Not sure how long I was awake after puking. I have never heard of a single case in the history of my country of anyone going missing mysteriously while picking mushrooms. Given that some cases indicate third-party involvement (like the inside-out clothing, children unable to undress themselves, or clean socks while traveling miles), the latter option, however unlikely and disconcerting, must be considered. I have extensively covered such cases on many occasions here before, but there are so many it sometimes seems never-ending. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? The forests that are not protected have much less regulated traffic, much lower biodiversity, are much more likely to be randomly cut down or otherwise messed with, and likely lack continuity to ancient times. . Even when his daughter tragically died in an auto accident his failure to appear at her funeral convinced all that knew him that he was either dead or somewhere where he was simply not aware of her death. In mid-July, slightly northeast from the site of where the Mystery Mans body was discovered twenty years earlier, Timothy Barnes vanished. Essas ferramentas nos ajudam a oferecer uma melhor experincia de navegao no site. Theres bound to be some sort of infrastructure for this, especially since it is a global phenomenon and since having the staff of the establishment where you want to disappear someone on your side or having infiltrated the school which your potential targets attend would make everything much easier. Before I get into the things that connect all the cases, like profile points, geographic clusters, and the possible logics behind victim or perpetrator behaviors, I feel I should first address all the ad hominem attacks leveled at Dave (he keeps calling himself Dave from the point of view of third persons, and Im a third person, so why not). Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Its basically just as magic as teleportation. Charles R. Wood read more. After a comprehensive and thorough search lasting nine days with over a hundred people, sniffer dogs, and helicopters, nothing more than the lens cap of her camera was ever found. };
At least not in any of the cases where the person was found. David M. Burney read more should always be prioritized over cases included on the basis of absence of evidence. mario creepypasta victim #1. For starters, it keeps changing, on a whim, basically, so you have to constantly keep guessing how it works. Perhaps an evidence of that could be uncovered for some of the cases, for example by checking any street footage for suspicious vehicles outside of the victims residence. While phenomena of this type are not strictly speaking ruled out by theoretical physicists, they would at the very least expect them to be substantially more rare, if they were to occur strictly naturally. The entire scene seemed to be one of a rushed and forced exit. Once you come across one, you know that following it will get you back to civilization within at most a day. If you think that this whole scenario is crazy, then you havent watched enough Star Trek. The comparison actually needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and whats normal for national park visitors in general, as well as it needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and a control sample of non-Missing 411 missing people, ideally controlled by location (park vs. rural vs. urban). Pretty much the only non-exotic explanations are that the person was carried, or put into a vehicle and driven or flown away, and there were cases of people too heavy to be carried by anything normal, while there tend to be no tracks or noises indicating either of these options taking place. The main analytical problem with using this as a profile point is that while it is a good place to start, the fact that the person wasnt found is a better indicator of which variables prevent people from being found, more than it is an indicator of why or how they got lost in the first place. A search began immediately for the young boy, with the Canadian military even involved. Incidentally, as we will examine briefly later, Illinois is another state with some truly bizarre disappearances. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Missing 411 Canada by David Paulides with BC Cluster Map at the best online prices at eBay! This story is only the tip of the iceberg and serves as a window into a few Missing 411 cases. Meanwhile, after Dennis went missing, the Key family, looking for bears some distance away, saw a dark man-type figure carrying something on its shoulder, a key piece of the puzzle. THE MISSING LIST TOTAL UNSOLVED CASES - 326 (In the Locations Unknown Database) * Note - This is not a complete list of missing persons in US National Parks and wilderness areas. Instead, it goes into the National Missing Persons Registry, at least in the U.S. It is in full color and is 24 inches tall x 38 inches wide. This is an unofficial, independant subreddit with no ties to CanAm Missing Project. That feeling of being watched intensified so much when I left the tent, I was afraid someone was going to grab me as soon as I walked out. They spent the day digging around for the rocks, and they had sort of a system wherein McSherry would drop Dametz off at a spot and then go off on his own nearby, after which he would pick the Dr. up and they would move onto a new location. In the case Elisa Lams death, around the time of her death, NIH was using a test called LAM-ELISA in the area to deal with a tuberculosis outbreak. The truth is, we could continue to examine and recall each one of the remaining cases and there are literally hundreds but aside from patterns that emerge (and will continue to do so) we are still no closer as a collective to discovering just what is causing these disappearances, and how we can protect ourselves from suffering a similar fate. There is some possibility, given the erratic and illogical behavior of some of the people who testified to what happened to them, that either a mental breakdown, or some sort of suggestion, hypnosis, or mind control technology are to blame. McSherry called out to Dametz and received no reply, and it was all very odd as his knees were so bad it would have been impossible for him to get very far so fast on his own. This is also one of the profile points that may simply cause people not to be found, at all or in time to save the person, reversing the causality. A good enough guess should allow you to try to force and maximize the coincidence by removing all normal ways of the expected manipulation happening naturally. Taken all together, as I will try to explain shortly, no single normal or paranormal hypothesis explains all of the cases, meaning that either multiple are at play, or a one so crazy that no one, including Dave, has even been able to conceive of it yet. These four instances exemplify the strange anomaly within Missing 411 cases of particular hotspots. A runner and former Marine knew the Red Rock Canyon Calico Basin area well when he went missing in late January. It only has to be cross-checked carefully with cases where paradoxical undressing could have realistically taken place. Over four decades later, on 26th October 1973 near Tacoma Washington, 2-year-old Jimmy Duffy would disappear in remarkably similar circumstances. Moreover, if you could pull this off, you would want to use this technique to help someone or manipulate them without it being traceable back to you, or without it being scientifically provable that it was a communication at all. On the other hand, cities dont appear to be safe either, so Look, squirrel! Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere near it. Or Spock. When the group discovered the sheepherders flashlight around 250 yards from the campsite, it sent a dark tone around their collective outlook. The book series is important work and is worth examining, because it involves vanishings and disappearances that happen with surprising frequency deep inside national parks and wildernesses. Best format would be an interactive table online, where all types of data could be filtered and sorted with immediate visualization. Errors can be corrected. And the circumstances surrounding her sudden discovery were almost stranger than those around which she vanished. Upon filing a Freedom of Information request to access the original Arras case file he was denied and contacted directly by a Special Agent from the National Park. Free shipping. Like the Missing 411 cases. Theorists also propose that a serial killer or occult sect that hunts humans may be on the prowl. If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. While it is pure speculation, might some of those vanishings of entire groups of people, sometimes entire settlements, have a connection to the equally perplexing disappearances that have permeated the history of the United States since the records of the settlers began and most likely for many years before. If there already was a history of people getting lost or being found dead hundreds of years ago, maybe there always were hunting grounds of local predators, maybe there always was a settlement of local wild men, or maybe something about the natural environment itself was always potentially deadly to visitors. It remains a mystery. Dec 1, 2018 - North America Bigfoot Search is the only organization in the world with full time professional researchers that respond and investigate Bigfoot sightings and incidents. **This map is covered by our copyright and cannot be replicated, placed online or in anyway copied. This was the case for the Stacey Arras case and Ronald Kirk. Privacy Policy. Which brings me to some practical reasons why you would undress a person that you have kidnapped. In other words, he wasn't some spry young devil who could just run off at a moment's notice. Anthony E. Davis read more The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. interest. Mental illness or voluntary disappearance does not appear to be the cause. Lets approach this like a normal social scientist would approach reviewing a students thesis. A Net Inceptions project. A search was mounted, but it seemed as if hed dropped off the face of the earth. There are 60 Clusters of missing people identified and each name is readable. Missing 411 cluster map; Missing 411 cluster map. We will start with several truly bizarre cases from the Michigan Triangle area, and more specifically, that of Joe Clewley who would vanish as recently as the summer of 2008. This is an updated version of our first cluster map, Updated 9/1/2018, 2020 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) LLC. Missing people in the USA or across the world are an unfortunate but regular occurrence. How can we prove otherwise? A map showing the disappearances in the United States. 6 people could hide behind that thing and not be noticed. Ultimately, only an answer could quell the publics curiosity and give the relatives and friends of the victims the closure they so surely deserve. In the world of mysterious vanishings of people who have disappeared without a trace there is perhaps no more widely known set of tomes than The Missing 411 series of books, by retired law enforcement officer and dogged researcher of missing persons David Paulides. The other type of accounts shared by children indicates the existence of facilities. Who knows, maybe thats why the urban disappearances now tend to be targeted at young, physically and mentally fit people. It would suddenly charge toward the witness before itself vanishing into thin air when it was but several feet away. And whats more, our inability to decipher and understand these strange occurrences are costing people their lives. These could have involved a more invasive examination or procedure focused on the brain, and while they fortunately seem rare, especially to the extreme of cow mutilations, there are such cases. The next morning, I noticed that, between two huge trees about 30 yards up the hill from our tent, was four or five HUGE dead trees stacked on top of each other, like someone had made a wall of dead trees and was using the two live trees to keep them from falling or rolling down the hill. The Upper Michigan peninsula is a site filled with missing people. Jennifer Powers read more If that could be scaled up or turned into a realiable technology, then who knows, maybe it could be possible to cause coincidences, or they could be a side effect of some type of probability-based technology being used. Or there at least isnt enough evidence for any of these. Maybe these just-off-trail clusters are habitats for our UNKNOWN CULPRIT. Several researchers have spoken of their belief of such programs existing. [1] [2] Early life and career A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. Here I have to give credit to Seriah Azkath and the Snake Brothers, who pointed out the likely direction of causality regarding this profile point on a recent Where Did the Road Go show. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The term 411 actually has its origins in an inconspicuous computer term that refers to data that cannot be found or a corrupted link. What is going on here? If you couple it with the fact that dogs fail (or refuse) to track the victims in most of these cases, theres some slight amusing possibility that I personally like to call dogspiracy. Whatever the case may be, people continue to go missing in the wilds, sometimes under very peculiar circumstances, and for as long as this goes on we will search for answers. An isolated concurrence so unlikely that its suspicious by itself. Missing 411 Map Missing 411 cluster map. There definitely seems to be a correlation. Also, in case you make a mistake and blow your cover, humans will be far less likely to torch a natural treasure to get you. Interesting history topics are just a click away. Many serious paranormal investigators note the importance of the strange coincidence angle. One tracker would even state that this mystery person, whoever it was, ran away upon seeing them. Better yet, there are a few cases in which the body was reported to be completely frozen, in a non-freezing environment. But its true that on the other, more paranoid hand, if the storms are somehow being caused (or foreseen and taken advantage of) to thwart searches, them succeeding in thwarting searches is not a disqualifying factor. However, the understanding that there is such a connection between naming conventions and occurrence of a particular type of disappearance could be used as a lead to determine which places to investigate, either with priority, more thoroughly, or further back into the past. Thats how learning works. Content that is not related to Missing 411 will be removed. There could also be competing goods, but lets table that for now. Beyond the basic scientific considerations, its important to understand that we may be doing research here against an intelligent adversary, which complicates things. Both were also adept, outdoor people. Any government can do that already. In 1981, he was mostly known for his fire and brimstone religious rhetoric and his many writings of how he believed the literal Antichrist was going to appear in our lifetime, but he was soon to become even more well-known for his odd disappearance. Here we will look at such cases, of people who were simply there one minute and gone the next, going off into who knows where and into the realm of truly great mysteries. As the hunter looked out on White Bear Lake he could see the unmistakable sight of a small body floating on the water. Similarly, some traits like high intelligence, excellent physical condition, or relevant expertise and preparation are inherently suspicious, even if they happen in statistically insignificant numbers. Remember that this is a discussion sub for David Paulides's phenomenon, Missing 411. I would just say that if the two samples have very similar distributions of the times at which people disappear, its likely that theres nothing to it other than people get lost at the times at which they tend to be on a hike. While they waited for them to arrive, Florence would state that she had eaten wild grapes, tomatoes, and lots of sheep sorrel. Two years ago, I was camping with my dad at a super remote spot at Allegheny Reservoir (could only get there by boat or hiking several miles), and I think I experienced infrasound in the middle of the night. It is rather strange because he was only 2-years old and it is not thought he could have gotten very far through the rough terrain on his own, yet DeOrr Jr. has never been found. What makes this recent case especially strange is the way searchers covered the area multiple times before they found the body. My critical point of view is that this is a nice sentiment, and youd want to have searchers with this attitude looking for you, but there is a number of conceivable conventional scenarios in which it would be very possible that the person would be exceedingly difficult to find or unlikely to be found. It is also not a general missing persons sub or a general paranormal sub. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. Sometimes, high amounts of alcohol or GHB were found in the blood of the deceased, but without any clear idea how they were ingested. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Not only that, the details of her death, especially how she was found dead in a water tank on the roof of a hotel, mirrored the plot of a Japanese horror movie called Dark Water from 2002, remade in 2005 (Elisa died in 2013). Picture 1 of 3. Using information gathered by archaeological investigations, many carried out since 1980, Jerald Milanich describes the indigenous cultures and explains why they developed as they did. Here we see within these few square miles a startling concentration of lost people. He would never see his son again. Not many things need to be the same for all or most unexplained cases, and they will be objective facts. If you simulate a physical world and you want to interfere with it without rewriting natural laws all the time, you use any fuzziness or ambiguity within them, like chaotic probability, to essentially cheat. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Esse o seu primeiro post. Which is most definitely not the case, but its just crazy, yet logical enough to be worth mentioning to showcase how not normal the available data is. This is one of the profile points that may have a completely mundane explanation, which could be proven. The search went on all night, and when morning came they finally located Parkins alive, lying face down on a frozen pond around 8 miles through rough wilderness from where he had gone missing. One of the Strangest Mysteries in the History of NASA: Conspiracy or Complete Garbage? Authorities justified the delay in the discovery of his remains as an optical anomaly. Not to sound too alien-abductiony, but some type of medical examination or procedure would make the most sense. On the other hand, there are some data points that indicate that theres something unusual going on during the disappearances with the dogs. Similarly, as I have heard someone theorize, you may want to remove their shoes first so that they cant run away from you very easily, or maybe youd steal their clothing so that they more quickly succumb to the elements if they somehow ran away from wherever youre holding them thats presumably some kind of shelter, base, or vehicle.
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