Here is our startling recognition: the Christians mountaintop experience is to come in contact with the Word of God. Christianity is living a life of obedience to Jesus! The stress I feel towards a particular class is so small compared to what really matters in life. Challenging Standardized Test Words, Vol. Why not begin to consider what stuff makes up your own mountain? The first time we see Jesus on a high mountain is in Matthew 4 when he is being tempted by the Devil. And appropriately enough, a bright cloud overshadows them, and from the cloud a voice said, This is my Son, the Beloved; with whom I am well pleased; listen to him! As great as Moses and Elijah were, Jesus was and is greater still. Valleys contain lakes and streams and are where rich grasses and varied types of trees grow.Therefore, ranchers take their cattle and sheep to the valley for the rich food. Have you been born again? Jesus dead on the Cross as the Lamb of God means Exodus, freedom from sins bondage to all who will apply the blood of Jesus to their heart in faith! A variety of day trips, long weekends, and extended . This past week we spent our vacation at the base of the Rocky Mountains and went into the National Park each day to climb this mountain or that mountain - all reasonable morning hikes. Climbing the mountains in Western North Carolina with my former youth from Indiana who made it a tradition to climb together early in the morning and then share affirmations on the mountain top at the end of a Montreat Youth Conference. Question Origin of mountaintop First recorded in 1585-95; mountain + top 1 Words nearby mountaintop This doesnt mean attempting to recreate our mountain top experience. So what next? It matters not that the mountain is composed of a lot of "stuff". from that experience knowing more about Jesus, more prepared to live and die for him! There is so much to be done here in the valley. Horeb, Elijah stood in the mouth of a cave and heard God speak not in the wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but in the sounds of silence. And I find myself squirming when I read that Moses spent six days engulfed in the clouds on the top of Mt. But sitting each day in the shadow of the mountains made me wonder how we can find better ways to continue to connect with and draw inspiration from those brief moments when we have been on the mountain - meditating on the scripture or hymns that remind us of our mountain top experiences, bringing images back with us from our spiritual mountain tops and keeping them in places that call to mind our moments on the mountain. Together they represent the entire O.T. , it was a manifestation of the presence of God, the form in which God revealed himself to Israel. Even though winter is ending soon, it does not mean the cold is. If not, why not today? (see Exodus 19)We need the mountaintop experiences to experience the glory of God and receive revelation. 1:16), so the Word is as a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts (2 Pet. V:36-And when the voice was passed, Jesus was found alone. The Holy Spirit really works through the sacrament of baptism. Maybe the thinness of the air, the lack of oxygen, or the exhaustion when we finally reach the top? Soaking in the memory of what God revealed to us on the mountain will remind us of our purpose in the valley. Dedication to the Lord still brings special blessings into our lives! There, Jesus face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light (Matt. They are solid and unmovable. He fulfilled what the. Mixed in with all of that were some great memories and wonderful times of happiness, too. Jesus wants them to know that he is the King of glory, and one day he will wear the crown; but the cross would come before the crown. Your Promised Land Is Chosen by God for Your Freedom and Success. The Father speaks from the cloud (Matt. Remember, it was on top of Mt. However, there will be times of hard work, traffic jams, taxes, wasted time, frustrating situations, wrecked dreams, lost money, broken relationships and the list of challenges that we face at some point in our lifetime could go on and on. What is it about mountains that invoke a spiritual or religious response from us as human beings? Became pastor of the church in Jerusalem, and was martyred for Preaching Jesus. Through His Word, Jesus presents grace to frightened disciples on the mountain. But as Jesus and his inner circle stood on that mountain the Shekinah glory cloud overshadowed them. This looks differently for everyone, but its a step we cannot ignore. And as we immerse our lives in the majestic glory of the Word of God, we never need to. This was the glory of God that had been veiled by his human flesh shining through. Processing doesnt mean well understand each detail of our experience. 1:21). Their eyes opened and they saw a whole new reality; the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. By now, its a Christian clich: the mountaintop experience. In any case, whenever something really wonderful happens to us, our excitement causes us to view it as one of lifes mountaintop experiences. Above: Muhammad, Buda, Knish, or any other name. But what, biblically speaking, is a mountaintop experience? Top selling author and speaker, Robert Rohm Ph.D. is founder of Personality Insights Inc. and The Robert Rohm Co. As you will see, Dr. Rohm specializes in helping people better understand themselves and others. The mountaintop experience enables the believer to remain stable when they reach low points in their life. He neither deserves the honor or respect that entails. For Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. He has it all in control. It was a great privilege to see Moses and Elijah, but Jesus was the son of God! All nations will stream to it, and many peoples will come and say, Come, lets go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. When the Word is preached, the power and majesty of God are communicated to His people. encourage them and help them in the days ahead. The goal is "Living All Out For Jesus". Full kitchen, with cookware and dinnerware, dishwasher, microwave, stove/oven, full fridge, coffeemaker. Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. Heaven or Hell! The law and prophets all meet in Jesus, they point to Jesus, and they preach Jesus. I have separated the list into Free Resources, Basic Resources, and Advanced Resources. We long for the mountaintop. Just zoom out and think about your problems in the large scheme of things. V:30-31-And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his decease, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. Sinai. Peter himself later recounts that the disciples were "eyewitnesses of his majesty (2 Pet. But Jesus saves the day, and then sends his disciples on deeper into the valley, urging them to have the kind of faith that can move mountains, because they were just on one. Moses was reflecting the glory of God because he had been in the presence of God; that is something we all should do! TheLordwill keepyour going out and your cominginfrom this time on and for evermore. There will be times of recognition, success, fun, laughter, happiness, financial success and many wonderful experiences together with family and friends. The Word communicated the fullness of the glory of God manifested to them. A bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud. This is the walk all . We need to pray with Neil Griffith, Builder of mountains, make me like a mountain, Firm let me stand against the winds of strife; Give me a soul that reaches up to heaven, But plant my feet in needs of human life. What an amazing sight! So, over the past week I went searching for stories and quotes about Mountain top experiences, and I stumbled on this comment: "The Outing Club is hosting world traveler and Mount Everest Climber, Jeff . And one day he would return with clouds of glory at his second coming. When you looked at Jesus he was a common, ordinary Jew-, YET Jesus Christ was much more than a common man when he walked on this earth. Do you understand that Jesus came to this earth, lived a sinless life; and took your sin, and died in your place that you might experience forgiveness and salvation? They knew a lot about Jesus; but on that mountaintop they. TheLordwill keep you from allevil;he will keep your life. and try to imagine what it was like went Jesus showed them His glory up on that mountain. We forget what God said to us when we approached the altar during that sermon. A true Spiritual mountain-top experience always revolves around JESUS! Thousands of people would say the answer is to stand on the roof of the world, the summit of Mount Everest. Suddenly your problems dont seem like problems anymore. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. There, for Peter, the mountain-hearing of the Fathers Majestic-Glory serves as the paradigm for the churchs engagement with the Word of God. The other gospel writers say his raiment was white as snow, as no washer on earth could make them. Recommended ResourcesEasy Bible Study Method, Bold LivingFaithSpiritual GrowthDevotions, I am an author, blogger, Bible teacher, and preacher. Think of those wonderfully cheesy G.I. These men where dedicated and devoted to Jesus; these three men went on to be. This is the walk Jesus makes of his life. There are several reasons. Horeb, which is described in the bible as the mountain of God. Later, Moses will climb Mt. Did you notice that Joani is in a waiting period after her time on the mountain? This will make any chill session that much more enjoyable. 6. resembling or suggesting a mountain, as in size. Jesus asked his disciples, who do you say that I am? Tabor. And if we keep moving upward an onward, we will eventually get to the peak or sum total of our own personal mountaintop experience! And one day he would return with clouds of glory at his second coming. But make no mistake Jesus was the unrivalled son of God. Is what youre worried about really worth the worry? If youve ever been to a mountaintop, then you are familiar with the idea of feeling miniscule. He has performed miracle after miracle and, in that mountaintop experience, my blinded eyes were healed. Finally, its just Moses moving to the top of Mt. We cant leave them behind us. Jesus was God incognito, dressed in human flesh. My help comes from theLord,who made heaven and earth. We know how important it is to feed our faith and build our knowledge through reading Christian books. The realization that I could release control was like lifting bricks off my shoulders. To hear the voice of God is to be led to the mountaintop. To experience Christ in the midst of the Great Smoky Mountains. A sunrise view from the Solid Rock Hideaway our Vision. Why does God allow you to have a Mountain-top experience? That somebody is my wife, Joani, and Ive asked Joani to briefly describe her mountaintop experience with us today. My time in Dallas was informative and meaningful and challenging, but I would not say it was a mountaintop experience. The sun shall not strike you byday,nor the moon by night. Many of us have walked through our own mountain top experience. That is the reality of the experience of this thing we call life. One of the authors of the book, Sharon Swing says, Listening is the art of creating space so God can do His work in the heart of another., This time in Atlanta was a follow-up to similar work I did in Dallas two years ago. And dont forget that Jesus didnt make a move until he had spent his own forty days and night on top of a mountain, and thirty years plying his trade as a carpenter before that. Next came the same audible voice from heaven that had spoken previously at Jesus baptism (Matt. This often propels us into a greater service for God. This was the glory that Jesus had with his father before the world began. Maybe youve realized a new passion you have that you can practice in your community. They saw things they had never seen before, they were aware of things they were never aware of before, they were in the presence of God! Once weve processed our mountain top experience, well be able to face the valley without resentment or guilt. Keep reading Matthew 17 and youll see that during their descent from the mountain the disciples have a frightening encounter with a demon from hell.
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