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Oh just get a massage, pamper myself and all will be better. He told me, Because I knew I would regret. That was like the light bulb. We have gone to counseling, taken classes. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. So, now my daughter has scraped through several near miss clinically dead but revived suicide attempts. As he told himself if I want to be happy, I can no matter what condition. Ive worked as a Teachers Aide part time and a Substitute Teacher. If I could go back to work I would but the situation im in with not having a car and having to make sure my son is properly cared for is standing in the way. Joblessness places strain on a marital relationship for obvious reasons. I do not respect him at all but I do love him. If one of you prefers to do chores on the weekend and the other wants to relax, this can lead to anger and resentment from both sides. I work in retail and yeah, the job sucks but I do what I have to do. My kids loved him. I was so confused; cant he see how beaten and broken I am? Or he wont. Its not much, but she wont take more and she snaps if I offer. hes trying to get his degree after I encouraged him but I think he might flunk outagain!! He had two interviews over a year ago, they were directly from my contacts. I really dont expect him to change anymore and it hurts and makes me so angry. As hes been out of his profession for so long, its doubtful hell be rehired in the same profession, much less at the same salary. Third, map out any debt they have accumulated and come up with a budget so they can work . He actually left end of June and I was shocked that he actually left. I know hes a liar and a loser, I feel like sh**, like Im being used and everything Ive done and am currently doing is all for nothing. He gets great jobs but than quite them due to something he dont like about the job, or a person he dont like at a job. The days ahead arent going to be simple. I really dont feel he is trying hard to find a job so how long do I go before I cant take it any longer. 3. Anyhow, I am SOO frustrated with the sight of him sitting ALL day on that computer I feel like I am married to a fixture in this house. As you aptly point out, you are now middle aged, have no children and no support from your husband. a lot of women on this site are obviously upset and distraught over their husbands or partners being out of work for long periods of time. I dont know who you are or how things turned out for you, but everything you wrote here is me today. I pray that God will relieve us from the situation and guide us to see how we can love our husbands in this kind of difficult situation. I dont care because I cant take it with me when I go. Im like, are you kidding me!? He says hes doing what hes doing for us and that we should be patient Its been 4 yrs, 4 yrs.. Ive been nothing but a gud and supporting wife for 4 yrs to a man trying to sell Gold, diamonds, oil and gas etc that he doesnt own to people he doesnt know. Be commonly responsible, setting a day-by-day plan for both of you; prospective employee meetups, individual arrangements, tasks around the house, etc. When youre not married, youre free. I say unto you, dear partners: It is time. Be careful not to give excuses and ask your partner how you can help. Finding this site and reading these comments is really helping me. My parents cooked all meals together. Stop destroying your family. I challenge anyone to say it doesnt. The need for compassion was explained by her husband, who said: "One of the things you feel when you're unemployed is you're hypersensitive to disrespect much more because you're feeling like you're not appreciated. If you want your self happy, no matter how harsh the environment, you can. I have health problems which make full time work, and also training afterwards, very hard. Im afraid in a way to talk on no good with computers and such but God brought me here I guess. I make 77K and we use a food pantry. He just worries about his stuff losing his man cave and packing up his collections and criticizes what I have managed to get done. He has contacts that ask him to help with functions that pay well but they are usually (almost always) out of town. Im in the same boat. Friends and my husbands family tell me to be patient and encouraging. I soon got a part time low paid work but it did not matters as I need money. Its enough to pay the minimum on our bills and thats it. I dont like myself much these days. But I need to see some progress here. I dont want to go back to that world before. How to solve this problem? I could go live with my mom but that situation isnt for me. On the other end, maybe the hiring manager liked your partner and wanted to spare them from working in a less than ideal environment for a horrible boss, maybe the hiring manager believed that the job would be beneath your partner (as though that was actually the hiring managers decision.) He refuses to look for a job despite the fact that weve had to move out of our house into my aunts house which is further from my work and our sons school. All while supporting myself and my son solely, with no government assistance or child support. I think our marriage of 6 years is ending, because she despises men and hates her father and brother (her brother became a drug addict and put the family through HELL for 20 years and now, she sees all men as useless. Anyone who says this to you (the SOLE PERSON who is supporting the roof over their head and paying the bills for them to screw around online) is trying to manipulate you and your feelings. Are you also working? Do yourself a favor. If your spouse refuses to attend counseling with you, seek counseling for yourself as individual therapy can be effective in helping restore marriages. In the winter when there was no work , he took to his room, the computer and would hide from the cold.. this has gone every winter for 16 years easy,. Going on 6 years here. Hes already made it clear that if I move back with my parents it would be a step backwards in our relationship So Ill save myself the embarrassment of being dumped and unemployed. Your husband might be feeling ashamed, angry, or sad. So he has these epic histrionics, I try to stay quiet no matter how much venom and nastiness he spews at me, and then he forgives me the next day. I know thats unfair but I cant get past it. I work in retail been with the same place since the store done being the winner. My honest advice would be to really, deeply consider if you want to stay in this marriage. Instead of giving your spouse a deadline, try saying why it is important. He told me to give him a month for things to get better. She spent a lot of money to take a course and get certified in something she said she had a real passion for, and could start a business with, and I supported the decision. I think theyre talking about ones who refuse to help themselves and take advantage of their partners. From the sounds of it, youre young and have the time to learn a new field. He just began school again after winter break and just yesterday he stayed he needs a break from things. You deserve a good life. Yes, its due to me in not willing to settle for less. I just had enough! Hes had a few months here n there of part time employment but has not been able to contribute equally to his half of the bills and rent for all this time. I love him to death, but HOW LONG is too long? To be honest, it doesnt sound like he has any respect or love for you It really just seems as if, to him, youre simply his supporter and money source. Thats too high of a price to pay for love much less dysfunctional love. All the time. Women are taking the lead while men stay curled up in bed shaking. I dont know whether thats ever going to happen. Our whole lives are a facade to our community. Part of HuffPost Relationships. He tells me I should be more understanding since what he is doing for us is worth millions. She doesn't . What makes it worst is when he was homeless he was focused and doing what he needed to do. I want to hear what they have to say after theyve supported their unemployed partner for over two years. Do You Trust Your Spouses Ability to Make Good Decisions? The last period of unemployment was eight years. He'll pay the bills. I think that is part of the problem, we feel so alone as I imagine, like myself, no one else you actually know is going through a similar situation. No one is saying it is easy, and no one is saying there wont be difficultiesbut why are those who give that advice painted as insensitive or just dont understand? It must be so hard for anybody to be going through thisits one thing going through an economical difficulty but what is tougher is that you cannot even shout at your partneryou cannot ask them to go take a hike!It must be so tough. If you are out actively seeking employment and honestly giving your best effort AND you are working any job (even if its flipping burgers or being a Walmart greeter) you can find until you get back into your career job.then this thread isnt about you, because you are making an effort. Not to mention he refuses to leave the home we share. Then a 3 month temp job that ended with ..surprise surprise a back injury, 10 months of workmans comp and a small settlement to pay him off. Most of these stories make me sick to my stomach. And we live in an affluent area on Long Island, which he wouldnt sell our home 6 years ago, instead now its in foreclosure. His mother is sending me money to help pay bills each month but she shouldnt have to. Stop being such a bloody snowflake. What happened to the hardworking man i married? When i get the chance to see him its me or his dad paying for everything. This was most obvious in Emily's situation. If I want him to work I have to write the resumes, email the resumes, search the web, be nice and encourage him and cheer him on, listen to his unrealistic opinions about his job options, and try to keep my stress down, his ego fed, and our bills paid. I honestly dont know how I ended up with this lifestyle we have a son and he adores his father but the stress between him and I have gotten to a point I just dont know how I feel anymore. So I am paying for everything. He hasnt had a single interview in the last year. I am a retired military member, so I have it covered, but I finally lost my temper and kicked him out for the weekend. Biggest mistake I EVER made. What a huge mistake. X. He got quite a decent inheritance from his dads estate right before baby came so he quit the job he had to help with the baby. I am so depressed now i just cry after we fight for hours. You can ditch your "tried broaching the subject" tactic and communicate better with your husband: "Maybe this is right for our family, but it really bothers me that I . Method: Fixed effects models were applied to estimate the associations of unemployment with both partners' total, neutral, female-typed, and male-typed housework hours. Maybe apply online to a few job postings once in awhile. After reading half these stories Im too exhausted of everything to write out my own. Understand that over-indulgence is one of the most insidious forms of child abuse, according to Dr. Phil. Angry. The emotional roller coaster we both are on is not new to anyone reading this thread the excitement of job potential, the crushing defeat of not securing the job, the depression and inaction following that defeat. However as I reflect back to most of last year when I wasnt working and staying home with our toddler child, it really made me upset that he did not step up to the plate and gained some sort of employment. Hes managed to keep our credit card balances relatively low with our budget so we dont have to use them unless absolutely necessary (car repair, etc). I understand your fear about resenting your husband, even once he gets a new job, and I think youre wise to get ahead of it. Why I am having to do that I dont know! I just want to yell at him! I am feeling pretty jaded! You need to leave him if he does not get a job. I felt used-up, I felt unappreciated. This is an old topic, but I need some support from somewhere. For most of them, the main reason cannot get work is their attitude, not their luck, skill , experience,and education background. I hope your situations have gotten better! :). However, while the ramifications for those jobless are all well-documented, theres another loss whose enduring is less frequently considered: the spouse. Wow, thought I was alone, so sick and frustrated that I went online seeking some direction. He could try to do consulting work, he can do freelance work on fiverr or odesk. I love him dearly as he has been so kind to me, understanding and supportive. I have every right to be.. Now? My spouse has been unemployed for four years. Not to mention the wounds caused by her burnt skin. See what happens if you dont address everything, even if the thought alone fills you with immense dread (including visions of D test grades for the kids or your home looking like an episode of Hoarders). Therapists and counselors can also often provide resources and help to those seeking employment. I dont know how being solely focused on bad things going on in the world is helping either of us. Apparently she lives with her parents, so they have to hang out in motels and hotels. He gets angry at ME for asking him how his job hunting is goingYou guysit has been FIVE ! If you admit the reality and the logical consequence you can make the better choice for your life. My family consisted of 2 girls and 2 boys. Whats always annoyed me is when outsiders suggest that the person retire or go on disability they wouldnt be dealing with them 24/7/365 for the rest of your lives together you would be. She said: "Robert asked me to be less condescending. Ive never left him alone for more than a few days and the house is always a mess when we come back. News flash, he destroyed his own self esteem. If I was married Im guessing Id be an amazing Wife since Im dealing with all this but we arent even married. Hes not who he was when I first met him. On average, in a two partner family, where both partners worked; I understand you have feelings for him and want to try to be understanding, but I dont thinkin fact Im quite sure it will never get any better for you. If you have children, list all your parenting responsibilities as well. Ive already had 2 stress related heart attacks from work harassment and retaliation. There a Taiwan famous writer he was put in jail many many years ago for political reason. I cant believe how healing and eye opening this article is. I have all the workload and absolutely no down time, when I am not dealing with difficult situations at work, I get to come home and deal with his unreasonableness. Maybe you could stay with your mom until you can get your own place. Too long of a commute and he can find better paying employment closer to home! Its incredibly concerning that when you express your needs, he goes right to your mental illnessas though him not contributing is your deficit. Everyday is becoming harder and harder for both of us. At the earliest opportunity after unemployment, you and your better half ought to take a seat together and strategize the pursuit of employment and talk about ways you can take off or possibly limit conflicts that accompany unemployment stress. I had become very clingy and dependent and had developed what I didnt know was called learned helplessness. But while the consequences for those unemployed are well documented, there's another casualty whose suffering is less frequently considered: the spouse. ", The effect that decision had on her husband can't be understated. It has gotten to the point there are only a few friends he will even spend time with as he doesnt mind them. That never panned out and he hasnt attempted to return to the workforce. Stress make you not able to see better, stress make you confuse and impair your confidence. Read on! There is a big gap between my boyfriend and me. I feel like a complete fool sometimes. Dont do what some of us have done by making excuses and feeling sorry for him, hoping things will change. Kick his lazy ass to the curb! Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. But Im like you cant feel to bad because you keep doing it. All he want to do is get drunk and do music. I really don't want to be a nag about this, but resentment is beginning to build. I have to beg him to mow the lawn. So I take him walking and we play at the park. Cars for him, cars for his three kids once they were old enough. Sometimes people think he who earns the most should have to do the least chores.. Please know you are not alone. This Really gets me angry. boeing 767 patriot express. I found all you wonderful gals experiencing What I have been going through. Haha. So he left and I stayed in the house only by virtue of the fact that I was a saver and not a spender. again! At this point, I feel like I am the mother (which I have 3 young children as well). Try to find out what he likes that he can make money out off.some people they dont like waking up early and face one thing the whole day but are good in business. I have read all of your comments and I can relate to most of them. I had viral and emotional problems and extreme overwork. He Needs to grow up Do you hold stay-at-home moms in the same dim regard as you hold your husband? I feel like Im trapped between a rock and a crazy place; I have to keep working to keep paying the endless bills; to keep a roof over our heads; to put food on the table. Coping with a Spouse with a Mood Disorder. I come home from working all day and have to deal with things they could have taken care of when they were home but opted not to. he is not the father of my daughter. Finally, after hounding a factory and practically begging them to give him a job, they put him on. I know he can hold a job, but hes taking his time getting another one. That was 6 years ago. So why wont he just find SOMETHING so we can take our life off of hold. I assure you that while it is rough, yes, it is still possible. The most common strategy adopted by the women was to rebuild their partner's self-worth. I am a stooge. Whats yo take on my situation? That is not to say that its a perfect split, or that there is no room for improvement, nor do the above stats cover all aspects of household dutiesbut to try and state that there is some gross inequality occurring within the family in general just doesnt stand up. I still want a true job. But in govt sector i have little hope. I work a dump job, do all the cooking, pay all the bills, take care of son. Unemployment places strain on a marital relationship for obvious reasons. In fact, a research study conducted by Dr. Howard Markman who is the co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver showed that men cited nagging as one of the top reasons they got divorced. It is filed under Family. Ive grown extremely bitter & have become angry towards everyone around me, including people at work. He does do the housework and cook but its only the two of us in a one bed flat. For example, Can you make sure the lawn is mowed before the barbeque tomorrow is more likely to get a response. In the mean time i feel in love with a girl and we were in relationship the girl dont have any hearing problem or something. I also have 2 children from my first marriage. Seek marriage counseling if you are struggling with sharing household responsibilities. I believe in his skills. He had a job. Now that we own a house, the house is not big enough, its not warm enough, its not laid out the way he wants. We still have sex 2-3x/week but it used to be everyday and used to be much better. Him with a job .. Weve divided their advice into two categories: what they tell the exhausted spouse and what they tell the spouse whos slacking off. Most of his days are spent in the recliner watching TV crime shows. The emotional laborer in the relationship was probably too damn tired to add it to their to-do list. ITs overwhelming. Its takes a couple of years to figure peoples motives out sometimes. No apologies: hes driving a Kia Optima that he pays for with his unemployment. I hope things got better for you. I love my husband (adore him). Anyhow finally I started knowing some friends here and got a chance to set up a small business . Personally, I am sick and tired of being used, I pay for shelter, food, clothing, household maintenance items, laundry, basically EVERYTHING, for a partner I consider now a con-artist. Except those with children, What the biggest challenge for most of us are our emotional vs rational. We arent teenagers. My grandmother passed away two months ago, and it was a really tough time for me, as it brought other family issues to light. I understand the strain having been through similar situations myself. I thankfully have a job, and keep us going. Not a call. Do not cook for him, do his laundry, please buy your own food, eat out, cut off his cell phone, the cable. I am 39, never had kids, probably wont now and it is my fault. the guy texts him this last tuesday and said they hired someone they felt was more suitable. A, you cant blame yourself. I just wish I had enough courage to leave him. I stress out each day that passes that he doesnt look for work. Im tired and stressed out. The unemployed partners above need to get over themselves and self pity and work at anything as well as studying again. Luckily we have a rental house in another town, and I have told him, sorry, we need to sell the big house and move to the the smaller house because its so much cheaper and I cant keep it going. My husband had to resign from his job of over 12 years in 2013 when he was very sick. 0. If you marry him, it will possibly only get worse. Here are the 5 common reasons that may be why your husband doesn't help around the house and what you can do to change that. So, i have been working on a book and a website which do have a good chance of success; but they are difficult to finish. Sometimes unemployed people go looking for work and just dont find it. You are not his mother, it is not your job to take care of him. I dont have anything to really cut- we dont have cable or cell phones, we dont go out to eat or see movies,etc. Everytime I bring something up about him not starting the business, I feel he shuts down. My problem is he wont decide and he wont discuss. and hes on the PC trying to get money for the surveys online, or hes playing solitaire, or like he used to, be on Facebook talking to this female friend.He is just using me I feel like. I say discussion because it should be an ongoing, ever-evolving conversation, not a one-and-done talk that happened 15 years ago.. on Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 at 8:09 am. I cant ever complain to him because he says this is what I signed up for but guys Im soooooo exhausted. I hope that when you attend your parents funeral one day that this doesnt come to haunt you. (willingly or unwilling due to the children) He should be doing whatever he can to assist with providing for his house by any means necessary. The best part is we have these nasty arguments every few months and he tells me he is leaving. I lost everything in a matter of 1.9 yrs. Recognizing non-verbal cues isnt always a strength for many men because theyre out of habit, but its definitely something that can be worked on., If hes never heard of emotional labor and really doesnt get it, consider using the definition offered by writer Khe Hy: Shit someone does that goes unrecognized. (Nailed it, actually.). My boyfriend (of 3 years) and I just moved as he got accepted to a great university, and he wanted me to come along. My husband has been unemployed for two years. And I started over with darn near nothing. I guess for better or worse doesnt exist anymore. It could be depression. But i have to day i am crumbling. That has pretty much stopped completely. In all honesty, divorce probably won't help . I understand how you suffer long term; and how disappointed you feel about your partner. Move out and evict that deadbeat if thats what it takes. I feel for all the ladies that are the bread winners as the husbands get to a stage that they just give up as they cannot get work. This desire to emotionally protect their husbands was expressed by multiple women, including Sandy who would call her husband daily while driving home from work. My sister in law said to my husband in front of me why dont you send the little woman out to work I find this comment so rude and hurtful. Im a 23 years old female, recent grad and working with the occupation that I studied for in college, Ive dropped out on several occasions while my fianc continued his studies in criminal justice- trying to be a cop. Like his own father, my husband also won't do dishes. He says that it makes him feel bad and how will he ever be better when Im beating him down.