When the Sun and Venus conjunct in the tenth house, a person receives money and wealth after marriage. On the contrary, spouse can be spendthrift. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. But if the conjunction is too close (within 0-3 degree) than Venus starts to feel agitated or irritated due to heat of Sun and the person feels irritated and agitated in relationship. It also shows that the family has real estate property. If the conjunction takes place in 10th house professionally The person can be a police or commander in army or his father was in the Army. There can be difference in opinions in marriage. When Venus is retrograde the person does not suffer much in relationship. The natives of Sun and Venus conjunction will do their best to establish peace and harmony. The native gets good gain from higher education and gets good teachings from father. His desire for comfort and luxury can make him a money-minded person. The 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. The conjunction of Sun, Mars and Venus in a horoscope also makes the native a little self-centered. Such a person is likely to be cold and harsh in temperament. This conjunction in seventh house can give problem in marriage. The native can overcome the obstacles and transformations of life. This position brings wealth and luxury in ones life through marriage. It also shows that mother may be very strict and the child lacks nourishment as sun may burn the qualities of moon only if they are in close conjunction. This is a good position for political field. On the contrary, lawyer, business or work related to loans can give good career opportunities. The native may have very less network circle but it is a good placement for entrepreneurship. At the same time, they love to serve people and they are less focused on home. They can turn diplomatic whenever needed. it is a good position for gains but as it is a upachya house, the result improves with time and result can be seen only after 30. the native may have very few network circle/friends. Conjunction of debilitated sun or mercury gives poor result. He may be in government jobs or authority jobs or having jobs in M.N.C. It can also show a person in banking and financial sector. There will be ego problems in their marital life that can lead to serious issues like trust-breaking and divorce. Experts Astrologers say that the person is usually governed by his ego that can act as a matter of concern in his life and romantic relationships as well. \r\rWhen some wants to know what planet in what house does what, or what planet in what sign does what, this is the channel they come to. As moon represents mind and sun is your ego shows that this person has a clarity of mind and can take the right decisions in life, They dont have to struggle much and the decisions just flow by their own. Also, they are always attracted to people who are youthful. The native always keeps himself getting get success and progress in occupations. In upachya house the native improves with time. He has all sorts of comfort and convince. The condition of Venus hi the horoscope will define ones ability to experience harmonious and romantic relationships and the level at which one deals with. The native may separate from family. \r\rThese videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India. S/he can be a celebrity and get favor from government. The Sun-Venus conjunct natives may face some difficulties in progeny matters as well. It can also give unusual relationship with father or loss of father. But there will always be a sense of overpowering each other , sun may overpower Saturn and vice versa, this will result in fear, delay, frustrations. The native tries to cheat people to gain authority. The reputation of the native gets affected in job/ public field. When Venus is stronger than the Sun then they are willing to give-in easily for their partners because of their desire and need for being loved. Natives family life may be disturb. The fifth house represents intelligence, education, children, past life deeds, and creativity. They can work in government section and can find peace in homeland. planet in 11th house They can be greedy about wealth and assets of the family. Native may has misunderstanding with his father. On the contrary, sleep disturbance can be there. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Sun in 10th house, Ketu in 10th house and Sun and Ketu Conjunction. They generally have a bruise or cut mark on their stomach. Rahu is a shadowy planet and represents gambling, obstacles, delays, death, poison. Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Top 10 Sagittarius Celebrities Born Under The Fire Zodiac Element. This conjunction brings him enough fame and name. This individual is a very good negotiator. As Venus is feminine, so both the sexes who have Sun-Venus conjunct in the 1st house are likely to be quite attractive. Also, any day without fun is depressing, you make yourself attractive and presentable and are usually where something entertaining is going on. His fate is between 21 and 24 years of age. the person will feel pride in their knowledge and job.If Jupiter holds the lowest degree, the person will gain confidence through knowledge. The person can also have low self confidence, fear. One major drawback of the conjunction is it will give delay, misery and obstacles in certain areas of life depending on the placement of the conjunction. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. He may be famous for his acts or jobs. In 1st, 2nd and 12th house the native suffers from anger and can involve in aggressive attitude towards father. Now lets study the conjunction in all houses. The native can earn wealth but may be a spendthrift. Success may be late in life. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. The native is greedy about authoritative position or status in society. This person secretly desires to be the most powerful person. The native is competitive and win over enemies and diseases. Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology, Sun moon conjunction in first house/ Sun moon conjunction in 1st house, Sun moon conjunction in second house/ Sun moon conjunction in 2nd house, Sun moon conjunction in third house/ Sun moon conjunction in 3rd house, Sun moon conjunction in fourth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 4th house, Sun moon conjunction in fifth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 5th house, Sun moon conjunction in sixth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 6th house, Sun moon conjunction in seventh house/ Sun moon conjunction in 7th house, Sun moon conjunction in eighth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 8th house, Sun moon conjunction in ninth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 9th house, Sun moon conjunction in tenth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 10th house, Sun moon conjunction in eleventh house/ Sun moon conjunction in 11th house, Sun moon conjunction in twelfth house/ Sun moon conjunction in 12th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in first house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 1st house, Sun Venus Conjunction in second house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 2nd house, Sun Venus Conjunction in third house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 3rd house, Sun Venus Conjunction in fourth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 4th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in fifth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 5th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in sixth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 6th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in seventh house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 7th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in eighth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 8th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in ninth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 9th house, Sun Venus conjunction in tenth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 10th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in eleventh house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 11th house, Sun Venus Conjunction in twelfth house/ Sun Venus conjunction in 12th house, Sun mercury conjunction in vedic astrology/ Buddha Aditya yoga in vedic astrology, Sun Jupiter conjunction in vedic astrology, Sun Saturn Conjunction in vedic astrology, Hair based on color and textures in face reading, Hair based on thickness and length- Face reading, Sun mercury conjunction must takes place in kendra or trikona house. Lord of one and nine combination is a yoga for rich and prosperous life. They can be very diplomatic and their hairline can recede after marriage. They may not have younger sibling or relationship with younger sibling can be restricted. They earn fame by being in authoritative position and can earn from other people wealth. If Venus holds the lowest degree and if Venus overpowers Sun then the person may sacrifice their goal for relationship.You must look at the sign placement where the conjunction is placed. So, it is always better to get married after 30. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House cause ill health to the individual now and then, chronically. This conjunction shows that one can make great progress in foreign land or company especially after birth of first child. One may also need to travel to meet their spouse. The native finds difficult to understand himself/herself. In first house it can make the native wise with good decision making skills. Mars in tenth house gets digbala.You will have good landed property. After m. One will hate to be in debt. Business Astrology: What Combination To See For A Successful Business? It represents ones spouse, relationships, art, beauty, and luxury. The conjunction shows that the person has ego clashes with father or a distant relationship with father. planet in 10th house Combination of Venus and Sun in the tenth house This house will shower immense wealth and luxury on a person. The native is dominating and may have eye problem. The body of a person born in Leo Ascendant is Panduvarna. In eighth house, it can help one to get rid of obstacles and give interest in occult mysticism. They try to be calculative about their actions just to please others and gain respect. The native is spiritual and loves to preach about religion and philosophy. The person can be a lawyer, government official or working in higher position. They do everything to attain that pleasure and joy. Lord of one and ten is again a good combination to start your own business.You can go abroad.Extremely a good combination for an enviable life. Further, you may like reading about Combination of Sun and Mercury in Different houses, Choose your and your partner's zodiac sign to check compatibility. He may be rude and harsh in nature. The natives of this positioning somehow come across a Tantrik in their lives. This combination affects the nature of a person deeply. This happens especially after the birth of their first child. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. A person born in the Leo ascendant is happy in the initial stage, unhappy in middle age, and fully happy in the last scene. The conjunction works best in pisces as Venus is exalted and Sun in friendly sign. This house will shower immense wealth and luxury on a person. They can have hidden wealth or this conjunction can also give tendency towards earning wealth through illegal ways. A person with this conjunction is a very knowledgable and ego-centered person. They love to look pleasing ,well dressed and seek attention. sun The conjunction can bring stage phobia as well as a great deal of responsibility on the houses related to the particular house. The 10th house represents the source of livelihood, the everyday work. A debilitated sun in 9th house shows that the person may lost father at early age. This leads to many fights, arguments, break-ups in relationships. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant gets a good education and loves his children. People having this conjunction in their horoscope have a lot of knowledge about material goods like posh cars and branded things. He will be of sound health and will live a long life. If Venus is combust, their spouse spends mindlessly. The native involves with home and happiness. There may be some hindrance or obstacles in relationship with father. They seek for love. Saturn, its ruler, signifies routine work, and the movable property adds to the active nature of the 10th. They may lack childhood friends in their life. One will find wealth, money and fame after marriage or after birth of first child. The native is spiritual and can work in authoritative post in foreign land. The Sun represents authority, king, and father. The individual can have psychological issues due to parents if malefics impact fourth house. A person will feel confused and waning moon can give selfish nature in marriage while it is opposite for waxing moon. Ketu removes its eclipse from the sun within age of 35-42. How will be things when they come together in the 1st house (the most important house, also known as Ascendant) is quite interesting and enlightening. They can build school or religious temple and can also go to foreign land. The natives spouse and father will get into fights and disputes often. It is always better to delay the marriage. They know how to bifurcate between good and bad. There can be separation from mother and grandmother in early life. Two planet conjunction The sun represents a persons soul, ego, heart, self-esteem, father, and creator. He should not marry at the age of 22 or 25. They have a very charming and elegant character. This house attracts a government job for a person. He will generally face an eyesight problem. The conjunction should take place in a friendly sign or own signs of sun and mercury. This is one of the most stressful conjunction as Sun and Saturn are extreme enemies. The person will be blessed with more girl child. This makes an interesting and perfect combination. With combust Venus, one can have hard time while dealing with female boss or a female boss can transform their career in good way. He will be of sound health and will achieve success easily. The native dominates on his children and romantic life. They can find divinity through spiritual practice and yoga. Then slowly the person starts gaining confidence. He will have a hereditary rich property with stable financial conditions. Venus is stronger in Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, and Aquarius. They also excel in their field of work and are headstrong individuals. Father can also face obstacles in life. ketu But moon comes out of Sun from the age 28 to 32. Mother can deal with lot of sufferings in life. He will have a long life but will be internally weak. Generally, they meet their spouse or soul-mate at their workplace. They give a lot of importance to being pleasant and thus be liked and appreciated by others. This conjunction is just like a hot fire ball inserted in a water body, The result is steam. 2)Native may be brave and courageous. The native owns vehicles and enjoys love and support from his brothers and sisters. He will belong to a famous family and will always be helped by the fame of his family. S/he may lack clarity about his career, self worth and self esteem. Hindu numerology He will be attracted to sex and love and this can sometimes lead to frustration. He will receive support from the government. He will be elated towards society and politics. He will gain a win over his enemies and will get success in his field through his hard work. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. This can act as a trigger in the marriage. These individuals are generally subservient in the marriage. Female spouses will be ego-centered in nature that can cause some problems in marriage. He can also be a successful influencer, actor, and other creative fields. This house gives a person a royal background with good communicating skills. He will be a fickle-minded person and have egoistic issues. \r\rI take also do Celebrities horoscope with parody, combining my two passion of acting and astrology together which has become a hit on Youtube. 4) Native doesnt have a stable professional life. Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change, Weekly Weekly. If conjunction is within 5 degrees then sun being a hot planet will burn the qualities of Saturn. Besides, you are refined and cultured with a love for arts and beautiful things. They can be always worried and can worry about health. Generally, they meet their spouse or soul-mate at their workplace. They can also be great diplomat or good in politics. It shows that the person is focused on his goal and ambition. My website: http://www.astrologykrs.com\rLink to my astrology school: http://www.krschannel.thinkific.com\r\rHoroscope consultation- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.html\r\rThis video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. They can be recognized for creative work. Venus represents luxury, comforts, conveyance, marriage, relationship, romance, wife in man chart, assets, love, semen, ovaries,music, dance, drama, abundance, jewellery, diamond, desire, love, liquid money. The native can also be separated from family in early part of life. Support of the father is much needed to gain success and maintain luck for the person with venus and Rahu conjunction in the ninth house. The native is intelligent and analytical in his speech and approaches towards family members. These people are good in business related matter. The conjunction in fourth house indicates that mother is a fatherly figure in native life. The person will also be stubborn, they will develop ego through competition. This conjunction creates a courageous and bold personality. Many health-related issues are faced by the person that includes, heart diseases, digestive fire, abdominal issues, etc. He has good knowledge of spirituality and religions.He may be criticizer of religious believes. In second house , it gives birth to powerful family though relationship with family can be hampered if malefic impacts the conjunction. In my channel you will find videos that will never be outdated and will always apply to you alone. This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you.
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