer. Read more advice about what to do if you find a bird that needs help. Just how nature friendly are they? Among them would be: IMPORTANT: Can't positively identify the poison, but can you rule out with certainty that your protg ingested slug pellets? After two to three days, virtually every slug had died underground. The study showed that 50 to 60% of slugs that ingested Sluxx HP pellets (ferric phosphate) retreated below the soil surface within the first 24 hours. Black cats have long been a symbol of Halloween and are closely associated with all things witchy. It was not approved by the EU Commission in 2007. Ferric sodium EDTA works almost like iron phosphate but quicker, killing slugs and snails in about three days. Anyone got any experience of an effective dog friendly slug pellet please? Slugs are built differently from humans, so symptoms and cause of death may well be different too, but its reasonable to assume that iron poisoning wont be a pleasant end for a slug. I saw it when it was still alive curled on its side and thought it was ok; it was still there the next morning - under some shrubbery, with no obvious injury. The problem is the deceptive advertising that hides the true nature of these products, and disarms the caution users should have with a dangerous poison. I only took him to the park at 5.30pm after work and by 9pm he was gone and the vet told me himself that it was down to poisoning from slug pellets or antifreeze. reason these baits are effective, yet interestingly the label only reads poisonous elemental iron very easily. Make sure that you state that you suspect slug pellets as the cause of death. moderate and minor domestic animal incidents from the use of iron phosphate Certainly not me, but sure enough there it was! Note: Iron III phosphate, unlike metaldehyde, is approved for organic farming and gardening. His owner, Jackie Denning, of St Helens, Merseyside, said: Boris suffered a terrible end and we had to witness it. Once the signs of iron toxicity are seen, prompt treatment by a veterinarian is strongly recommended. Thiodicarb is classified as possibly carcinogenic, methiocarb only as very toxic. Wood Ash, Lime, Human hair and a host of other substances are thought to interfere with slugs all-important mucus. As little as 0.01 percent (1 part per ten thousand) caffeine keeps slugs off foliage plants. The ferric phosphate is fine but there is a man-made agent not labelled that causes the iron to be released into the digestive system at toxic levels. Baits containing ferric . Slugs also eat decaying vegetation (actually in preference to your young plants if they can get it), so they play an important role in composting and soil conditioning. Even when consuming high quantities of slug pellets based on ferric phosphate, there are no negative effects for dogs, cats and humans, even small children do not suffer. Copper gives them a mild electric shock. Following the floods this winter, watch how one area is using nature as a natural protector. Autumn digging, leaving the soil rough and cloddy while the slugs are still active will allow those species that hibernate to move deep into the soil. It can be found in the environment, foods, and water. How can these baits made of nothing but iron phosphate and wheat gluten Furthermore, there are no specific symptoms that point solely to this nerve poison. While digging, look out for slug eggs in the soil. I have seen people with 'blue' soil! proponents were claiming. Here you can find more information about charcoal tablets. This is the time it may take for the iron levels in the blood to go below toxic levels. The typical compound that is meant to kill snails and slugs can also potentially kill our pets. It has low to no toxicity. Emin Jasarevic, Tierklinik Stommeln - Beware of slug pellet poisoning, PetMD - Snail, Slug Bait Poisoning in Dogs, 6 things that should not be missing in any dog pharmacy, Rat poison in dogs (symptoms of poisoning), Vomiting (with blood) | sometimes poisonous granules can be detected in the vomit, Irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes, salivation. Most people using it in a garden setting have a pellet or grain form of the product which is scattered on the ground. A fecal or urine sample excreted after toxin ingestion is also helpful. With smaller quantities possibly a little later. Watch for poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and lethargy. Also known as animal charcoal or medicinal charcoal. All cases of ingestion of iron tablets should be assessed urgently. They work just as well if not better than metaldehyde pellets but in a different way. For this reason, the general use of slug pellets is not recommended if many of the other slug species are in your garden. When sprayed on the ground it forms a physical barrier that slugs and snails will not cross. Although the active ingredient is considered harmless for warm-blooded animals, one should be careful with this statement. It also appears in nature as the mineral strengite in the soil. Any dog can become intoxicated by ingesting an excessive amount of iron. Or visit the Pesticide action network UKwebsite. They must again grow quickly to survive slug attack, so it is best to raise them in individual modules, so there is minimal check to growth when they are planted out. When using slug pellets in the garden, always stow packaging out of reach of children and pets. http://www.hostalibrary.org/firstlook/RRIronPhosphate.htm. Otherwise, completely abandon it and do not use it at all. These organic rainproof Slug Pellets are attractive to both slugs and snails and contain a naturally occurring active ingredient - ferric phosphate - which, when consumed, cause the slug to stop feeding. Like many things, iron is very beneficial in the correct amounts but can be extremely toxic when ingested in excess. Examine susceptible plants particularly. Our slug and snail problem is huge this year, I feel your pain! In birds, a long-term effect is more likely to be seen; in mammals, the remedy works immediately. In the case of plants that are very susceptible to slugs, this isn't really worth the effort. "Ferric phosphate based pellets: These pellets are classified as suitable for use by the organic grower. What is wrong with slug pellets? Usually slowly. A quick look at data from the EPA was oddly Some slug and snail killers contain ferric phosphate, generally 1% for domestic products and 3% for professional products, Iron (III) ethylenediaminetetraacetate is also used as a slug killer in some countries. They are often coloured blue, which makes them less attractive to birds. Slug pellets are highly toxic and kill far more creatures than we know. It does not act as a deterrent to dogs because for them it is sweetish taste. pic.twitter.com/MdkhDWuJqe. Because of the aromatic substances, children in particular may mistake the granules for candy or something similar. Or you can make your own garlic spray, or plant garlic near to the crops you want to protect to keep the slugs at bay. Iron oxide and hydroxides (E172) are also used in some foods and medicines as a colorant. You really should be a proud business because you always go above and beyond, thank you so much for your help. Slug pellets contain three main types of poison - iron (III) phosphate, metaldehyde, and methiocarb. 29.7g/kg ferric phosphate: MAPP NO: 16571: LERAP Category: Does Not Apply: Pack Size: 20kg: Pack Size Coverage: 2.8 hectares: Spreading Rate: 7kg - 28kg per hectare: Application Method(s) . If, for example, the slugs get more out of your hostas each year than you do, the answer is to give up on the hostas and try something else. Dr. T's Nature Products Slug and Snail The service from Home & Roost is exemplary and I have been more than happy with how my online orders have been received and processed. Transferrin becomes saturated and the excess iron circulates in serum as free iron, which is corrosive and a strong oxidant. Our quality ferric phosphate formulation has a number of significant benefits which differentiates it from other pellets in the market and carries the Ferric Field Technology logo. Higher concentrations of 1 to 2 percent (1-2 parts per hundred) kill slugs and snails outright. Slug and snail baits are sprinkled as pellets or granules and kill the slimy invertebrates when ingested. Ferric Phosphate, now the most common active ingredient in slug pellets, kills the slugs by iron poisoning. If mulches are used for growing crops, wait until the plants are well established before mulching. Its nesting season for our waterfowl too but what are the rules you need to follow for ducks, geese or swans? These nematodes are now being cultivated, and are available as biological control agents under the trademark Nemaslug. Slug pellets with the active ingredient ferric phosphate are available as a well-tolerated alternative. As they eat slugs, they need to be encouraged, not killed. Dogs or cats who have eaten the pellets should be seen by a vet urgently as only rapid treatment can save their life. There's a lot of (deliberate) misleading info out there. With their cute little faces and quirky personalities, pets provide hours of entertainment, devoted friendship and unconditional love. Slug and snail pellets contain a chemical called metaldehyde which is highly toxic to cats and dogs Signs of slug bait poisoning in dogs Symptoms of metaldehyde poisoning include: Sickness and diarrhoea Anxiety Drooling and panting Wobbliness or appearing drunk Muscle tremors Convulsions High temperature Affiliate Disclaimer: Gardeninguru is an affiliate and we may earn from any qualifying purchases, made through links on this website. The following manufacturers offer products containing ferric phosphate: Iron-III-phosphate has a toxic effect on the slugs and ensures a so-called feeding stop, by which the animals stop eating the lettuce. The new slug pellets offer several key advantages over other ferric-based molluscicides, in particular excellent palatability and extended durability during wet weather. 203 names listed on labels of products that contain ferric phosphate as a form of slug control, and in some cases, is 204 part of the copyrighted name, e.g., Sluggo Snail and Slug Bait. Be extremely careful to keep children and pets out of the containers. Hard to prove whether the ferric phosphate slug bait is effective because it's not actually a poison, so you don't see . Symptoms of metaldehyde poisoning include: One dog who tragically did not survive ingesting slug and snail pellets was Japanese Akita Boris. The nematodes are mixed into water and applied with a watering can to the area requiring protection. New (7) from 9.48 & FREE Delivery. There is no home care for iron toxicity for dogs. After only 20 minutes the snail is dead and must be collected by you individually, so that other animals do not eat it. that normal usage kills earthworms. So I've gone with beer traps tonight and will see how they work. No. Called Ferramol, it affects the calcium metabolism in the gut system ofsnails and slugs causing them to stop feeding and die within three to six days. Deferoxamine can be used to convert some of the remaining intestinal iron into a compound that does not affect the system. Owners should be alert to the early signs such as nausea, drooling, wobbliness and lack of coordination, which can progress rapidly to tremors and seizures and I recommend all pet owners to thoroughly wipe down their pets paws and muzzles after a walk.. I wouldnt want any other dog to go through what he did.. They contain ferric phosphate or iron III phosphate, which affects the gut system of snails and slugs causing them to stop feeding and die within three to six days. Great (British) products, plenty of scientific and anecdotal evidence, What Do Tortoises Eat? Resistant to rain, breaking down into a natural fertiliser. Gardening: Is Planting an Expensive Hobby? This will allow slugs to get in but keep out beetles. The risk of poisoning is too great. Called Ferramol, it affects the calcium metabolism in the gut system of snails and slugs causing them to stop feeding and die within three to six days. Hi Mark, I saw some of the wool pellets and did consider buying some. He recently joined De Sangosse for the launch of Fe-Lyn potato label at the company's state-of-the-art ferric phosphate . The following website has answers to all your questions about it. Expect your veterinarian to recommend hospitalization with continuous intravenous fluids. Delivery is always quick and my goods are very well packaged. Slugs are considered harmful in the garden by many gardeners, but few know that there are also beneficial slugs. If you cant get outside, why not bring the outside in by downloading our bird song radio app? These systematically proceed against the harmful snails, either killing them directly or feeding on their eggs. Some pellets are even lethal to humans and can pollute groundwater. Digitalin is organic. Half fill with beer or a mixture and milk and water and the slugs and snails will happily dive in. Scroll down for video Ideal for use when growing fruit and vegetables. Before (or even after) a poisoned slug dies other creatures may eat it and take that poison into their own bodies. I received my Hedgehog house, and I am absolutely thrilled with it. This is especially true for puppies. Find out why. It really isn't necessary as you can more easily 'trap' slugs and snails with baits and covers of plastic on the ground, or even boards. Even small amounts can cause significant poisoning and severe signs, including incoordination, tremors and convulsions, can occur within an hour.