Beechs lies ruined peoples lives. Subscribe to get a new episode every Frida And he wasnt above a bit of old-fashioned union-bashing; during a 2007 tube strike, he suggested that Londoners retaliate by boycotting the leader of the RMT: If Bob Crow turns up at your shop, pub, cafe or minicab firm, dont serve him.. I have lately become suspicious of phone-ins, as I think activists have woken up to their potential, like a form of entryism, and have just now started wondering about all those emails MPs are said to be receiving. Talkradio continues to be the home of popular opinion, delivering another round of record numbers. People like JOB claim to speak up for the common man, the oppressed, the poor, but understands them so little it makes him seem even more like a metropolitan elitist snob than he already is. But enormous investment in presenters and marketing has helped transform the outlet into a. Talk Radios Insulate Britain gotcha was a magnificent self-own, 2023 The Poke. This is a catch-up version of James O'Brien's live, daily show on LBC Radio. Yes the virtue signalling is a disease in that population. Update: Q2 2022 RAJAR figures show growth at Talkradio and GB News. To join the conversation call: 0345 60 60 973. Jobby did a comical handbrake turn and started being polite. Brian brings the discussion around to talk about the three business beliefs that can make or break your business. Among his rivals, the most convincing for a while was, ironically, Nigel Farage, who had his own show on LBC for three years and who proved like George Galloway on TalkSport to be genuinely interested in having an argument with dissenting callers. To join the conversation call: 0345 60 60 973 Published 02/28/23 James O'Brien - The Whole Show Published 02/28/23 Our country fell for an almighty con This is a catch-up version of James O'Brien's live, daily show on LBC Radio. Its also why LBC has with the exceptions of Eddie Mair and Shelagh Fogarty not poached presenters from the BBC. Official RAJAR listener figures, released on Thursday, reveal that Ferrari now reached 1.295 million listeners in the 7am-10am slot. These are revealing interviews with people who rarely give in-depth interviews, be it from politics, entertainment or news. Born in Stoke on Trent to an English mother, Wang moved to Malaysia where his father is from one week after being born. She called for a, to the problem of terrorism, while he spoke against the Covid vaccine and railed against the, network of fascists who seek a New World Order. Most common is a shrugging, brow-furrowed resignation about the state of the nation. Its the BBC 90s all over again. WC2H 7LA 020 7766 6000 Windsor Framework released as update to Northern Ireland Protocol 10:36 1-Mar-23. To accomplish this he carefully curates his callers, to make sure they are either articulate sycophants to sing his praises, or inarticulate people who he easily trips up, and humiliates. The more I hear commercial radio the more repellent I find it, the comedian Kenneth Williams noted in his diary, back in 1973, the year LBC became Britains first legally approved independent radio station. Only people who agree with him are allowed to be heard. The Ukip leader had, remarked that hed be concerned if a group of Romanian men moved in next door, and OBrien demanded an explanation. Perhaps theyve stopped calling in now. James O'Brien - The Whole Show episodes: 03.01.2023 The conmen now want your sympathy This is a catch-up version of James O'Brien's live, daily show on LBC Radio. Oh ! RECORD-BREAKING 1.1m WEEKLY LISTENERS, LBC BREAKFAST WITH NICK FERRARI ACHIEVES A RECORD 1.4m WEEKLY LISTENERS, GLOBAL HAS THE #1 & #2COMMERCIAL STATIONS IN LONDON Thats whats destroyed it. terms of use The station has in the past been criticised for "shock jockey" tactics. Personally, Im a little saddened by this development, because I. want the old-fashioned version. Sammy Wilson critical of Stormont brake warning DUP Windsor Framework decision will be 'as long as it takes' The Irish News 09:57 1-Mar-23. He is not a serious political commentator rather an entertainer. His sole object was a juvenile need to be right, the route to this self satisfaction involved studied and precise rudeness (abuse) so effective that, as the author says, the show became an echo chamber.The latest manifestation of OBriens desperate need to have this diet of agreement, is a full interview with John Bercow. The din created by the half-baked talking to the half-educated is horrible.. OBrien was like the clever bullying 6th former but with a seriously nasty streak. Exactly. to be onside, given some of its previous headlines: Our crime wave is good news for Romania, Beasts from the East, Capital hit by 28,000 Romanian criminals. privacy his offensive comments made on his show claiming 'Those who support the likes of Donald Trump, Viktor Orbn and Marine Le Pen have switched sides and have joined forces with Nazis and have no right to wear the poppy' his comments should be retracted and he Listen to James O'Brien's phone-in show, which will make you think - and possibly change your outlook on the big stories. Why did LBC get rid of Maajid Nawaz and keep James OBrien? We are where we are thats his world-weary catchphrase. OBrien has a touch of angry gamer about him. 4pm - 7pm. Its no wonder our political culture is so pathetic. LBC - listening figures How many people listen to LBC? James OBrien is a cretinous oaf and hypocritical leftbot. This requires a different attitude, which is why OBrien never really made the grade when presenting Newsnight. His political analysis is broad-brush, to put it politely. The UK and those receptive to a view that isnt drive by The Telegraph and Mail welcome his critical thinking. Unless your life was horribly affected by Beechs fantasies, this is mostly good knockabout fun. I ask you, Eamonn Holmes and Anne Diamond. SANTA CRUZ, St Elizabeth Fresh from her record-breaking double at last weekend's County of Cornwall Athletics Association Western Championships at the St Elizabeth Technical Sports Complex, Petersfield High's Alexis James is hoping to carry her form into next month's Inter-secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) GraceKennedy Boys' and Girls' Athletics The more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger shtick is unintentionally hilarious. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). His anger can lead him into strange territory: critics of the Leveson Report get dismissed as people bleating about how the government shouldnt control the press. Emily Sheffield LBC has decided that the requirement for balance in broadcasting can be made right across the schedule, rather than within any one show, so that each presenter is allowed, indeed encouraged, to be one-sided. I would say categorically JOB is the epitome of everything wrong with the Country. James O'Brien is divisive, patronising, bullying and repetitive. Absolutely, Paddy, Keir Starmers promotion of the doctrine of believe every allegation has traumatised hundreds of mainly men, with allegations likely to be permanently kept on file when even after investigation its clear they were fabricated. Im immensely proud that so much of that increased listening is driven by the great work of our teams in growing Globals brands. If you like talk radio, then Ferrari followed immediately by Mike Graham is the way to go. ", READ more: Anger after Tory MP uses own staffer to show it's possible to live off 30k, go on holiday and not use food banks. Nick Ferrari and James O'Brien reach 1.4 million and 1.3 million weekly listeners respectively. collects facts that confirm his world view. Its the result, perhaps, of having been on the losing side of every national vote since his run-in with Frank Lampard, and because its not possible to sustain three hours of anger every day. I know what you mean when you point out the interesting idea that radio shows are going the same way as online echo-chambers; I only had to listen to one show by OBrien to realise how thoroughly opinionated, partisan and given to repetition he was, so that if I chance upon him again, I switch off as quickly as I can. Remember that? JOB gives us challenge, curiosity and a useful check on a right wing biased press. I agree with Kenneth Williams, cant bear talk, never listen, but maybe Im just a snob! If JOB genuinely reported on that and showed the outrage it should always have had in the MSM but somehow never does except in The Sun and The Daily Mail (dismissed as racist of course even though it is the TRUTH), I would maybe give him some credit but he wont. Award-winning LBC presenter and best-selling author James OBrien hosts a series of compelling conversations with fascinating people. James O'Brien ridiculed the fury surrounding Sue Gray becoming Keir Starmer's chief of staff as he compiled a damning list of Covid rule breaches by the Tories. Listen to the episode to hear Chris and Brian discuss the ways that you can nurture or kill your business. He gets the best from his guests. Instead of it just being the callers who are opinionated, partisan and given to repetition as always on a phone-in the host now adopts the same approach. But the pandemic has changed the way we listen to radio. So although hes the best at it, OBriens not the only one on this tack. He weaselled and deflected never once mentioning the many people whose lives were ruined by the utterly far-fetched fantasy accusations that he had so enthusiastically promulgated. I keep trying the O Brien show because my friends like it, I dont and want to check Ive got it right. There is no room for any changes to be made to the new Brexit deal, No 10 has indicated following the announcement of the "historic" agreement. For the first time, OBriens listenership has overtaken Ferraris. In 2004, OBriens cover on Easter Monday was James Hewitt, famous for having committed adultery with Princess Diana; fifteen years later, it was Labour MP Jess Phillips. . No. Its audience tuned in for an average of 6.3 hours a week each, ahead of Times Radio (5.2hrs) but behind talkRADIO (8.8hrs) and LBC (9hrs). NOW REACHES MORE THAN 1 MILLION LISTENERSIN LONDON ALONE, GLOBAL HAS THE #1 & #2COMMERCIAL BREAKFAST SHOWS IN LONDONFOR REACH, HOURS AND SHARE, LBCs NICK FERRARI AT BREAKFAST We let you join the conversation and hold politicians to account. The vast silent majority would not bother to ring in. He often comes across as sanctimonious, superior and smug, of course, but thats part of the schtick, integral to his appeal. Use the Global Player app to listen to live radio for LBC & LBC News. Its a form of whataboutery that sits on the fence we seldom learn if the response to Xs comments is correct; only that itd be different if Y had said that but it does provide an opportunity to attack the newspapers. Indeed I suspect Graham would routinely skewer the lightweight OBrien. Was it? Sorry, but that is indefensible. Its the result, perhaps, of having been on the losing side of every national vote since his run-in with Frank Lampard, and because its not possible to sustain three hours of anger every day. It couldnt possibly have been Labour ?? For almost two decades, the biggest show on LBC has been Nick Ferrari at breakfast, followed in the schedule by James OBrien, the latter playing, according to Miranda Sawyer in The Observer, Alan Partridge to Ferraris Chris Morris. "She is single & earns less than 30k, rents a room for 775pcm in Central London has student debt, 120 a month on travelling to work saves money every month, goes on foreign holidays & does not need to use a food bank.". He nearly did with Frank Lampard. Most notoriously, he indulged the patently absurd lies told by Carl Nick Beech about VIP paedophile-rings, a conspiracy theory that hurt actual people. Others have fallen by the wayside. . 28/02/2023 22:47. Ive been addicted to the phone-in for forty years, ever since I first heard the magnificently irascible Brian Hayes in what is now OBriens slot. He doesnt know what hes missing. And consequently he embodies many of the flaws found on social media. OBrien has an animus against the Sun, the Daily Telegraph and, particularly, the Daily Mail though he is quieter about the Express, where he once edited the papers gossip column.