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There are many fake error message templates available online, but it's important to be aware that these messages may not be believable and could be perceived as dishonest or deceptive. Some fake error message templates are specifically designed for use with T-Mobile phones. Congratulations! Please call customer service to unlock your account., Your iPhone has been blocked due to a security breach. Instead, you should simply delete the message and move on. Include a blurry photo as evidence, then say youre terrified and will be hiding in your room until the issue is resolved. April Fools' Day is the perfect opportunity to pull pranks on your family and friends, and if you cannot see them in person today, know that there is plenty . If youre thinking about sending a fake error text, make sure you are aware of the potential consequences and be sure to use them responsibly. Heres how to fake a cell phone disconnected text message: In essence, you have three options for faking a cell phone disconnected text message. This fake virus acts like it installs a video game, then "senses" a virus and tries to delete it. It really depends on the nature of what youre trying to accomplish. Okay so here is the actual file (feel free to copy and paste it -. Case in point: There are two ways to go with this prank: after moving the first page of apps to a second page, you can download an image of a fake cracked screen(Opens in a new tab) and make that your friend's wallpaper. Message Not Sent: You are trying to reach [XXX-XXX-XXXX]. Here are some of our favorites to pull out in times of need. These types of messages often feature fake alerts or notifications that pretend to be from a bank, a phone company, or a popular website or app like Amazon or Venmo. Now Save This Notepad file With Any Name Having .vbs Extension . Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code. The Meta Quest 2 is also about to get cheaper. You know how lucky you are????? What Are Copypastas? We'll show you how to choose the perfect target for your prank, and give you funny and creative ideas for sending text bombs manually or with an app. This type of control is easy to use with good apps, and its a lot more powerful than manually going through this process yourself. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #622. This prank is not for the faint of heart. You should be able to use the generated hacked text all over the place including Discord, Amino, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram bio, Twitter, Disqus, and almost anywhere else you can paste text, so give it a shot! Start by excitedly texting your friend that youre finally going to do it, youre finally going to give yourself the haircut youve always wanted. Now, you can send fake texts to your friends and spammers to take revenge on them. Crypto This is where the number on the caller ID is different from the actual number used to make the call (or send the text). (Note: This is only funny if your ex was annoying, though, and not toxic.). When they ask what's happening either keep sending the phrase, say it was a weird connection, or go silent. Visit on your browser to generate TONS of ROBUX instantly! Is this the most creative prank? (You can get lots of cat facts here) Around the 2nd or 3rd text, include an option to cancel the cat facts. 3. PROTOTYPE or IGI etc. 2. Spam text messages (also known as phishing or "smishing" - SMS phishing) trick consumers into providing personal data to criminals who pose as a familiar business, organization or family member. @echo off. works best on, site or something. Rock Paper Scissors Using Tinkercad Circuits and Arduino, Punchy the MECH & the Autonomous Fight Club, Soft-sensor-saurus | an E-textile Soft Sensor Soft Toy With LED Light. After a few minutes, the scammer will claim that the load was sent to a . So if you want to learn all about faking disconnected text messages and get sample texts, then youre in the right place. That's an image of what this text glitcher produced in the second box when you type something in the first box. These templates may include iPhone-specific language and branding, which can make them more believable. Similar messages can be found for carriers around the world. Error 104 #Blocked Message: The message you were trying to send to [Enter Target Number Here] was not delivered. This is all written in a lime green font color. !echo Type Yes or Noset input=set /p input=if %input%== Yes goto 1if %input%== No goto 2, #################################################################, Explanations for each line of COMMANDS (not each line of text), ==================================================================. Simple Java bot, repeat a text sequence using a defined time window. You should also see a bug blue button that says edit! Then, if you need to send it, you can copy and paste it in order to avoid autocorrect or typo problems that might give you away. Please call this number to resolve the issue: (fake phone number), Error: Your iPhone has been hacked. This glitchy form of text is also known as "zalgo" text. When they follow the cancellation directions . This is why you might want to consider typing your text in a saved note. !ping n- 2>nulecho ALL I DID WAS PUT SOME CODING INTO NOTEPAD AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU GOT HACKED!ping n- 2>nulecho Oh, I am just DYING here right now!ping n- 2>nulecho Are you crying?ping n- 2>nulecho Because I am.echo DUE TO ALL THIS LAUGHTER!! Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nulClscolor Fecho YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! BTW, that 3rd line, isnt what disables the internet, permanently. If you really want to do them dirty, tell your friend that you got back with your ex. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. 1.Right-click on the desktop New Shortcut you will get a dialogue box, write in it: shutdown -s -t 1000 c "any comment u want" then press next note: this "1000" i wrote is the time in. The scammer pretends to be a relative or family member of yours from abroad. 44 ERROR: This phone is no longer in working service ? I am working on making it so that it will shut down the computer for those REALLY pesky friends and teachers. i kinda want pasta now, like no joke. Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(WScript.Shel, Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(WScript.Shell, Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(Wscript.Shell), shutdown -s -t 7 -c A VIRUS IS TAKING OVER c:Drive. Do you want to delete it?echo Type 1 to deleteset input=set /p input=if %input%== 1 goto 4, #################################################################################. color B - This makes the font color a bright aqua/cyan. On the desktop you will get the shortcut, Right-click on it go to properties and click on the Change icon Now select the computer icon and hit OK. Watch This Video Tutorial to Create Prank Virus There are so many websites available online that will give you templates of error messages. Please resend using a 10-digit number or valid short code. Note though that some websites have banned it or limited the number of modifiers that can be submitted. Here are some random fake text messages that you can copy and paste for your fun. With all their real apps on the second page, your friend will be tapping away to no avail. Sorry, mom. Why? Try sending a random funny photo to a friend out of context and watch their face light up across the room just please, if you try this with strangers, do *not* Airdrop them inappropriate photos, thank you very much. SERVICE ERROR 409: THE SUBSCRIBER YOU ARE TRYING TO REACH HAS BLOCKED INCOMING TEXT MESSAGES FROM THIS NUMBER. This took me LITERALLY forever to make, and I hope you find ways to prank friends, teachers, you name it! ########################################################################, Clscolor 4echo Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho SYSTEM32 files being restored.pauseecho Error.exeecho SYSTEM32 files n- 2>nulecho ! TWEET. A surefire way to annoy someone is to text bomb them, which will fill their inbox with tons of fake spam messages. This concludes our guide to fake text messages copy and paste. Rather than review all of them, we can just go over the most prominent among them. ##################################################################################, :2Clsecho Are you sure you don't want to download a free game?echo Type 2 for Yes or type 3 for Noset input=set /p input=if %input%== 2 goto 1if %input%== 3 goto 3, ###################################################################################. Also, apps can provide messages for texts and phone calls, covering your basis for anyone who is determined to call after getting a disconnected text. You can use it to convert normal text into crazily messy hacked text, and you can control how messed-up you want it to be with the slider at the bottom of the second box. If you send the text out of the blue, instead of when youd usually be chatting, itll add to the madness and hilarity. Here are 13 prank text messages you can copy and paste. Text your friend these simple words: 'I'm sorry', and then revert to radio silence. [ATT MESSAGE CENTER] Message blocked. This message suggests that the issue might be temporary, so its not necessarily the best way to go. Before you start crafting your text message, its important to understand a few things. You can also add the application of your choice in the above code. It's bound to annoy them. This doesnt work as well for getting rid of spam callers/texters, but there are remedies for that in a later section. Error 20002: You have been blocked by the intended recipient of your message. The meme involves taking a regular non-creepy image and creepifying in some way. Send a Zillow or AutoTrader link the more ridiculous and out of your price range, the better and then engage in award-winning acting as you gush about your new, fancy lifestyle. Here is what you should do if you get a scam text: Copy the message, without clicking on a link, and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). This is the part if you say "No" in Step One. He asks his fans to tweet out the reactions to said prank, and the results are 10/10 hilarious. My name is TOX1K DEFTON3, or TOX1K for short. Message Error: The number you have reached is not in service. I used: FREE GAME DOWNLOAD.bat, Tip In the study of written language, the marks that are added are called ". 6 years ago, 4 years ago This step is if you say that you do NOT want to download the game, twice. The other thing to remember is that disconnected phone numbers eventually get recycled. You can add up to ten email addresses. The term is a portmanteau of "copy," "paste" and "pasta." Copypastas can often be cringe or embarrassing, and are spawned by users that unironically posted them. These days, texting pranks requires a subtle cunningness to throw your target off guard. (I hope) Remember: I am working on one where it shuts down the computer. Of course, its always fun to pull a fast one on actual April Fools Day and confuse the heck out of them with a fun little trick you know, the kind that has you smiling devilishly down at your phone as you type. Simplygo to the websiteand sign up for a personal number (unless you want a business number). Most of these apps provide you with a fake phone number. Speak only in song lyrics think Adeles Hello and see how long it takes your friend to catch on. It is something else, that just provides a fast response, add HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v MiXedVeX /t, REG_SZ /d %systemroot%HaloTrialScoreChangerV1 /f > nul, >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesS haredAccess], >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO Start=dword:00000004, >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesw uauserv], >>%Temp%.kill.reg ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Serviceswscsv c], reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, Im gonna teach you how to make a virus named Matrix. You may have found this page after seeing someone post glitchy text (like this) in the comments of a blog post, youtube comment, or other social media page. To use a fancy text generator, simply type or paste your text into the input box. Or, as. Bonus points if you never let on that it was you. This story was original published in August 2018 and updated in March 2021. Then "someone" gains "control" of the computer and "hacks" your computer. If you don't know what to say, sometimes the best thing to do is respond with a GIF. If you want to send fake text messages to prank your friends in between instant messaging, then Syntax Fake Error Messages are a great idea. cls :A color 0a cls @echo off. (2 Things), #1 Some Apps Let You Specify Which Numbers Receive the Message, #2 Apps Can Automatically Send Message to Spam Numbers. Number spoofing generally gets around spam number registries. Just don't get caught! Fake Format Prank. You can load a text file and read it line by line in a specific time window and simulate a conversation. Copy and paste "if %input%== (whatever) goto (whatever)" for as many choices required. Here are a few examples of fake error messages that could be sent as a response to a text message from someone else: These messages are not meant to be taken seriously and are not representative of actual errors that can occur when sending text messages. You can also check these codes on your own PC. First, these text messages wont do you any good if the person decides to dial your number. Msg 2133 You received this message because you sent a text to a number without the area code, used an invalid short code, or were blocked from using this service. It's not surprising because they can take over an entire Twitch chat.. If youre looking for fake error message text to copy and paste, then keep reading this guide till the end. Please resend using a 10-digit number or valid short code. Send it to the victim by mail or by Pen Drive. Generate symbols and cool and stylish fonts for websites, blogs or social media. Business, Economics, and Finance. To send load, txt to 2+10digit cel#. . Come up with a promotional message, complete with coupon offers and prompts like Respond with STOP to opt out and see how annoyed they get. [msgerror] This recipient is blocking your number due to spam. Jul 18th, 2018. There are a number of different messages you can use, and well go over a few that are definitively used by some of the main cell carriers in North America. It will start to open different applications repeatedly which will affect the systems performance. If you want to scare away spammers who keep sending you emails, then you can send them a fake message. Creating A Fake Virus File. !ping n- 2>nulecho #TROLLS FOR DAYS!! Ask your friends for input on the fake message that youre planning to send. When you text a number that cannot be reached on Verizons network, you typically get a reply in that same text conversation. What Are The Best Fake Email Generators? Keep using theyre instead of their and youre instead of your until they just cant take it anymore. You can rotate, flip, and . and excitedly text your friend that you just signed the papers and its all yours! The most underutilized function of the shortcut feature is for texting pranks. This section has nothing different from section one, so no definitions are required. 16 cool tricks hidden in Apple messages, Canva templates every small business owner needs to know about, 'The Last of Us's Melanie Lynskey defends show and her casting as Kathleen, 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie' Super Bowl teaser is heavy on nostalgia and plumbing, Of toddlers and Turtles: Here are the 8 funniest tweets of the week, FTX determines around $9 billion in customer funds are missing, Meta hacks 30% off the price of its Meta Quest Pro VR headset, How ChatGPT and AI are affecting the literary world, Bing AI chatbot now lets you fine-tune its personality. so let's start. This is essentially the same message that is used by AT&T, but if you pay close attention, you can see that the two messages are formatted slightly differently. They're announcing that they have a new number and will ask if you received the package they sent months ago. Msg 2128 The message could not be delivered due to a temporary network error. If you can contain the amount of spam I have, you will be granted with special powers that allow you to smoke weed 200 times harder. He was the first African in space when he made a secret flight to the Salyut 6 space . Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nulClscolor Fecho YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! WARNING:: This is the most dangerous virus! The Verizon Wireless Customer You are trying to reach is being checked for trouble #055112. Conclusion. Then you'll see at the top it shows your profile picture, your username and of course, your email. Culture April fools Prank Joke Texting. This is a very useful script if you want to learn how to create a virus using notepad. Yopmail 13. It really n- 2>nulecho I hope to see you around some timeping n- 2>nulecho And if I do, I would really like to teach you coding and such.echo Like how I made this fake virus delio.echo I made it in Notepad if that helps your n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Later!ping n- 2>nulecho Press any button to exit after you're done n- 2>nulpauseexit. If you live with roommates, send a text to the group chat that you just saw something scurry under the fridge. and begins a fake download. Raid Shadow Legends: RAID: Shadow Legends is an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title. @echo WARNING VIRUS ATTACK! For iPhone and iPad, simply tap and hold on the image and choose "Save Image" or just Copy it, then paste it into the recipients Message thread. This hacky distorted text is pretty awesome, but it's only the beginning! Listen as they move the fridge or also hide in their rooms. !ping n- 2>nulecho I TOTALLY GOT YOU!! European PhDs: How Recognized in the U.S.? Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nul, #######################################################################. Copy and paste these for as much time as needed. This concludes our guide to fake text messages copy and paste. !ping n- 2>nulecho #TROLLS FOR DAYS!! As long as your voicemail is covered, the caller will never be able to identify the ruse. 3412154 Error Invalid Number. Any days a good day to send a prank text to your friends. Trash Mail 12. if %input%== No goto 2 - This is EXTREMELY important for your fake virus to work. So, you can use services that automate the process. You can copy and paste seeminly malfunctioning text into most blog, and social media comment sections including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr. lol this will be funny but what thing do u save it in like .bat .zip something? This wont cause any trouble for you. Before you send a fake text, you need to learn about them so you can make them as believable as possible. If you're brave enough, a funny thing to do is switch names of contacts in a friend's phone. Here are a few examples of fake error message text templates that are specifically designed for use with T-Mobile phones: The Error 404 message is often used as a joke or prank, as it is typically associated with websites that are not found or are unavailable. Its a Trap! (This could be used for an error that is particularly difficult or confusing to troubleshoot), Oh no! Feel free to use any lyrics you like. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Now, click the file and youll get your custom-made Windows error message. Deleting an iMessage From Both Sides: How To? (Just dont expect them to believe you if there ever really is something under the fridge.). @#.4faping n- 2>nulClscolor Aecho Heheheping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho I'm in control nowping n- 2>nulecho I have your SYSTEM32 files nowping n- 2>nulecho In case you didn't know,ping n- 2>nulecho SYSTEM32 files are what run your n- 2>nulecho You'll be happy that it's under my n- 2>nulping n- 2>nul, ###########################################################################. #############################################################################, Clscolor Fecho YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Copy and Paste below Step Two's line of coding. Here are a few more examples of fake error text messages that could be used on an iPhone: A fake text message error response is a message that is intentionally designed to look like an error message that might appear when sending a text message. Copy and paste these error messages to prank your friends, or take revenge on spammers. Deleting Text Messages on Someone Elses Cell Phone: How to? Hot Temp Mail 02. You have a lot of control over the process, but you need to know how it works. 1 year ago, You need to save it as a .bat (batch) file. Msg 2106 The destination number is not in the correct format. You dont have to manually direct the calls or send text messages. We all like to think of ourselves as having a great sense of humor, whether it's being the laugh of the party on a night out with your friends or sending hilarious memes to your loved ones.But there's no doubt that sometimes the funniest things happen when firing off a quick textwhether you meant to be funny or not. Please get in touch with your mobile carrier for more information. You will be charged $01 for this notification. ? (carrot) - symbolizes a penis. If you pretend to be disconnected, the ruse only lasts so long for anyone who knows that numbers get recycled. Without which a Windows Pc cant be started. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #623. Tell lots of people you're . Here we go! Apache ECharts. That's probably where you first saw this weird text before you came looking for a translator. And Shut Down The Computer Never To Reboot Again! Its important to note that these fake error text messages are not real and should not be taken seriously. There is one in particular that they definitely use. This article was originally published on April 23, 2021, The 'Sex And The City' Cab Light Theory, Revisited, Karly & Deb Found A Simple Way Of Making Long Distance Work, Caroline & Nat First Met At A House Party Over A Decade Ago, Shadow Work Is All About Stepping Into Your Power Here's How To Do It, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Here is where somehow the SYSTEM32 files magically begin restoring. One option for sending a fake error message is to copy and paste a pre-written template. Choose something different from what you have currently, like a fashionable mullet or a pixie cut, then send progress pics from your bathroom mirror. paste . You can manually send a message in response to a text sent to you. Here I have share 25 virus script which will make a super successful pro hacker and also impressed your friends. Your friend may be too freaked out to realize it's April 1 and a joke. How do I save it an by what program name? This means that the message cannot be sent to the chosen number. Well, you know how some languages have the marks above some characters? Hope is dimming for FTX's allegedly ripped-off customers. If theres a different purpose behind the fake message, you might need a better system. Sorry to break it to you, but the same old jokes aren't going to cut it anymore. Mailinator 07. !ping n- 2>nulecho LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Beyond that, you might be better off pulling from experience. We're not letting you throw away a perfectecho video game that's n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulgoto 1:4Clscolor Cecho Deleting virus 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Deleting virus 37%echo Deleting virus 43%ping n- 2>nulecho Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho Failure to delete virus.echo =!WARNING!=echo Your data is at risk!pauseecho Deleting all SYSTEM32 filesping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulClsecho Cleared.pauseClscolor 4echo Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho SYSTEM32 files being restored.pauseecho Error.exeecho SYSTEM32 files n- 2>nulecho !