Is there not a famine of the word in the land now? I had a vision as I was driving in my car and praying about this teaching. Solomons Mantle is a very rare thing in the body of Christ. Who knows? Yahweh is prophesying what He already sees in the future. Saved or unsaved. So you would be able to have different aspects of your calling for each separate piece. I would implore you to read the entire life of Joseph (Genesis 37 50), and you will be able to pick up all the points that I am making in this post. Type YOUR prayer requests in chat now. If you read the entire story from start to finish it is hard not to see it. Its been quite a journey of deliverance on a lot of strongholds and a lot of lessons and its been humbling as well. The Holy Spirit, the gifts, and my interest in how church leaders rallied behind _________ even thought I knew he was a liar from day one. However, he valued his masters trust, his purity, and the call of Godand so Joseph ran. May you all be blessed abundantly in the Mighty Name of Our Risen King Jesus. That is worthless to His purposes upon the earth. And somehow he delivered me and gave me a gift. In my dream, he said, I was standing on the bank of the Nile River, 18and I saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. I didnt even know it was there until it was pointed out to me. You can have Joseph's Mantle and Solomon's Anointing at times, you need to read about the difference between Mantles and Anointing to understand these are not the same thing. He was giving her that mantle. We should have both. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Once we forget our purpose and assignments and begin to wonder off the path from God and into disobedience, God will lift His hand off us and we end up fighting for our lives again. The people with the Solomon and Joseph anointing are generally broke! Heres the part where we usually get tripped up, Joseph got sold when he was 17 , he spent 11 years in Potiphars house as a servant and then 2+ years in prison. God's promise is that, as His divine children, we will be like the glorified Jesus Christ! I came across this site by accident or rather by divine direction. Warfare starts again. And the Lord made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden. You know, there are many singers in our churches but not many anointed singers. Moving on from this, remember it is the quality of your work and your character that gives you the promotion. No, they promote you because you are good at your job. It is a mantle for a season that the world and the church must go through. She keeps trying to push it away but it keeps coming back. I hope that makes sense. I believe this gets fought by the enemy so badly that to make it to maturity with this you have to truly consecrated and sold out for Jesus. People were attracted to David and surrounded him with support because of the kingly anointing. 30But afterward there will be seven years of famine so great that all the prosperity will be forgotten in Egypt. Thank you for posting. A false jackal was fraudulently placed in the seat. Please can you direct me where to find part1 and part2 to this topic? Your email address will not be published. . There are various types of anointings, and we need to find out what God reveals to us about our individual anointing. They are very focused because they know what they want. Good day Man, this HAS been tough, this road. The problem is they were doing this at the expense of the people. (1 Samuel 16), Who anointed Elisha? Thank you for molding me into your image and for using me to glorify You in all the earth, in Jesus name, Amen. When everyone else is looking disheveled because they think no one can see them because they work in a back office, the Josephs are going to be better dressed than everyone else. He was operating under instructions. Now, I can tell you that she doesnt have the greatest voice and she is well aware of that. The coat of many colors his father gave him indicated favor, as well as his position as overseer to his brothers. You cant short change the process. 2. When God took Elijah, Elisha took his own cloakthe one he had worn as a servantand tore it in two. Please can I get the name and song of the artist that sang deliverance at the day of that concert. So, Joseph had to go through the fire and be purified until God could manifest Himself through him in His FULLNESS. You can see that he was sorry that he wasted so much time. Generally, no one can explain how they got the position but everyone will agree they deserve it. I just want to say thank you this made it more clear to me. 23The warden had no more worries, because Joseph took care of everything. But I dont like how Christians needs private jets and sell stuff on TV like its our seed money. Do not be discouraged if you have a spirit of jealousy while you still believe you have the Joseph anointing. He replied saying to me that I am Joseph and that was all. In Other Words . Again it is one that has authority. They are generally well groomed individuals. It is interesting that Joseph never went around advertising that he can interpret dream. Elijahs mantle was more than the regular cloak that he wore. The people then revolted and the kingdom became divided. All the colors are a manifestation of the Light. One day as I am walking in she goes Oh brother! Try it and let me know if it felt the same to you. But Father God is seeing the big picture, from Heavens perspective. The Spirit of Might was in his delivery. Some get one or two mantles with even more power or resemblance and some will get the mantle of one prophet and will be used by The Holy Spirit as vessels to manifest great anointing and power. 7 Ways to Prepare for Your Prophetic Calling, How to Make the Most of Your Mantle from God, Helen CalderEnliven Blog Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries Prophetic ministry for a revival generation. Your explanations have been quite clear and enlightening. Its wonderful and Id love to have it, but I dont want to go thru what you are to get it. I couldnt understand that until you said that. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Welcome to our Encounter Conference!This morning is going to be filled with glory and power!Make sure to share this broadcast!Chapters:00:00 What happens whe. It means the one who provides sustenance of the land or the one who furnishes nourishment for life. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Prophetic Word May 2020 Iyyar Second Chances, Prophetic Word No Weapons Forged Against You Shall Prosper, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, find out what God has written in your scrolls about you, Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. For a long season, Elisha was a servant to Elijah. The CALEB ANOINTING, Mantle, that destroys the demon yokes- Strength and Appetite and MANTLE for Spiritual Warfare! Thank you for being obedient to the spirit of God.. A complete manifestation of the Spirit of God. Lol. The contrast I desired to draw with my post was this: there is a difference between being anointed for a moment and being anointed to occupy an office or position, spiritually speaking. One of the people God told Elijah to anoint was Jehu to be king in Israel: (1 Kings 19:16 NLT) Then anoint Jehu grandson of Nimshi to be king of Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from the. May you know the fulness of joy in His Presence at this time and ongoing. His name is Donnie McClurkin. of the high priest of Israel 4Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Romans 5:3-5 New Living Translation (NLT). He only said it because they needed it, We do not need to advertise ourselves in the marketplace. Do you know how many wars David fought through his entire lifetime? Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). I believe this is a picture of his 2nd mantle which was a promotion from the first mantle which his brothers took. Thats why you are reading this. Samuel's Mantle . 1. People were delivered from so many demons that night. Ms. Megan Doctor, 7 th Episcopal District. You dont sit under the producer because that is not where you are now. Show me where to go so I can learn how to serve. God will do it for them. I even reread the story about Joseph in the Bible. That role, that job, that ministry opportunitywhy was it taken from me? I had already read the story several times in the Bible during past years but I never related that story to my own life. Im saying all this to let you know, dont complain about your warfare or your trials. And, yes you can have a mantle that encompasses many different things. He needed to stop defending himself and allow the Lord to do it. How do they function? Not against you but in you. Imagine that you are sitting there watching this conversation. David was a man of war. Ive lived everywhere from Samoa, Tucson, Cali, Tenn, and now Hawaii. The top portion of this is very practical because this is primarily for people in the marketplace so I am going to speak from that perspective and then talk about the spiritual components later. Understand that God is using it to shape and mold you so that when you step into your assignment you are not only equipped to receive it but you can also maintain it. So here are these 2 men and they have dreams which they need interpreted. [1] Read the full story of Josephs mantle in Genesis chapters 37 to 41 and Elishas mantle in 1 Kings 19 to 2 Kings 2. Be strong, and do the work.. It represented his appointment as a Prophet of God. There are many people with a kingly anointing that may not have Solomons mantle. Mantles and Anointings have a progression. So here you have it, the physical manifestation of the anointing and mantle on his life, which is proof that while they may have stolen the physical mantle, spiritually nothing changed! This is a part of the mantle. Position yourself. I texted him back telling him some nonsense about dis-ease, but he didnt reply back. God uses those in oversight and authority to recognize and establish us in that calling at the right time. That some are born into Wealth without any labour. 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Hmmmm. I also think that they thought I was crazy until things I warmed them about- happened while I was safe on a beautiful island with rainbows everyday while the mainland was hit with riots, drama, and now- hate from old men in politics, evangelicals, and too many fake prophets like that ________ guy that wrote a silly book about a Harbinger. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised Edition. By Heather Clark Christian News Network. The enemy is always going to attack you will the very thing you have as your anointing. So now he goes and he builds out and restores those places. THE PROPHETS MANTLE is blended with pure essential oils. Thereby making Solomons job in building, very easy. of the patriarchs as anointed kings. Their parents did that for them. There was no turning back. Pray, Hear, and Obey this is the Christian way. Later, Joseph became a trusted slave, promoted and given charge over all his master Potiphars estate. The next Hebrew word for mantle is meil, frequently applied to the robe of the ephod ( Exodus 28:4 Exodus 28:31 ; Leviticus 8:7 ), which was a splendid under tunic wholly of blue, reaching to below the knees. 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