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It's probably a conspiracy theory or something like that. However, the roles of good and evil seem to blur over time. Was Snape Harry's real father? : r/harrypotter - reddit Rickman's voice clip of the famous sentence ", Rickman had conversations with Rowling about his character and is one of the few Harry Potter actors that she spoke to prior to the completion of the book series about the future direction of the character. Snape showed Albus the doe after he asked Snape if he had developed feelings for Harry. But where do his real loyalties lie? Severus is also forced to wear mismatched clothes, suggesting he may have been neglected by his parents. However, when Snape eavesdrops on Dumbledore'smeeting with Sybill Trelawney, who prophecies Voldemort's fall at Harry's hands, he begs Dumbledore to save Lily, James, and Harry at any cost, promising anything in return though this comes after Snape asks Voldemort to spare only Lily, disgusting Dumbledore. 3. Somehow, Rowling is telling us that even the nicest people are capable of committing reprehensible acts. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It's been many years since the first Harry Potter movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone made its way to theaters. KEEP READING:Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Star Fired Over Misconduct Allegations, Brandon Zachary is a Senior Writer with Comic Book Resources and has written for CBR since 2018. Unsurprisingly, audiences still debate about where he lands on the morality spectrum. However, she had a huge secret prepared that change everything. Dumbledore calms him down in front of Fudge: "That will do, Severus," said Dumbledore quietly. The . No! Snape successfully fooled one of the most powerful dark wizards of all time, Voldemort, by convincing him that he was a devoted follower. Harry Potter went through a lot with his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. While it doesn't excuse Snape's behavior at the time, James Potter's seemingly only redeeming moment from that period of his life was his decision to keep his friend from accidentally killing someone. Snape is pedantic, arrogant, and lacks empathy. @ClaireVoyant: OMFH ROFLMMFAO Right on. Or at leat in the book they did. As the series progresses, Snape's character becomes more layered and enigmatic. There's a whole essay in why Harry gave his son Snape's name, but the decision goes to the heart of who Harry was, post-war. If Harry had a different father, JKR wouldve planted clues along the way instead of reiterating basically every other page that he looks like James and has some of James personality. In Half-Blood Prince, Harry states that Snape's mother, Eileen Prince, was Pureblood. Professor Slughorn, his Potions Master, was very fond of both Snape and Lily, so they were both likely a part of his elite student group, the Slug Club. Maybe a way of coming clean? ". Thanks to him, we were able to enjoy Snape on the big screen; his memory and his perfect interpretation of Snape will live forever in the hearts of the sagas followers. While all of this is going on, Snape's master is seeking out the Elder Wand, the wizarding world's most powerful wand and one of the legendary Deathly Hallows, to make sure he's undefeatable when the time comes to face off against Harry once and for all. This was likely due to the film's PG-13 rating. The movie watchers are confused, just as I am, because when Harry is in the pensive with Snape's memories, Snape and DD are talking. Plus, in the movies we saw that he looked EXACTLY like James. Although we know he wasn't always this way, Snape seemed to have grown into the position quite comfortably by Harry's first year. He Calls Lily A Slur. Though Snape was hard on Harry and his friends throughout the series, he was deeply in love with Lily Potter, Harry's mom. James Potter who is good in quidditch. Dumbledore was gay. Of course, when Sirius eventually escapes, Snape is livid, creating even more tension between him and Harry. What J.K Rowling Doesn't Want You To Know About Harry Potter's ParentsSubscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Things DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC | Potterheads: h. Snape's first line to his class is actually symbolic of his love for Lily. What is the summary for Chapter 11 of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In theHarry Potter series, Severus Snape is long established as one of Harry's most consistent antagonists. Continue Reading 347 Sponsored by Elated Stories " He just headed up to his room, room number 234". Can We dream it? Snape, once again, proved he was a hero by acting as a double agent, which was revealed the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I think people were just kind of grasping at straws. It isn't a doe which has changed gender. Maybe Voldemort is Harry`s father. So no harry;s father was definitly not Severus Snape. Voldemort might not be the dark wizard we thought he was as we see glimpses of his slightly happier childhood. Harry Potter named his son after the character Professor Severus Snape in tribute to him dying for for Harry out of love for Lily [Potter],JK Rowling revealed on Friday. In fact, being in James' debt was suggested to be something that enraged Snape. Since his happiest and most loving memories were with Harry's mother, Lily, his Patronus took the same form as hers which is what made Harry follow it in the first place. From lifelong vendettas to his long-lost love and his true allegiance, here's the entire, fascinating backstory of Severus Snape, explained in full. Lilys parents were Muggles (non-magical people) and when people discovered she was a witch, then a whole world of strange names opened up to her. However, Snape's life takes a turn when he meets a young Lily Evans, who lives nearby. it is 150% James but i guess they think that because snape loved her and in the beginning you can tell she liked him before she met james. Who is Harry Potter's real dad? Was Snape Harry's real father? : r/harrypotter - reddit Published Aug 27, 2022. 10 Times Severus Snape Was The Worst Character In Harry Potter Plus, James is even in the movie! People tell me how it's more detailed but I get where and why people think snape is Harry's father. I typed in "When Harry finds out" And the search engine top result was "When Harry finds out Snape is his father" Thank goodness it was wrong Ok, Snape was a death eater and if the death eaters and voldermont were the people who killed Harry's mum and dad why would snape help kill his wife and attempt to help voldermont kill harry obvioulsly guys THINK, I happen to know exactly how you feel since my DAD and sister feel that snape is the real father. Next Ron and Hermione, sittin' in a tree. Get what I mean Its just so unbelievable! "Is Severus Snape really Harry's dad?" But no, he wasn't Harrys father! The reason? Is Snape Harry Potter's real dad? - Quora RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Facts About the Potters Left Out Of The Movies. If you like the idea of Snape secretly being Harrys dad, there are fanfics devoted to this trope that you can read, just know theyre not canon. and one final point: Snape and Lilly have the same patronus. Like the Harry/Hermione love think. All his actions lead us to believe that hes on the side of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. + -. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Patronus doesn't indicate bloodline. After Snape and Lily leave Hogwarts, the space between them only grows as Snape joins Voldemort, the Dark Lord, to help him overtake the wizarding world, while Lily joins the resistance fighters of the Order of the Phoenix. At some point during his school years, he decided to reject his father's name entirely, giving himself the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince" with his mother's maiden name instead. Something a father would do. Through the classes of Occlumency and Legilimency that Severus offers to Harry, we notice some aspects of this bad relationship. Also the doe spell (can't spell it) matches lilys who he can mean a multiple of things. And that's whenSnape shows up and does the job himself. No one ever asked that question, but I knew right off the bat that he wasn't his dad. *sigh* new in fandom, just wait a few months. Oh well in that case they didn't meat again, my bad. http://www.enotes.com/search?q=harry+potter. Though Lily assures her friend that she can't stand James, an altercation with the young bully ends in nastiness when Snape calls Lily a "Mudblood," a horrible slur referring to Muggle-borns and it effectively ends their friendship forever. Magazines, Digital even the novel delivered that message, but there is no bloodline between harry and snape and btw it doesnt say that, snapes patronus is a deer (doe) for lily because he loved her (obviously) because lily's is also a deer (doe), his patronus has nothing to do with harry or a bloodline but all to do with lily (and love ). Who is Harry Potter's real father? Despite Ron's and Hermione's doubts, Harry is correct that Voldemort himself has enlisted Draco with a task, though he doesn't know that task is until it's too late. She is the daughter of Severus Snape and Lily Evans, who later . In the film adaptation, Lord Voldemort slashes Snape's throat, then orders Nagini to finish him off. Snape begs Dumbledore never to tell anybody that he's protecting Harry, and the heartbroken wizard agrees to the painful task. Death Eater. At the end of Harry's fourth year, after Voldemort officially returns, Snape returns to his former master at Dumbledore's orders. Why people think Snape is Harry's father? Snapes dual nature has been present throughout the saga. According to Wizarding World, a Patronus is generated through "memories of happiness and hope." Well for one, some make fanfictions and theories about the story. This is repeated again and again until his death. Severus Snape is one of the most intriguing characters in the Harry Potter saga. Warner Bros. Well, he's clearly not very nice, and he's working both sides of the street. SNAPE IS HARRY POTTER'S FATHER? They were born in the same month and year. He harshly punishes know-it-alls like Hermione and those he considers to be stupid or unintelligent. Furious, Snape kicks Harry out of his office and refuses to continue teaching him, but in the end, when Harry is convinced that Voldemort has captured Sirius, Snape goes out of his way to check on Sirius and alert the Order of the Phoenix about Harry's vision. I'm genuinely curious as he was nothing but abusive towards everyone.. Snape loved Harry's mother Lily, so that is why he figures himself as the father of Harry. All rights reserved. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. After Snape's death, Harry Potter ensured that his portrait remained at Hogwarts, honouring him as a hero, despite their significant personal differences. Obviously from the books' standpoint James is Harry's father. We dont doubt that James was a good man, but its true that, during his adolescence, his mocking of Snape shows an unpleasant and cruel side to his character. However, Snape isn't a stick in the mud all the time. It seems to me that your sister was trying to read inbetween the lines. In modern times, they resided in a house on Spinner's End. Played by the late, great Alan Rickman in the films, Snape is a mysterious and unforgiving figure who, as a professor, favors Slytherin students and discriminates against Gryffindors, especially Harry and his group of friends. I had the same question when I watched it before reading the book. The contents of Exploring Your Mind are for informational and educational purposes only. It turns out, the answer is "bitterness and old shoes. Although some fans grew to love Snape, others still felt he was one of the worst Harry Potter characters and didn't deserve vindication. In Harry's fifth year, now that Voldemort has officially returned, it's more important than ever for "the Boy Who Lived" to protect himself against the Dark Lord, who's skilled in the art of legilimency (meaning that he can delve into Harry's thoughts at any time). Severus Snape is not Harry's father. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. James is the one who ended up with Lily and married her thus conceiving Harry. ", Rita Skeeter is a journalist and author in the Wizarding World known for her sensationalized tell-alls, including "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.". The book, however, is a bit more subtle. It could have been easy to mix up Snape's confession of a decades long unrequited love for the pair of them having been in love. Not close enough to affect patronus though - or all wizards and witches who aren't muggle born would have the same form. In the Harry Potter books, is Snape Hermione's father? - Quora For example, we see a teenage Severus Snape being bullied by James Potter, Harrys father. Severus Snape's infamous line about Harry Potter's eyes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 isn't actually a Harry Potter plot hole. Snape is harry's biological father | FanFiction If Snape was Harry Potter's father, how would the story be - Quora Is Snape really evil? - J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series - TIME A better question is, why do those who read the book look down and laugh at those who didn't? The answer is simple, though harry looks a bit like James, he has more of snappes features, as you see in the movie Lilly and James are very alike so just because they say he is like his "father " they might just se his mothers features instead. He simply says "Look at me ," presumably, so he could see Lily's eyes one last time. He named Albus Severus because he admired Snape's courage in spying, and possibly felt guilty for having doubted and hated the man throughout his life. Just no. . You mean you didn't notice the resemblance? And maybe they thought that because of Snapes memories of Lily and how he really did Love her and still did until he died. For requests, comments, or to hear his pitch for a third Avatar series that incorporates robots, you can reach him atbs.zachary@gmail.com. One of the keys to the Harry Potter saga is the depth and complexity of its characters. Search engines. "Well Harry Minnie said that you received a post today. Which side is he on? According to the official Wizarding World site, his last name is based on the Old Norse word "sneypa" meaning "to outrage, disgrace or dishonor." It used to belong to someone who went by the nickname of "the Half-Blood Prince," and this mysterious student scribbled quite a few notes in the pages that help Harry unlock the secrets of some truly powerful potions. Also, he's compared to James all the time, saying that they're practically identical other than eye colour and scar. that harry is the son of the half blood prince snape is exoneratesd. the answer is easy, it was because when Harry saw Snape's memory, it showed that Snape's patronum is also a deer which means there should be a blood line between them. I never thought Snape was Harry's dad, after watching the movie I did however immediately think that Snape was actually Lily in disguise. Snape may have been a villain throughout his life, but Harry made sure to remember him as a hero. Wait, I don't follow. According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts. In the books, Snape is one of the youngest teachers to be recruited at Hogwarts school. 35 Things You Might Not Know About Harry Potter - Mental Floss This is eventually revealed to be a by-product of Snape's lingering resentment for Harry's father, James -- who had been a major rival to Snape in their youth. Snape anonymously sent a silver doe into the Forest of Dean to help Harry with his mission in the final book/movie. Interesting Things to Know About Severus Snape From 'Harry Potter' Rowling demystifies, in part, the heroism of Harrys father. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. After giving his life to defeat Voldemort, Harry is able to return to the realm of the living and face Voldemort one last time, and as the true master of the Elder Wand, he brings the Dark Lord down for good. 29. This partially influenced her decision to make Snape a hated teacher among Hogwarts students, especially Harry the Potions Master. Dolores Umbridge also casts a Patronus (in the form of a cat) during "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.". I found a few clues in all 8 movies minute 83:54. Tobias Snape | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom You know while you are at Hogwarts you can not address me as mother or Severus as Severus. Ok so I'm one of those people who haven't read the books (not because I didn't want to but because I'm bad at reading). You're forgetting practically every description of Harry that says he looks just like James. As it turns out, the magical Sorcerer's Stone, which can make gold and create eternal life, is hidden deep within Hogwarts, and Snape is one of the several professors charged with protecting it. Snape getting 100%, completely, unequivocally rejected is kind of a huge thing in the story, the guy could barely get her to talk to him most of the time past a certain point, let alone them going at it in Filch's broom closet. Snape once made an appearance in an episode of the TV show. What is the setting of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Finally someone with some sense. Fortunately, Rowling always seems eager to fill in the blanks for her readers. Snape served as a double agent for his entire life to protect Harry. The Secret Truth You Never Knew About Harry Potter's Parents He also conducts industry interviews, is a Rotten Tomatoes certified film critic, and knows a LOT about the X-Men. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. The Snape that we get to know in the saga shows himself as a dark, cold, and frustrated man professionally, and probably also personally. The Harry Potter books and movies are filled with unforgettable characters, from students like Hermione Granger and bullies like Draco Malfoy to professors like Minerva McGonagall and the villainous Lord Voldemort. J.K. Rowling stated that Lily Evans may have grown to love Snape romantically if he was not so drawn to the Dark Arts. He names his eldest son after James and Sirius. The revelation in the pensieve is one of the most momentous parts of the saga, a time when Harry and the reader reach maturity. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. 7 WEAKNESS: His Abusive Upbringing Makes Him Disdain Muggles. If it's the former that's actually one of my favorite scenarios, I don't read fanfiction much but. Harry Potter: Short Summaries of All the Movies. But based on the description of the position on Wizarding World, it seems like Snape was destined for the role. With Dumbledore's help, Snape manages to hide the Sword of Gryffindor in a forest for Harry to find, enabling him to destroy horcruxes (because the sword is strengthened by basilisk venom) and keep track of Harry in general, quietly assisting him in his mission to weaken Voldemort enough to finally bring him down.